File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / homework /
Revision 1.34: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jul 1 21:20:29 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by ng
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Reorganized front menu for
Allow viewing by section or all and those who has submitted or everybody.

# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# The LON-CAPA Grading handler
# $Id:,v 1.34 2002/07/01 21:20:29 ng Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
# 2/9,2/13 Guy Albertelli
# 6/8 Gerd Kortemeyer
# 7/26 H.K. Ng
# 8/20 Gerd Kortemeyer
# Year 2002
# June 2002 H.K. Ng

package Apache::grades;
use strict;
use Apache::style;
use Apache::lonxml;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::lonhomework;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub moreinfo {
  my ($request,$reason) = @_;
  $request->print("Unable to process request: $reason");
  if ( $Apache::grades::viewgrades eq 'F' ) {
    $request->print('<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n");
    if ($ENV{'form.url'}) {
      $request->print('<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$ENV{'form.url'}.'" />'."\n");
    if ($ENV{'form.symb'}) {
      $request->print('<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$ENV{'form.symb'}.'" />'."\n");
    $request->print('<input type="hidden" name="command" value="'.$ENV{'form.command'}.'" />'."\n");
    $request->print("Student:".'<input type="text" name="student" value="'.$ENV{'form.student'}.'" />'."<br />\n");
    $request->print("Domain:".'<input type="text" name="domain" value="'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'" />'."<br />\n");
    $request->print('<input type="submit" name="submit" value="ReSubmit" />'."<br />\n");
  return '';

sub verifyreceipt {
    my $request=shift;
    my $courseid=$ENV{''};
#    my $cdom=$ENV{"course.$courseid.domain"};
#    my $cnum=$ENV{"course.$courseid.num"};
    my $receipt=unpack("%32C*",$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'}).'-'.
    my $symb=$ENV{'form.symb'};
    unless ($symb) {
    if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$courseid)) && ($symb)) {
        $request->print('<h1>Verifying Submission Receipt '.$receipt.'</h1>');
        my $matches=0;
        my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0');
        foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) {
            my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$student);
            if ($receipt eq 
             &Apache::lonnet::ireceipt($uname,$udom,$courseid,$symb)) {
               $request->print('Matching '.$student.'<br>');
        $request->printf('<p>'.$matches." match%s</p>",$matches <= 1 ? '' : 'es');
# needs to print who is matched
    return '';

sub student_gradeStatus {
  my ($url,$udom,$uname) = @_;
  my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url)));
  my %record= &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$ENV{''},$udom,$uname);
  foreach my $part (&getpartlist($url)) {
    my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
    if ($type eq 'solved') {
      my ($status,$foo)=split(/_/,$record{"resource.$part.$type"},2);
      $status = 'partial' if ($foo =~ /^partially/);
      $status = 'nothing' if ($status eq '');
      return $type,$status;
  return '';

sub get_fullname {
    my ($sname,$sdom) = @_;
    my %name=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment', ['lastname','generation',
    my $fullname;
    my ($tmp) = keys(%name);
    if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
	if ($fullname =~ /[^\s]+/) { $fullname.=', '; }
	$fullname.=$name{'firstname'}.' '.$name{'middlename'};
    return $fullname;

sub listStudents {
  my ($request) = shift;
  my $cdom      =$ENV{"course.$ENV{''}.domain"};
  my $cnum      =$ENV{"course.$ENV{''}.num"};
  my $getsec    =$ENV{'form.section'};
  my $submitonly=$ENV{'form.submitonly'};

<h2><font color="#339933">&nbsp;View Submissions for a Student or a Group of Students</font></h2>
&nbsp;<font size=+1><b>Resource:</b> $ENV{'form.url'}<br /><br />
<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">&nbsp;<b>View Options</b></font><br />
&nbsp;<b>View Problem: </b><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="no" checked> no 
<input type="radio" name="vProb" value="yes"> yes 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Submissions: </b><input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="last" checked> last 
<input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="all"> all 
<input type="hidden" name="section" value="$getsec">
<input type="hidden" name="submitonly" value="$submitonly">
<table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">
<table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff">
<td><b>&nbsp;Grade Status&nbsp;</b></td></tr>
  if ($ENV{'form.url'}) {
      $request->print('<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$ENV{'form.url'}.'" />'."\n");
  if ($ENV{'form.symb'}) {
      $request->print('<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$ENV{'form.symb'}.'" />'."\n");
  $request->print('<input type="hidden" name="command" value="processGroup" />'."\n");

  my ($classlist) = &getclasslist($getsec,'0');
  foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{$getsec} }) ) {
      my ($sname,$sdom) = split(/:/,$student);
      my ($type,$status) = &student_gradeStatus($ENV{'form.url'},$cdom,$sname);
      next if ($status eq 'nothing' && $submitonly eq 'yes');

      my $fullname = &get_fullname($sname,$sdom);
      if ( $Apache::grades::viewgrades eq 'F' ) {
	  $request->print("\n".'<tr bgcolor="#ffffe6">'.
			  '<td align="center"><input type=checkbox name="stuinfo" value="'.
			  '<td align="middle">&nbsp;'.$sdom.'&nbsp;</td>'."\n");
	  $request->print('<td align="middle">&nbsp;'.$status.'&nbsp;</td>'."\n");

  $request->print('<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View/Grade" /><form />');

sub processGroup {
  my ($request)  = shift;
  my $ctr        = 0;
  my @stuchecked = (ref($ENV{'form.stuinfo'}) ? @{$ENV{'form.stuinfo'}}
                           :  ($ENV{'form.stuinfo'}) );
  my $total      = scalar(@stuchecked)-1;
  foreach my $student (@stuchecked) {
      my ($sname,$sdom,$fullname) = split(/:/,$student);
      $ENV{'form.student'} = $sname;
      $ENV{'form.fullname'} = $fullname;

  return 'The End';

#FIXME - needs to handle multiple matches
sub finduser {
  my ($name) = @_;
  my $domain = '';

  if ( $Apache::grades::viewgrades eq 'F' ) {
    #get classlist
#    my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''});
    #print "Found $cdom:$cnum<br />";
    my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0');
    foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) {
      my ($posname,$posdomain) = split(/:/,$student);
      if ($posname =~ $name) { $name=$posname; $domain=$posdomain; last; }
    return ($name,$domain);
  } else {
    return ($ENV{''},$ENV{'user.domain'});

sub getclasslist {
  my ($getsec,$hideexpired) = @_;
  my ($coursedomain,$coursenum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''});
  my %classlist=&Apache::lonnet::dump('classlist',$coursedomain,$coursenum);
  my $now = time;
  my (@holdsec,@sections);
  foreach my $student (keys(%classlist)) {
    my ($end,$start)=split(/:/,$classlist{$student});
    # still a student?
    if (($hideexpired) && ($end) && ($end < $now)) {
    my ($unam,$udom) = split(/:/,$student,2);
    my $section = &Apache::lonnet::usection($udom,$unam,$ENV{''});
    push @holdsec,$section;
    push (@{ $classlist{$getsec} }, $student) if ($getsec eq 'all' or $getsec == $section);
  my %seen = ();
  foreach my $item (@holdsec) {
      push (@sections, $item) unless $seen{$item}++;
  return (\%classlist,\@sections);

sub getpartlist {
  my ($url) = @_;
  my @parts =();
  my (@metakeys) = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'));
  foreach my $key (@metakeys) {
    if ( $key =~ m/stores_([0-9]+)_.*/) {
  return @parts;

sub viewstudentgrade {
  my ($url,$symb,$courseid,$student,@parts) = @_;
  my $result ='';
  my $cellclr = '"#ffffdd"';
  my ($username,$domain) = split(/:/,$student);

  my $fullname = &get_fullname($username,$domain);
  my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);

  $result.="<tr bgcolor=$cellclr><td>$username</td><td>$fullname</td><td align=\"middle\">$domain</td>\n";
  foreach my $part (@parts) {
    my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
    my $score=$record{"resource.$part.$type"};
    if ($type eq 'awarded' || $type eq 'tries') {
      $result.='<td align="middle"><input type="text" name="GRADE.'.$student.'.'.$part.'.'.$type.
	  '" value="'.$score.'" size="4" /></td>'."\n";
    } elsif ($type eq 'solved') {
      my ($status,$foo)=split(/_/,$score,2);
      $result.="<td align=\"middle\"><select name=\"GRADE.$student.$part.$type\">\n";
      my $optsel = '<option>correct</option><option>incorrect</option><option>excused</option>'.
      $status = 'nothing' if ($status eq '');
      $optsel =~ s/<option>$status/<option selected="on">$status/;
  return $result;

#FIXME need to look at the metadata <stores> spec on what type of data to accept and provide an
#interface based on that, also do that to above function.
sub setstudentgrade {
  my ($url,$symb,$courseid,$student,@parts) = @_;
  print "set student grade parts=@parts<br>";
  my $result ='';
  my ($stuname,$domain) = split(/:/,$student);
  my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$stuname);
  my %newrecord;

  foreach my $part (@parts) {
    my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
    my $oldscore=$record{"resource.$part.$type"};
    my $newscore=$ENV{"form.GRADE.$student.$part.$type"};
    print "old=$oldscore:new=$newscore:<br>";
    if ($type eq 'solved') {
      my $update=0;
      if ($newscore eq 'nothing' ) {
	if ($oldscore ne '') {
	  $newscore = '';
      } elsif ($oldscore !~ m/^$newscore/) {
	$result.="Updating $stuname to $newscore<br />\n";
	if ($newscore eq 'correct')   { $newscore = 'correct_by_override'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'incorrect') { $newscore = 'incorrect_by_override'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'excused')   { $newscore = 'excused'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'ungraded')  { $newscore = 'ungraded_attempted'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'partial')   { $newscore = 'correct_partially_by_override'; }
      } else {
	#$result.="$stuname:$part:$type:unchanged  $oldscore to $newscore:<br />\n";
      if ($update) { $newrecord{"resource.$part.$type"}=$newscore; }
    } else {
      if ($oldscore ne $newscore) {
	$result.="Updating $student"."'s status for $part.$type to $newscore<br />\n";
      } else {
	#$result.="$stuname:$part:$type:unchanged  $oldscore to $newscore:<br />\n";
  if ( scalar(keys(%newrecord)) > 0 ) {
    print "grader=$newrecord{'resource.regrader'}:<br>records<br>";
    while (my ($k,$v) = each %newrecord) {
	print "k=$k:v=$v:<br>\n";
#    &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%newrecord,$symb,$courseid,$domain,$stuname);

    $result.="Stored away ".scalar(keys(%newrecord))." elements.<br />\n";
  return $result;

# --------------------------- show submissions of a student, option to grade --------
sub submission {
  my ($request,$counter,$total) = @_;

  if ($counter == 0) {
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
  function updateRadio(radioButton,formtextbox,formsel,wgt) {
     var pts = formtextbox.value;
     var resetbox =false;
     if (isNaN(pts) || pts < 0) {
	alert("A number equal or greater than 0 is expected. Entered value = "+pts);
	for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) {
	   if (radioButton[i].checked) {
	      formtextbox.value = i;
	      resetbox = true;
	if (!resetbox) {
	   formtextbox.value = "";

    for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) {
	if (pts == i) {

  function writeBox(formrad,formsel,pts,wgt) {
    formrad.value = pts;

  function updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt) {
    if (pts == 0) {
      formsel[1].selected = true;
    if (pts > 0 && pts < wgt) {
      formsel[4].selected = true;
    if (pts == wgt) {
      formsel[0].selected = true;

  (my $url=$ENV{'form.url'})=~s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--;
  if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '') { &moreinfo($request,"Need student login id"); return ''; }
  my ($uname,$udom) = &finduser($ENV{'form.student'});
  if ($uname eq '') { &moreinfo($request,"Unable to find student"); return ''; }

  my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url)));
  if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); return ''; }
  my $last = ($ENV{'form.lastSub'} eq 'last' ? 'last' : '');
# header info
  if ($counter == 0) {
      $request->print('<h2><font color="#339933">Submission Record</font></h2>');

# option to display problem, only once else it cause problems with the form later since the problem has a form.
  if ($ENV{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' && $counter == 0) {
      my $rendered=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_view($symb,$uname,$udom,
      my $companswer=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symb,$uname,$udom,
      my $result.='<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">';
      $result.='<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#e6ffff">';
      $result.='<b>Student\'s view of the problem</b></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">'.$rendered.'<br />';
      $result.='<b>Correct answer:</b><br />'.$companswer;
      $result.='</td></tr></table><br />';
# beginning of form
  if ($counter == 0) {
      $request->print('<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="SCORE">'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="vProb" value="'.$ENV{'form.vProb'}.'" />'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="lastSub" value="'.$last.'" />'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="section" value="'.$ENV{'form.section'}.'">'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="submitonly" value="'.$ENV{'form.submitonly'}.'">'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="command" value="handgrade" />'."\n".
		      '<input type="hidden" name="NCT"'.
		      ' value="'.($ENV{'form.NTSTU'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.NTSTU'} : '1').'" />'."\n");
# Student info
  $request->print(($counter == 0 ? '' : '<br /><hr><br />'));
  my $result.='<table border="0"><tr><td><b>Username: </b>'.$uname.
      '</td><td><b>Fullname: </b>'.
	  ($ENV{'form.fullname'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.fullname'} : &get_fullname($uname,$udom)).
	      '</td><td><b>Domain: </b>'.$udom.'</td></tr>';
  $result.='<tr><td colspan=3><b>Resource: </b>'.$url.'</td></tr></table>';
# print student answer
  my $answer=&Apache::loncommon::get_previous_attempt($symb,$uname,$udom,
  $answer =~ m/.*<\/tr><tr.*?<td>.*?<td>(.*?)<td>(.*?)<\/td>/;
  print "Submitted=$1:<br>$2;";
  my $wgt    = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.partid.weight',$symb,$udom,$uname);
  my $wgtmsg = ($wgt > 0 ? '(problem weight)' : '<font color="red">problem weight assigned by computer</font>');
  $wgt       = ($wgt > 0 ? $wgt : '1');
  my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$ENV{''},$udom,$uname);
  my $score  = ($record{'resource.0.awarded'} eq '' ? '' : $record{'resource.0.awarded'}*$wgt);

# display grading options
  $result='<input type="hidden" name="WGT'.$counter.'" value="'.$wgt.'" />'.
      '<input type="hidden" name="unamedom'.$counter.'" value="'.$uname.':'.$udom.'" />'."\n";
  $result.='<table border="0"><tr><td><b>Points</b></td><td>';
  my $ctr = 0;

  $result.='<table border="0"><tr>';  # display radio buttons in a nice table with 10 across
  while ($ctr<=$wgt) {
      $result.= '<td><input type="radio" name="RADVAL'.$counter.'" '.
	    ',this.form.GRADE_SEL'.$counter.','.$ctr.','.$wgt.')" '.
		($score eq $ctr ? 'checked':'').' /> '.$ctr."</td>\n";
      $result.=(($ctr+1)%10 == 0 ? '</tr><tr>' : '');

  $result.='<td><input type="text" name="GRADE_BOX'.$counter.'"'.
      ($score ne ''? ' value = "'.$score.'"':'').' size="4" '.
	   ',this.form.GRADE_SEL'.$counter.',\''.$wgt.'\')" /></td>'."\n";
  $result.='<td>/'.$wgt.' '.$wgtmsg.' </td><td>';

  foreach my $part (&getpartlist($url)) {
    my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
    if ($type eq 'solved') {
      my ($status,$foo)=split(/_/,$record{"resource.$part.$type"},2);
      $status = 'partial' if ($foo =~ /partially/);
      $status = 'nothing' if ($status eq '');
      $result.='<select name="GRADE_SEL'.$counter.'">'."\n";
      my $optsel = '<option>correct</option><option>incorrect</option>'.
      $optsel =~ s/<option>$status/<option selected="on">$status/;
# print end of form
  if ($counter == $total) {
      my $endform.='<table border="0"><tr><td><input type="submit" name="gradeOpt" value="Save & Next" />';
      my $ntstu ='<select name="NTSTU">'.
      my $nsel = ($ENV{'form.NTSTU'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.NTSTU'} : '1');
      $ntstu =~ s/<option>$nsel/<option selected="on">$nsel/;
      $endform.=$ntstu.'student(s) &nbsp;&nbsp;';
      $endform.='<input type="submit" name="gradeOpt" value="Next" />&nbsp';
      $endform.='<input type="submit" name="gradeOpt" value="Previous" />&nbsp';
      $endform.='(Next and Previous do not save the scores.)';
  return '';

sub processHandGrade {
  my ($request) = shift;
  my $url    = $ENV{'form.url'};
  my $symb   = $ENV{'form.symb'};
  my $button = $ENV{'form.gradeOpt'};
  my $ngrade = $ENV{'form.NCT'};
  my $ntstu  = $ENV{'form.NTSTU'};
#  my $vProb  = $ENV{'form.vProb'};
#  my $lastSub= $ENV{'form.lastSub'};

  my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($url));

  if ($button eq 'Save & Next') {
      my $ctr = 0;
      while ($ctr < $ENV{'form.NCT'}) {
#	  my $pts    = ($ENV{'form.GRADE_BOX'.$ctr} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.GRADE_BOX'.$ctr} : $ENV{'form.RADVAL'.$ctr});
#	  my $wgt    = $ENV{'form.WGT'.$ctr};
#	  my $sel    = $ENV{'form.GRADE_SEL'.$ctr};
#	  my $score  = $pts/$wgt if ($wgt != 0);
	  my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$ENV{'form.unamedom'.$ctr});
#	  &saveHandGrade($url,$symb,$uname,$udom,$score,@parts);
  my $firststu = $ENV{'form.unamedom0'};
  my $laststu  = $ENV{'form.unamedom'.($ngrade-1)};

  #get classlist
#  my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''});
  my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0');

  my (@nextlist,@prevlist);
  my ($nextflg,$prevflg,$ctr,$ctprev) = (0,0,0,0);
  foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) {
      my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$student);
      if ($nextflg == 1 && $button =~ /Next$/) {
	  push @nextlist,$uname if ($ctr < $ntstu);
      $nextflg = 1 if ($student eq $laststu);
      $prevflg = 1 if ($student eq $firststu);
      if ($prevflg == 0 && $button eq 'Previous') {
	  push @prevlist,$uname;
  if ($button eq 'Previous') {
      if ($ctprev <= $ntstu) {
	  @nextlist = @prevlist;
      } else {
	  my $idx = 0;
	  my $start = $ctprev - $ntstu;
	  while ($idx < $ntstu) {
	      $nextlist[$idx] = $prevlist[$start+$idx];
  $ctr = 0;
  my $total = scalar(@nextlist)-1;
  foreach my $student (@nextlist) {
      $ENV{'form.student'} = $student;

  return 'The End';

sub saveHandGrade {
  my ($url,$symb,$stuname,$domain,$newflg,@parts) = @_;
#  my ($stuname,$domain) = split(/:/,$student);
  my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$ENV{''},$domain,$stuname);
  my %newrecord;

  foreach my $part (@parts) {
    my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
    my $oldscore=$record{"resource.$part.$type"};
    my $newscore;
    if ($type eq 'awarded' && $newflg >= 0) {
	my $pts    = ($ENV{'form.GRADE_BOX'.$newflg} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.GRADE_BOX'.$newflg} : $ENV{'form.RADVAL'.$newflg});
	my $wgt    = $ENV{'form.WGT'.$newflg};
#	my $sel    = $ENV{'form.GRADE_SEL'.$newflg};
	$newscore  = $pts/$wgt if ($wgt != 0);
    if ($type eq 'solved') {
      $newscore = $ENV{'form.GRADE_SEL'.$newflg} if ($newflg >= 0);
      my $update=0;
      if ($newscore eq 'nothing' ) {
	if ($oldscore ne '') {
	  $newscore = '';
      } elsif ($oldscore !~ m/^$newscore/) {
	if ($newscore eq 'correct')   { $newscore = 'correct_by_override'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'incorrect') { $newscore = 'incorrect_by_override'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'excused')   { $newscore = 'excused'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'ungraded')  { $newscore = 'ungraded_attempted'; }
	if ($newscore eq 'partial')   { $newscore = 'correct_partially_by_override'; }
      if ($update) { $newrecord{"resource.$part.$type"}=$newscore; }
    } else {
      if ($oldscore ne $newscore) {
  if ( scalar(keys(%newrecord)) > 0 ) {
      while (my ($k,$v) = each %newrecord) {
	 print "k=$k:v=$v:<br>\n";
      print "symb=$symb,courseid=$ENV{''},dom=$domain,name=$stuname<br>";
#     &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%newrecord,$symb,$ENV{''},$domain,$stuname);
  return '';

sub get_symb_and_url {
  my ($request) = @_;
  (my $url=$ENV{'form.url'}) =~ s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--;
  my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url)));
  if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); return ''; }
  return ($symb,$url);

sub show_grading_menu_form {
  my ($symb,$url)=@_;
  my $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
    '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
      '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
	'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="gradingmenu" />'."\n".
	  '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Grading Menu" />'."\n".
  return $result;

sub gradingmenu {
  my ($request) = @_;
  my ($symb,$url)=&get_symb_and_url($request);
  if (!$symb) {return '';}

  my $result='<h2>&nbsp;<font color="#339933">Select a Grading Method</font></h2>';
  $result.='&nbsp;<font size=+1><b>Resource: </b>'.$url.'</font><br /><br />';

  $result.=&view_edit_entire_class_form($symb,$url).'<br />';
  $result.=&upcsvScores_form($symb,$url).'<br />';
  $result.=&viewGradeaStu_form($symb,$url).'<br />';
  return $result;

sub view_edit_entire_class_form {
  my ($symb,$url)=@_;
  my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n";
  $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<b>View/Grade Entire Class</b></td></tr>'."\n";
  $result.='<tr bgcolor=#ffffe6><td>'."\n";
  $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
    '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
      '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
	  '<input type="hidden" name="command" value="viewgrades" />'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<b>Display students who has: </b>'.
      '<input type="radio" name="submitonly" value="yes" checked> submitted'.
	  '<input type="radio" name="submitonly" value="all"> everybody <br /><br />';
  $result.='&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View/Grade" /></form>'."\n";
  return $result;

sub upcsvScores_form {
  my ($symb,$url) = @_;
  if (!$symb) {return '';}
  my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n";
  $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<b>Specify a file containing the class scores for above resource</b></td></tr>'."\n";
  $result.='<tr bgcolor=#ffffe6><td>'."\n";
  my $upfile_select=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_select_html();
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/adm/grades" name="gradesupload">
<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="$symb" />
<input type="hidden" name="url" value="$url" />
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="csvuploadmap" />
<br />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload Grades" />
  return $result;

sub viewGradeaStu_form {
  my ($symb,$url) = @_;
  my ($classlist,$sections) = &getclasslist('all','0');
  my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n";
  $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<b>View/Grade an Individual Student\'s Submission</b></td></tr>'."\n";
  $result.='<tr bgcolor=#ffffe6><td>'."\n";
  $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
     '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
      '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
	  '<input type="hidden" name="command" value="submission" />'."\n";

  $result.='&nbsp;<b>Select section:</b> <select name="section">'."\n";
  foreach my $section (sort (@$sections)) {
      $result.= '<option>'.$section.'</option>'."\n";
  $result.= '<option selected="on">all</select>'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Display students who has: </b>'.
      '<input type="radio" name="submitonly" value="yes" checked> submitted'.
	  '<input type="radio" name="submitonly" value="all"> everybody <br />';
  $result.='&nbsp;(Section -1 implies the students were not assigned a section.)<br />' if (grep /-1/,@$sections);

  $result.='<br />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View/Grade" />'."\n".
  return $result;

sub verifyReceipt_form {
  my ($symb,$url) = @_;
  my $cdom=$ENV{"course.$ENV{''}.domain"};
  my $cnum=$ENV{"course.$ENV{''}.num"};
  my $hostver=unpack("%32C*",$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'});

  my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n";
  $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#e6ffff>'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<b>Verify a Submission Receipt Issued by this Server</td></tr>'."\n";
  $result.='<tr bgcolor=#ffffe6><td>'."\n";
  $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<tt>'.$hostver.'-<input type="text" name="receipt" size="4"></tt><br />'."\n";
  $result.='&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Verify Receipt">'."\n";
  $result.='<input type="hidden" name="command" value="verify">'."\n";
  if ($ENV{'form.url'}) {
      $result.='<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$ENV{'form.url'}.'" />';
  if ($ENV{'form.symb'}) {
      $result.='<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$ENV{'form.symb'}.'" />';
  return $result;

sub viewgrades {
  my ($request) = @_;
  my $result='';

  #get resource reference
  my ($symb,$url)=&get_symb_and_url($request);
  if (!$symb) {return '';}
  #get classlist
  my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''});
  #print "Found $cdom:$cnum<br />";
  my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0');
  my $headerclr = '"#ccffff"';
  my $cellclr = '"#ffffcc"';

  #get list of parts for this problem
  my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($url));

  $request->print ("<h2><font color=\"#339933\">Manual Grading</font></h2>");

  #start the form
  $result = '<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
    '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
      '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
	'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="editgrades" />'."\n".
	  '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes" />'."\n".
	    '<table border=0><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'."\n".
	     '<table border=0>'."\n".
	      '<tr bgcolor='.$headerclr.'><td><b>Username</b></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Domain</b></td>'."\n";
  foreach my $part (@parts) {
     my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display');
     if  (!$display) { $display = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.name'); }
  #get info for each student
  foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) {
    my $display=&viewstudentgrade($url,$symb,$ENV{''},$student,@parts);
#      print "ID=$ENV{''}:STU=$student:DIS=$display:<br>\n";
  $result.='<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes" /></form>';
  return $result;

sub editgrades {
  my ($request) = @_;
  my $result='';

  my $symb=$ENV{'form.symb'};
  if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$symb:$ENV{'form.url'}"); return ''; }
  my $url=$ENV{'form.url'};
  #get classlist
#  my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''});
  #print "Found $cdom:$cnum<br />";
  my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0');

  #get list of parts for this problem
  my (@parts) = &getpartlist($url);

  $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
    '<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
      '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
	'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="viewgrades" />'."\n".
	  '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="See Grades" /> <br />'."\n";

  foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all   '} }) ) {

  $result.='<input type="submit" name="submit" value="See Grades" /></table></form>';
  return $result;

sub csvupload_javascript_reverse_associate {
  function verify(vf) {
    var foundsomething=0;
    var founduname=0;
    var founddomain=0;
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
      if (i==0 && tw!=0) { founduname=1; }
      if (i==1 && tw!=0) { founddomain=1; }
      if (i!=0 && i!=1 && tw!=0) { foundsomething=1; }
    if (founduname==0 || founddomain==0) {
      alert('You need to specify at both the username and domain');
    if (foundsomething==0) {
      alert('You need to specify at least one grading field');
  function flip(vf,tf) {
    var nw=eval('vf.f'+tf+'.selectedIndex');
    var i;
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
      //can not pick the same destination field for both name and domain
      if (((i ==0)||(i ==1)) && 
          ((tf==0)||(tf==1)) && 
          (i!=tf) &&
          (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==nw)) {

sub csvupload_javascript_forward_associate {
  function verify(vf) {
    var foundsomething=0;
    var founduname=0;
    var founddomain=0;
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
      if (tw==1) { founduname=1; }
      if (tw==2) { founddomain=1; }
      if (tw>2) { foundsomething=1; }
    if (founduname==0 || founddomain==0) {
      alert('You need to specify at both the username and domain');
    if (foundsomething==0) {
      alert('You need to specify at least one grading field');
  function flip(vf,tf) {
    var nw=eval('vf.f'+tf+'.selectedIndex');
    var i;
    //can not pick the same destination field twice
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
      if ((i!=tf) && (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==nw)) {

sub csvuploadmap_header {
  my ($request,$symb,$url,$datatoken,$distotal)= @_;
  my $result;
  my $javascript;
  if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
  } else {
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/adm/grades" name="gradesupload">
<h3>Uploading Class Grades for resource $url</h3>
<h3>Identify fields</h3>
Total number of records found in file: $distotal <hr />
Enter as many fields as you can. The system will inform you and bring you back
to this page if the data selected is insufficient to run your class.<hr />
<input type="button" value="Reverse Association" onClick="javascript:this.form.associate.value='Reverse Association';submit(this.form);" />
<input type="hidden" name="associate"  value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="phase"      value="three" />
<input type="hidden" name="datatoken"  value="$datatoken" />
<input type="hidden" name="fileupload" value="$ENV{'form.fileupload'}" />
<input type="hidden" name="upfiletype" value="$ENV{'form.upfiletype'}" />
<input type="hidden" name="upfile_associate" 
                                       value="$ENV{'form.upfile_associate'}" />
<input type="hidden" name="symb"       value="$symb" />
<input type="hidden" name="url"        value="$url" />
<input type="hidden" name="command"    value="csvuploadassign" />
<hr />
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
  return '';


sub csvupload_fields {
  my ($url) = @_;
  my (@parts) = &getpartlist($url);
  my @fields=(['username','Student Username'],['domain','Student Domain']);
  foreach my $part (sort(@parts)) {
    my @datum;
    my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display');
    my $name=$part;
    if  (!$display) { $display = $name; }
  return (@fields);

sub csvuploadmap_footer {
  my ($request,$i,$keyfields) =@_;
<input type="hidden" name="nfields" value="$i" />
<input type="hidden" name="keyfields" value="$keyfields" />
<input type="button" onClick="javascript:verify(this.form)" value="Assign Grades" /><br />

sub csvuploadmap {
  my ($request)= @_;
  my ($symb,$url)=&get_symb_and_url($request);
  if (!$symb) {return '';}
  my $datatoken;
  if (!$ENV{'form.datatoken'}) {
  } else {
  my @records=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
  my $i;
  my $keyfields;
  if (@records) {
    my @fields=&csvupload_fields($url);
    if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {	
      foreach (@fields) { $keyfields.=$_->[0].','; }
    } else {
      my %sone=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($records[0]);
  return '';

sub csvuploadassign {
  my ($request)= @_;
  my ($symb,$url)=&get_symb_and_url($request);
  if (!$symb) {return '';}
  my @gradedata=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
  my @keyfields = split(/\,/,$ENV{'form.keyfields'});
  my %fields=();
  for (my $i=0; $i<=$ENV{'form.nfields'}; $i++) {
    if ($ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
      if ($ENV{'form.f'.$i} ne 'none') {
    } else {
      if ($ENV{'form.f'.$i} ne 'none') {
  $request->print('<h3>Assigning Grades</h3>');
  my $courseid=$ENV{''};
#  my $cdom=$ENV{"course.$courseid.domain"};
#  my $cnum=$ENV{"course.$courseid.num"};
  my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','1');
  my @skipped;
  my $countdone=0;
  foreach my $grade (@gradedata) {
    my %entries=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($grade);
    my $username=$entries{$fields{'username'}};
    my $domain=$entries{$fields{'domain'}};
    if (!exists($$classlist{"$username:$domain"})) {
    my %grades;
    foreach my $dest (keys(%fields)) {
      if ($dest eq 'username' || $dest eq 'domain') { next; }
      if ($entries{$fields{$dest}} eq '') { next; }
      my $store_key=$dest;
  $request->print("<br />Stored $countdone students\n");
  if (@skipped) {
    $request->print('<br /><font size="+1"><b>Skipped Students</b></font><br />');
    foreach my $student (@skipped) { $request->print("<br />$student"); }
  return '';

sub send_header {
  my ($request)= @_;
#  $request->print("
  $request->print('<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">');

sub send_footer {
  my ($request)= @_;

sub handler {
  my $request=$_[0];

  if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) {
  } else {
  return OK if $request->header_only;
  my $url=$ENV{'form.url'};
  my $symb=$ENV{'form.symb'};
  my $command=$ENV{'form.command'};
  if (!$url) {
    my ($temp1,$temp2);
    $url = $ENV{'form.url'};
  if ($url eq '' && $symb eq '') {
     if ($ENV{'user.adv'}) {
         if (($ENV{'form.codeone'}) && ($ENV{'form.codetwo'}) &&
             ($ENV{'form.codethree'})) {
             my $token=$ENV{'form.codeone'}.'*'.$ENV{'form.codetwo'}.'*'.
             my ($tsymb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid)=
             if ($tsymb) {
                my ($map,$id,$url)=split(/\_\_\_/,$tsymb);
                if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$tcrsid)) {
                        ('grade_username' => $tuname,
                         'grade_domain' => $tudom,
                         'grade_courseid' => $tcrsid,
                         'grade_symb' => $tsymb)));
                } else {
                   $request->print('<h1>Not authorized: '.$token.'</h1>');
	    } else {
                $request->print('<h1>Not a valid DocID: '.$token.'</h1>');
	 } else {
  } else {
    if ($command eq 'submission') {
      &listStudents($request) if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '');
      &submission($request,0,0) if ($ENV{'form.student'} ne '');
    } elsif ($command eq 'processGroup') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'gradingmenu') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'viewgrades') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'handgrade') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'editgrades') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'verify') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'csvupload') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'csvuploadmap') {
#    } elsif ($command eq 'receiptInput') {
#      &receiptInput($request);
    } elsif ($command eq 'csvuploadassign') {
      if ($ENV{'form.associate'} ne 'Reverse Association') {
      } else {
	if ( $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} ne 'reverse' ) {
	  $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'reverse';
	} else {
	  $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
    } else {
      $request->print("Unknown action: $command:");
  return OK;



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