version 1.31, 2002/07/22 17:15:55
version 1.36, 2002/08/27 18:21:27
Line 60 package Apache::randomlabel;
Line 60 package Apache::randomlabel;
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use strict; |
use strict; |
use Apache::edit; |
use Apache::edit; |
use Apache::File(); |
&Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::randomlabel',('randomlabel','labelgroup','location','label')); |
&Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::randomlabel',('randomlabel','labelgroup','location','label')); |
Line 106 sub start_randomlabel {
Line 107 sub start_randomlabel {
$result.="<applet code=\"$code\" codebase=\"$codebase\" width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\">\n"; |
$result.="<applet code=\"$code\" codebase=\"$codebase\" width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\">\n"; |
$result.="<param name=\"bgimg\" value=\"$bgimg\">\n"; |
$result.="<param name=\"bgimg\" value=\"$bgimg\">\n"; |
} elsif ($target eq 'tex') { |
} elsif ($target eq 'tex') { |
my $newbgimg = $bgimg; |
$bgimg=~s/(.gif|.jpg)$/.eps/; |
$bgimg=~s/(.gif|.jpg)$/.eps/; |
$bgimg= &Apache::lonnet::filelocation($bgimg); |
$bgimg= &Apache::lonnet::filelocation($bgimg); |
if (not $ENV{'request.role'}=~/^au\./) { |
if (not $ENV{'request.role'}=~/^au\./) { |
$bgimg=~s/http:\/[^\/]*/\/home\/httpd\/html/; |
$bgimg=~s/http:\/[^\/]*/\/home\/httpd\/html/; |
$bgimg=~s/\/$//; |
#if no eps file try to replicate it |
if (not-e $bgimg) { |
my $response = &Apache::lonnet::repcopy($bgimg); |
#if replication failed try to find ps file |
if (not-e $bgimg) { |
$bgimg=~s/\.eps$/\.ps/; |
#if no ps file try to replicate it |
if (not-e $bgimg) { |
$response = &Apache::lonnet::repcopy($bgimg); |
#if replication failed try to produce eps file dynamically |
$bgimg=~s/\.ps$/\.eps/; |
my $temp_file; |
my $filename = "/home/httpd/prtspool/$ENV{''}_$ENV{'user.domain'}_printout.dat"; |
$temp_file = Apache::File->new('>>'.$filename); |
$newbgimg =~ s/(.*)\/res\//\/home\/httpd\/html\/res\//; |
print $temp_file "$newbgimg\n"; |
$bgimg =~ m/\/([^\/]+)$/; |
$bgimg = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1; |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$bgimg=~s/http:\/[^\/]*\/~([^\/]+)/\/home\/$1\/public_html/; |
$bgimg=~s/http:\/[^\/]*\/~([^\/]+)/\/home\/$1\/public_html/; |
} |
} |
$bgimg=~s/\/$//; |
$bgimg=~s/\/$//; |
my $dirtywidth=$texwidth+5; |
if ($texwidth==90) { |
if ($texwidth==90) { |
$result.='\vspace*{2mm} \noindent \epsfxsize='.$texwidth.' mm \epsffile{'. |
$result.='\vspace*{2mm}\noindent \parbox{'.$dirtywidth.' mm}{ \noindent \epsfxsize='.$texwidth.' mm \epsffile{'. |
$bgimg.'}\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}('.$texwidth.','.$texwidth*$h/$w.')'; |
$bgimg.'}\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}('.$texwidth.','.$texwidth*$h/$w.')(0,-'.$texwidth*$h/$w.')'; |
} else { |
} else { |
$result.='\vspace*{2mm} \noindent \epsfxsize='.$texwidth.' mm \epsffile{'. |
$result.='\vspace*{2mm}\noindent \parbox{'.$dirtywidth.' mm}{ \noindent \epsfxsize='.$texwidth.' mm \epsffile{'. |
$bgimg.'}\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}('.$texwidth.','.$texwidth*$h/$w.')('.(100-$texwidth).','.(100-$texwidth)*$h/$w.')'; |
$bgimg.'}\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}('.$texwidth.','.$texwidth*$h/$w.')(0,-'.$texwidth*$h/$w.')'; |
} |
} |
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') { |
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') { |
$result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token); |
$result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token); |
Line 155 sub end_randomlabel {
Line 179 sub end_randomlabel {
if( $count != 0) { $result.= "<param name=\"ICOUNT\" value=\"$count\">\n"; } |
if( $count != 0) { $result.= "<param name=\"ICOUNT\" value=\"$count\">\n"; } |
$result .= "</applet>\n<BR />"; |
$result .= "</applet>\n<BR />"; |
} elsif ($target eq 'tex') { |
} elsif ($target eq 'tex') { |
$result='\end{picture}\\\\'; |
$result='\end{picture}\\\\}'; |
if (@$parstack[-1]=~/\$texwidth\s*=\s*?"90/) { #" |
@$parstack[-1]=~/\$height\s*=\s*?"(.+)?"/; |
@$parstack[-1]=~/\$height\s*=\s*?"(.+)?"/; |
my $howtoskipback = $1/45; |
my $one=$1; |
$result.=' \vskip -'.$howtoskipback.' cm '; |
@$parstack[-1]=~/\$width\s*=\s*?"(.+)?"/; |
} |
my $two=$1; |
@$parstack[-1]=~/\$texwidth\s*=\s*?"(.+)?"/; |
my $three=$1; |
my $howtoskipback = $three*$one/$two; |
$result.=' \vskip -'.$howtoskipback.' mm '; |
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') { |
} elsif ($target eq 'edit') { |
$result.=&Apache::edit::end_table; |
$result.=&Apache::edit::end_table; |
} |
} |
Line 283 sub end_labelgroup {
Line 310 sub end_labelgroup {
my $y = $Apache::randomlabel::ycoord[$i]; |
my $y = $Apache::randomlabel::ycoord[$i]; |
my $value = $Apache::randomlabel::value[$i]; |
my $value = $Apache::randomlabel::value[$i]; |
#x latex coordinate |
#x latex coordinate |
my $tcX=($x-5)*($texwidth/$wwidth); |
my $tcX=($x)*($texwidth/$wwidth); |
#y latex coordinate |
#y latex coordinate |
my $ratio=($wwidth > 0 ? $wheight/$wwidth : 1 ); |
# my $ratio=($wwidth > 0 ? $wheight/$wwidth : 1 ); |
my $tcY=$TY1-$y*($TY1/$wheight)+$texwidth*$ratio; |
my $tcY=$TY1-$y*($TY1/$wheight); |
$tcX=sprintf('%.2f',$tcX); |
$tcX=sprintf('%.2f',$tcX); |
$tcY=sprintf('%.2f',$tcY); |
$tcY=sprintf('%.2f',$tcY); |
$result.='\put('.$tcX.','.$tcY.'){\normalsize \bf '.$label.'}'."\n"; |
$result.='\put('.$tcX.','.$tcY.'){\normalsize \bf '.$label.'}'."\n"; |