+function edit_${id}_${field} (textarea) {
+ thenumber = textarea;
+ thedata = document.forms['lonhomework'].elements[textarea].value;
+ newwin = window.open("/adm/dragmath/applet/MaximaPopup.html","","width=565,height=400,resizable");
+sub end_mathresponse {
+ my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_;
+ my $result;
+ my $part=$Apache::inputtags::part;
+ my $id=$Apache::inputtags::response[-1];
+ if ( $target eq 'grade' && &Apache::response::submitted() ) {
+ my $response = &Apache::response::getresponse();
+ if ( $response =~ /[^\s]/ ) {
+ if (!$Apache::lonxml::default_homework_loaded) {
+ &Apache::lonxml::default_homework_load($safeeval);
+ }
+ my %previous = &Apache::response::check_for_previous($response,
+ $part,$id);
+ $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}=
+ $response;
+ my $error;
+ my $award;
+ my $cas = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('cas',$parstack,$safeeval);
+ if ($cas eq 'maxima') {
+ my $args = [&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('args',$parstack,$safeeval)];
+ $award=&Apache::lonmaxima::maxima_run($Apache::response::custom_answer[-1],$response,$args,
+ &Apache::lonxml::get_param('libraries',$parstack,$safeeval));
+ }
+ if (!&Apache::inputtags::valid_award($award)) {
+ $error = $award;
+ $award = 'ERROR';
+ }
+ &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$award);
+ $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}=
+ $award;
+ if ($error) {
+ $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awardmsg"}=
+ $error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($target eq 'web') {
+ &setup_prior_tries_hash(\&format_prior_response_math);
+ }
+ pop(@Apache::lonxml::namespace);
+ pop(@Apache::response::custom_answer);
+ pop(@Apache::response::custom_answer_type);
+ &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::response',('answer'));
+ &Apache::response::end_response();
+ return $result;
+sub format_prior_response_math {
+ my ($mode,$answer) =@_;
+ return ''.
+ &HTML::Entities::encode($answer,'"<>&').'';
+sub implicit_multiplication {
+ my ($expression)=@_;
+# Escape scientific notation, so 3e8 does not become 3*e*8
+# 3e8 -> 3&8; 3e-8 -> 3&-8; 3E+8 -> e&+8
+ $expression=~s/(\d+)e([\+\-]*\d+)/$1\&\($2\)/gsi;
+# 3x10^8 -> 3&8; 3*10^-8 -> 3&-8
+ $expression=~s/(\d+)(?:x|\*)10(?:\^|\*\*)([\+\-]*\d+)/$1\&\($2\)/gsi;
+# Fill in multiplication signs
+# a b -> a*b;3 b -> 3*b;3 4 -> 3*4
+ $expression=~s/([A-Za-z0-9])\s+(?=[A-Za-z0-9])/$1\*/gs;
+# )( -> )*(; ) ( -> )*(
+ $expression=~s/\)\s*\(/\)\*\(/gs;
+# 3a -> 3*a; 3( -> 3*(; 3 ( -> 3*(; 3A -> 3*A
+ $expression=~s/(\d)\s*([a-zA-Z\(])/$1\*$2/gs;
+# a ( -> a*(
+ $expression=~s/([A-Za-z0-9])\s+\(/$1\*\(/gs;
+# )a -> )*a; )3 -> )*3; ) 3 -> )*3
+ $expression=~s/\)\s*([A-Za-z0-9])/\)\*$1/gs;
+# 3&8 -> 3e8; 3&-4 -> 3e-4
+ $expression=~s/(\d+)\&\(([\+\-]*\d+)\)/$1e$2/gs;
+ return $expression;
+sub start_answer {
+ my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_;
+ my $result;
+ push(@Apache::response::custom_answer,
+ &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text_unbalanced("/answer",$parser));
+ push(@Apache::response::custom_answer_type,
+ lc(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval)));
+ $Apache::response::custom_answer_type[-1] =~ s/\s+//g;
+ if ($target eq "edit" ) {
+ $result=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Answer algorithm');
+ $result.=&Apache::edit::editfield($token->[1],
+ $Apache::response::custom_answer[-1],
+ '',80,4);
+ } elsif ( $target eq "modified" ) {
+ $result=$token->[4].&Apache::edit::modifiedfield('/answer',$parser);
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub end_answer {
+ my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_;
+ if ($target eq 'edit' ) {
+ return &Apache::edit::end_table();
+ }
sub decide_package {
my ($tagstack)=@_;
my $package;
@@ -420,11 +702,11 @@ sub start_responseparam {
+ $token->[3] = ['name','type','description','default'];
if ($constructtag) {
$result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token);
- $result.=&Apache::edit::handle_insert();
} elsif ($target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'web' ||
$target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze' ) {
@@ -462,7 +744,7 @@ sub setup_params {
if ($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') { return; }
my %paramlist=();
foreach my $key (keys(%Apache::lonnet::packagetab)) {
- if ($key =~ /^$tag/) {
+ if ($key =~ /^\Q$tag\E/) {
my ($package,$name) = split(/&/,$key);
@@ -488,26 +770,80 @@ sub setup_params {
+ my @answer_bits;
+ my $need_row_start;
sub answer_header {
+ my ($type,$increment,$rows) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ if ($env{'form.answer_output_mode'} eq 'tex') {
+ undef(@answer_bits);
+ my $bit;
+ if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') {
+ $bit = ($Apache::lonxml::counter+$increment).') ';
+ } else {
+ $bit .= ' Answer for Part: \verb|'.
+ $Apache::inputtags::part.'| ';
+ }
+ push(@answer_bits,$bit);
+ } else {
+ my $td = '';
+ $result = '';
+ if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') {
+ $result .= $td.($Apache::lonxml::counter+$increment). ')';
+ } else {
+ $result .= $td.&mt('Answer for Part: [_1]',
+ $Apache::inputtags::part).'';
+ }
+ $result .= "\n";
+ $need_row_start = 0;
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub next_answer {
my ($type) = @_;
my $result;
if ($env{'form.answer_output_mode'} eq 'tex') {
- $result = ' \vskip 0 mm \begin{tabular}{|c|}\hline Answer for Part: \verb|'.
- $Apache::inputtags::part.'| \\\\ \hline ';
+ # FIXME ... need to do something with tex mode
} else {
- $result = 'Answer for Part:'.
- $Apache::inputtags::part. ' | '."\n";
+ $result .= " ";
+ $need_row_start = 1;
return $result;
sub answer_part {
- my ($type,$answer) = @_;
+ my ($type,$answer,$args) = @_;
my $result;
if ($env{'form.answer_output_mode'} eq 'tex') {
- $result = ' \verb|'.$answer.'|\\\\ \hline ';
+ if (!$args->{'no_verbatim'}) {
+ my $to_use='|';
+ foreach my $value (32..126) {
+ my $char=pack('c',$value);
+ if ($answer !~ /\Q$char\E/) {
+ $to_use=$char;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ my $fullanswer=$answer;
+ $answer='';
+ foreach my $element (split(/[\;]/,$fullanswer)) {
+ if ($element ne '') {
+ $answer.= '\verb'.$to_use.$element.$to_use.' \newline';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($answer ne '') {
+ push(@answer_bits,$answer);
+ }
} else {
- $result = ''.$answer.' | ';
+ if ($need_row_start) {
+ $result .= '';
+ $need_row_start = 0;
+ }
+ $result .= ''.$answer.' | ';
return $result;
@@ -516,16 +852,26 @@ sub answer_footer {
my ($type) = @_;
my $result;
if ($env{'form.answer_output_mode'} eq 'tex') {
- $result = ' \end{tabular} \vskip 0 mm ';
+ $result = ' \vskip 0 mm \noindent \begin{tabular}{|p{1.5cm}|p{6.8cm}|}\hline ';
+ $result .= $answer_bits[0].'&\vspace*{-4mm}\begin{itemize}';
+ for (my $i=1;$i<=$#answer_bits;$i++) {
+ $result.='\item '.$answer_bits[$i].'\vspace*{-7mm}';
+ }
+ $result .= ' \end{itemize} \\\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vskip 0 mm ';
} else {
- $result = ' ';
+ if (!$need_row_start) {
+ $result .= ' ';
+ }
+ $result .= ' ';
return $result;
sub showallfoils {
if (defined($env{'form.showallfoils'})) {
- my ($symb)=&Apache::lonxml::whichuser();
+ my ($symb)=&Apache::lonnet::whichuser();
if (($env{'request.state'} eq 'construct') ||
($env{'user.adv'} && $symb eq '') ||
($Apache::lonhomework::viewgrades) ) {
@@ -536,14 +882,44 @@ sub showallfoils {
return 0;
+=item &getresponse($offset,$resulttype);
+Retreives the current submitted response, helps out in the case of
+scantron mode.
+Returns either the exact text of the submission, or a bubbled response
+converted to something usable.
+Optional Arguments:
+ $offset - (defaults to 1) if a problem has more than one bubble
+ response, pass in the number of the bubble wanted, (the
+ first bubble associated with a problem has an offset of 1,
+ the second bubble is 2
+ $resulttype - undef -> a number between 0 and 25
+ 'A is 1' -> a number between 1 and 26
+ 'letter' -> a letter between 'A' and 'Z'
+ $lines - undef problem only needs a single line of bubbles.
+ nonzero Problem wants the first nonempty response in
+ $lines lines of bubbles.
+ $bubbles_per_line - Must be provided if lines is defined.. number of
+ bubbles on a line.
sub getresponse {
- my ($temp,$resulttype)=@_;
+ my ($offset,$resulttype, $lines, $bubbles_per_line)=@_;
my $formparm='form.HWVAL_'.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1'];
my $response;
- if (!defined($temp)) {
- $temp=1;
+ if (!defined($offset)) {
+ $offset=1;
} else {
- $formparm.=":$temp";
+ $formparm.=":$offset";
+ }
+ if (!defined($lines)) {
+ $lines = 1;
my %let_to_num=('A'=>0,'B'=>1,'C'=>2,'D'=>3,'E'=>4,'F'=>5,'G'=>6,'H'=>7,
@@ -552,8 +928,17 @@ sub getresponse {
if ($env{'form.submitted'} eq 'scantron') {
my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part;
my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response[-1];
- $response = $env{'scantron.'.($Apache::lonxml::counter+$temp-1).
- '.answer'};
+ my $line;
+ for ($line = 0; $line < $lines; $line++) {
+ my $theline = $Apache::lonxml::counter+$offset-1+$line;
+ $response = $env{"scantron.$theline.answer"};
+ if ((defined($response)) && ($response ne "") && ($response ne " ")) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
# save bubbled letter for later
@@ -563,26 +948,74 @@ sub getresponse {
} else {
$response = $let_to_num{$response};
+ if ($response ne "") {
+ $response += $line * $bubbles_per_line;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($response ne "") {
+ $response = chr(ord($response) + $line * $bubbles_per_line);
+ }
} else {
$response = $env{$formparm};
+ #
+ # If we have a nonempty answer, correct the numeric value
+ # of the answer for the line on which it was found.
+ #
return $response;
+=item &repetition();
+Returns the number of lines that are required to encode the weight.
+(Currently expects that there are 10 bubbles per line)
sub repetition {
my $id = $Apache::inputtags::part;
my $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.$id.weight");
- my $repetition = int $weight/9;
- if ($weight % 9 != 0) {$repetition++;}
+ if (!defined($weight) || ($weight eq '')) { $weight=1; }
+ my $repetition = int($weight/10);
+ if ($weight % 10 != 0) { $repetition++; }
return $repetition;
+=item &scored_response($part_id,$response_id);
+Sets the results hash elements
+ resource.$part_id.$response_id.awarded - to the floating point
+ number between 0 and 1 that was awarded on the bubbled input
+ resource.$part_id.$response_id.awarddetail - to 'ASSIGNED_SCORE'
+ the number of bubble sheet lines that were used (and likely need to
+ be passed to &Apache::lonxml::increment_counter()
+ $part_id - id of the part to grade
+ $response_id - id of the response to grade
sub scored_response {
my ($part,$id)=@_;
my $repetition=&repetition();
my $score=0;
for (my $i=0;$i<$repetition;$i++) {
+ # A is 1, B is 2, etc. (get response return 0-9 and then we add 1)
my $increase=&Apache::response::getresponse($i+1);
if ($increase ne '') { $score+=$increase+1; }
@@ -651,7 +1084,7 @@ sub show_answer {
my $award = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.solved"};
my $status = $Apache::inputtags::status[-1];
return ( ($award =~ /^correct/
- && lc($Apache::lonhomework::problemstatus) ne 'no')
+ && &Apache::lonhomework::show_problem_status())
|| $status eq "SHOW_ANSWER");
@@ -712,7 +1145,17 @@ sub pick_foil_for_concept {
+# Get a parameter associated with a problem.
+# Parameters:
+# $id - the id of the paramater, either a part id,
+# or a partid and responspe id joined by _
+# $name - Name of the parameter to fetch
+# $default - Default value for the paramter.
sub get_response_param {
my ($id,$name,$default)=@_;
my $parameter;
@@ -737,11 +1180,42 @@ sub submitted {
if ($who eq 'scantron') { return 0; }
# if the Submit Answer button for this particular part was pressed
my $partid=$Apache::inputtags::part;
- if (defined($env{'form.submit_'.$partid})) { return 1; }
+ if ($env{'form.submitted'} eq "part_$partid") {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.submitted'} eq "yes"
+ && defined($env{'form.submit_'.$partid})) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # Submit All button on a .page was pressed
+ if (defined($env{'form.all_submit'})) { return 1; }
# otherwise no submission occured
return 0;
+sub add_to_gradingqueue {
+ my ($symb,$courseid,$domain,$name) = &Apache::lonnet::whichuser();
+ if ( $courseid eq ''
+ || $symb eq ''
+ || $env{'request.state'} eq 'construct'
+ || $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'problem') {
+ return;
+ }
+ my %queue_info = ( 'type' => 'problem',
+ 'time' => time);
+ if (exists($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.0.checkedin.slot"})) {
+ $queue_info{'slot'}=
+ $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.0.checkedin.slot"};
+ }
+ my $result=&Apache::bridgetask::add_to_queue('gradingqueue',\%queue_info);
+ if ($result ne 'ok') {
+ &Apache::lonxml::error("add_to_queue said $result");
+ }
# basically undef and 0 (both false) mean that they still have work to do
# and all true values mean that they can't do any more work
@@ -752,7 +1226,7 @@ sub submitted {
# a return of 3 means it after the answer date
sub check_status {
my ($id)=@_;
- if (!$id) { $id=$Apache::linputtags::part; }
+ if (!defined($id)) { $id=$Apache::inputtags::part; }
my $curtime=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('system.time');
my $opendate=&Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.$id.opendate");
my $duedate=&Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.$id.duedate");
@@ -772,6 +1246,48 @@ sub check_status {
return 2;
+=item setup_prior_tries_hash($func,$data)
+ Foreach each past .submission $func is called with 3 arguments
+ - the mode to set things up for (currently always 'grade')
+ - the stored .submission string
+ - The expansion of $data
+ $data is an array ref containing elements that are either
+ - scalars that are other elements of the history hash to pass to $func
+ - ref to data to be passed untouched to $func
+sub setup_prior_tries_hash {
+ my ($func,$data) = @_;
+ my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part;
+ my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response[-1];
+ foreach my $i (1..$Apache::lonhomework::history{'version'}) {
+ my $sub_key = "$i:resource.$part.$id.submission";
+ next if (!exists($Apache::lonhomework::history{$sub_key}));
+ my @other_data;
+ foreach my $datum (@{ $data }) {
+ if (ref($datum)) {
+ push(@other_data,$datum);
+ } else {
+ my $info_key = "$i:resource.$part.$id.$datum";
+ push(@other_data,$Apache::lonhomework::history{$info_key});
+ }
+ }
+ my $output =
+ &$func('grade',
+ $Apache::lonhomework::history{$sub_key},
+ \@other_data);
+ if (defined($output)) {
+ $Apache::inputtags::submission_display{$sub_key} = $output;
+ }
+ }