use Safe;
use strict;
# Sample evaluation script for externalresponse
# If you do this for real, this script should be on another server.
# On that server, it could do anything: run simulations, access databases, run Java, etc, etc.
# Make sure, though, that the student submissions cannot crash or destroy your server.
# This sample script just runs the student code in a Perl safe environment to show how this works.
# Header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Load POST variables into hash %FORM
my %FORM=();
my $buffer;
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
foreach my $pair (split(/&/, $buffer)) {
my ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
# ==== This is where your logic needs to be implemented
# Ready to do stuff
# Do this in a Safe compartment
my $compartment = new Safe;
# First assume that everything is wonderful
my $award='EXACT_ANS';
my $message='';
# Passing test cases in the format argument=result,argument=result,...
foreach my $testcase (split(/\,/,$FORM{'LONCAPA_correct_answer'})) {
my ($value,$result)=split(/\=/,$testcase);
# Execute the student code and call the expected function
my $studentanswer=$compartment->reval(
# A syntax error occurred
if ($@) {
$message='Syntax error: '.$@;
# The result is not correct for a test case
unless ($studentanswer==$result) {
$message="Returned wrong result.";
my $handbackurl = "Here will be the URL of the handbackfile";
# ==== The remainder is sending results $award and $message back to LON-CAPA
# Send result back to LON-CAPA in standard format
# Possible responses
# plus a free-form $message.
# For partial correctness, awarddetail needs to be ASSIGNED_SCORE
# The partial score would be in <awarded>
# The message is passed as unparsed character data, so embedded HTML
# or entities do not get parsed by LON-CAPA's internal parser. Remove
# the CDATA wrapper if you want the parser to process the message.
print (<<ENDOUT);
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