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- Add subversion to ckeditor version to accommodate addition of plugins to existing 4.221 VERSION. - Add a11ychecker plugin and balloonpanel dependency for ckeditor 4.22.1
path=`pwd` htmldir='/home/httpd/html' currversion=0.0.0 ckeditordir="$htmldir/ckeditor" if [ -e $ckeditordir ] then if [ -e "$ckeditordir/VERSION" ] then currversion=`cat $ckeditordir/VERSION` fi fi newversion=`cat VERSION` arrnewversion=(${newversion//./ }) arrnewlength=${#arrnewversion[@]} arrnewcomp=`echo "$arrnewlength < 3" | bc` if [ $arrnewcomp -gt 0 ] then arrnewversion[2]=0; fi arrcurrversion=(${currversion//./ }) arrcurrlength=${#arrcurrversion[@]} arrcurrcomp=`echo "$arrcurrlength < 3" | bc` if [ $arrcurrcomp -gt 0 ] then arrcurrversion[2]=0; fi comparison=`echo "${arrnewversion[0]} > ${arrcurrversion[0]}" | bc` if [ $comparison -eq 0 ] then comparison=`echo "${arrnewversion[0]} < ${arrcurrversion[0]}" | bc` if [ $comparison -eq 0 ] then comparison=`echo "${arrnewversion[1]} > ${arrcurrversion[1]}" | bc` if [ $comparison -eq 0 ] then comparison=`echo "${arrnewversion[1]} < ${arrcurrversion[1]}" | bc` if [ $comparison -eq 0 ] then comparison=`echo "${arrnewversion[2]} > ${arrcurrversion[2]}" | bc` fi fi fi fi if [ $comparison -gt 0 ] then if [ -e $ckeditordir ] then rm -rf $ckeditordir fi cd $htmldir echo $path/ckeditor_4.22.1.tar.gz tar -zxf $path/ckeditor_4.22.1.tar.gz echo $path/a11ychecker_1.1.1.tar.gz tar -zxf $path/a11ychecker_1.1.1.tar.gz mv a11ychecker ckeditor/plugins/ echo $path/balloonpanel_4.22.1.tar.gz tar -zxf $path/balloonpanel_4.22.1.tar.gz mv balloonpanel ckeditor/plugins/ cp -r $path/plugins/lcm ckeditor/plugins/ cp -r $path/plugins/chem ckeditor/plugins/ cp $path/VERSION ckeditor/VERSION cp $path/loncapaconfig.js ckeditor/loncapaconfig.js chown -R www:www ckeditor fi if [ -e "$htmldir/fckeditor" ] then rm -rf $htmldir/fckeditor fi if [ -e "$htmldir/htmlarea" ] then rm -rf $htmldir/htmlarea fi if [ -e "$htmldir/adm/ckeditor" ] then rm -rf $htmldir/adm/ckeditor fi