--- loncom/html/adm/ckeditor/loncapaconfig.js 2015/03/31 13:45:39 1.3
+++ loncom/html/adm/ckeditor/loncapaconfig.js 2024/09/23 20:28:12 1.7
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config
config.allowedContent = true;
- config.extraPlugins = 'lcm';
+ config.extraPlugins = 'balloonpanel,a11ychecker,lcm,chem';
+ config.mathJaxLib = '/adm/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML';
config.specialChars = [
/* upercase greek */
@@ -67,23 +69,40 @@ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config
/* greek symbols */
["\u03D1", "theta symbol"], ["\u03D5", "phi symbol"], ["\u03D6", "pi symbol"],
"", "", "", "", "",
- /* maths */
- ["\u00AC", "not"], ["\u00B1", "plus-minus"], ["\u00D7", "multiplication"], ["\u2113", "script l"],
- ["\u2102", "double-struck C"], ["\u2115", "double-struck N"], ["\u211A", "double-struck Q"],
- ["\u211D", "double-struck R"], ["\u2124", "double-struck Z"], ["\u212B", "Angstrom"],
+ /* math letters */
+ ["\u2113", "script l"], ["\u2102", "double-struck C"], ["\u2115", "double-struck N"],
+ ["\u211A", "double-struck Q"], ["\u211D", "double-struck R"], ["\u2124", "double-struck Z"],
+ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ /* math operators */
+ ["\u00AC", "not"], ["\u00B1", "plus-minus"], ["\u00D7", "multiplication"],
+ ["\u00F7", "division"], ["\u00B7", "middle dot"],
+ ["\u2200", "for all"], ["\u2203", "there exists"],
+ ["\u2202", "partial differential"], ["\u2207", "nabla"],
+ ["\u2211", "n-ary summation"], ["\u221D", "proportional to"],
+ ["\u221E", "infinity"], ["\u2227", "logical and"], ["\u2228", "logical or"],
+ ["\u222B", "integral"],
+ ["\u223C", "tilde operator"], ["\u2248", "almost equal to"],
+ ["\u2245", "approximately equal to"], ["\u2260", "not equal to"],
+ ["\u2261", "identical to"], ["\u2264", "less-than or equal to"],
+ ["\u2265", "greater-than or equal to"],
+ ["\u226A", "much less than"], ["\u226B", "much greater than"],
+ ["\u27C2", "perpendicular"], ["\u2225", "parallel to"],
+ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ /* sets */
+ ["\u2205", "empty set"], ["\u2208", "element of"], ["\u2209", "not an element of"],
+ ["\u2229", "intersection"], ["\u222A", "union"], ["\u2282", "subset of"],
+ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ /* arrows */
["\u2190", "leftwards arrow"], ["\u2192", "rightwards arrow"], ["\u2194", "left right arrow"],
["\u21D0", "leftwards double arrow"], ["\u21D2", "rightwards double arrow"],
["\u21D4", "left right double arrow"],
- ["\u2200", "for all"], ["\u2202", "partial differential"], ["\u2203", "there exists"],
- ["\u2205", "empty set"], ["\u2207", "nabla"], ["\u2208", "element of"],
- ["\u2209", "not an element of"], ["\u2211", "n-ary summation"], ["\u221D", "proportional to"],
- ["\u221E", "infinity"], ["\u2227", "logical and"], ["\u2228", "logical or"],
- ["\u2229", "intersection"], ["\u222A", "union"], ["\u222B", "integral"],
- ["\u223C", "tilde operator"], ["\u2248", "almost equal to"], ["\u2260", "not equal to"],
- ["\u2261", "identical to"], ["\u2264", "less-than or equal to"],
- ["\u2265", "greater-than or equal to"], ["\u2282", "subset of"],
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- /* cursive uppercase */
+ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ /* units and other */
+ ["\u00B0", "degree"], ["\u212B", "Angstrom"], ["\u00A9", "copyright"], ["\u00A3", "pound"],
+ ["\u00A5", "yen"], ["\u20AC", "euro"], ["\u00A2", "cent"],
+ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
+ /* cursive uppercase (risky to use without an explicit font) */
+ /*
["\uD835\uDC9C", "script A"], ["\u212C", "script B"], ["\uD835\uDC9E", "script C"],
["\uD835\uDC9F", "script D"], ["\u2130", "script E"], ["\u2131", "script F"],
["\uD835\uDCA2", "script G"], ["\u210B", "script H"], ["\u2110", "script I"],
@@ -93,6 +112,7 @@ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config
["\uD835\uDCAE", "script S"], ["\uD835\uDCAF", "script T"], ["\uD835\uDCB0", "script U"],
["\uD835\uDCB1", "script V"], ["\uD835\uDCB2", "script W"], ["\uD835\uDCB3", "script X"],
["\uD835\uDCB4", "script Y"], ["\uD835\uDCB5", "script Z"]
+ */
@@ -113,5 +133,7 @@ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config
'rose.png','food-pizza.png','face-ninja.png', 'face-pirate.png', 'opinion-agree.png',
'opinion-disagree.png', 'face-angel.png'
+ config.versionCheck = false;