Error reading format file: Check file is valid Error loading format file: Error loading saved expression Error saving expression Cannot cut selection: Cannot copy selection: Cannot display tree: Action could not be completed: Cannot add Matrix at this location Operator missing at position Argument of operator missing at position Error: Cannot export to image. Check internet connection and access to Expression could not be parsed DragMath - Choose an expression file to load DragMath - Choose the location to save the expression Enter number of rows of matrix Enter number of columns of matrix Matrix Dimensions Nothing selected to cut Nothing to paste No box selected to paste into Nothing selected to copy Copied Error reading output data Expression exported to clipboard No expression to convert No format file has been loaded yet Choose the image size 1-10 (Smallest-Largest) Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Comma Plus-Minus Square Root N-th Root Superscript Subscript Matrix Integration Differentiation Less Than Greater Than Less Than or Equal To Greater Than or Equal To Equals Not Equal Union Intersection Subset Subset or Equal To Not Subset Not Subset or Equal To Sine Cosine Tangent Inverse Sine Inverse Cosine Inverse Tangent Hyperbolic Sine Hyperbolic Cosine Hyperbolic Tangent Inverse Hyperbolic Sine Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent Logarithm Natural Logarithm Exponential Function Minus Round Brackets Curly Brackets Square Brackets Absolute Value Infinity Greek letter Factorial Maximum of a set Minimum of a set Assignment Unknown function Determinant Trace Definite Integral Product Sum Limit Evaluate an expression at a point Left arrow Right arrow Up arrow Down arrow Left double arrow Right double arrow Left-Right arrow Left-Right double arrow North-East arrow South-East arrow North-West arrow South-West arrow Multiplication Division Equivalence There Exists For All Element Of There Does Not Exist Not An Element Of Asymptotically Equivalent To Or And Not Partial Differential Load expression from file Save expression to file Export expression to clipboard Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Clear the entire workspace Select the entire workspace Load an export format file Load a language file Show tree structure of expression Display outline of objects on workspace Loads help documents in web browser About DragMath File Open... Save As... Export to clipboard Export to image Edit Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Clear Workspace Select All Options Set export format Set language Help Debug Show expression tree Show outline Online Help About DragMath