\label{Authoring_Spreadsheet} To use a spreadsheet in multiple courses, authors can create spreadsheet XML files in their authoring space. Published spreadsheets can be imported into courses. See \textbf{Loading a Spreadsheet Definition from a Published File} (\ref{Spreadsheet_Loading}). The spreadsheet syntax is illustrated by the following example demonstrating both text and formulas: \begin{verbatim} `Available Points:' &SUM(`X*') `Awarded Points:' &SUM(`Z*') \end{verbatim} See \textbf{Modifying the Spreadsheet} (\ref{Spreadsheet_Editing}) for more information on programming cells. Very complex calculations can be performed in the cells. The file must be saved in authoring space with the extension .spreadsheet. Currently, a spreadsheet must be imported into authoring space as a .txt file and then renamed to a .spreadsheet. After it is published with the .spreadsheet extension, it can be imported into a course.