\label{Domconfig_Auto_Updates} An auto-update, run as a regular process, can update user information stored in LON-CAPA for all users in a domain, for whom institutional directory information is available. Which user records are updated can be controlled by institutional status (e.g., Faculty, Staff, Student etc.). If a user is affiliated with more than group, then the attributes which can be updated will be the cumulative set for the different groups to which the user belongs. If users are not affilliated with any institutional group, they can be accommodated within the default \char`\"{}Other users\char`\"{} group which is provided automatically. If no status types are defined for your domain, this default group is entitled \char`\"{}All users\char`\"{}. Settings for auto-update are: \begin{itemize} \item Set auto-enrollment as active or inactive in the domain. \item Set whether user information changes should propagate to data stored in classlist database files for the separate courses in which the user has an active student role. \item Set which of the following attributes: first name, middle name, last name, generation, e-mail address, student/employee ID should be updated within LON-CAPA if a different version to the one currently stored is retrieved from the institutional directory. \end{itemize} In order for Autoupdate to work, the \&allusers\_info() routine in localenroll.pm needs to be customized and a conduit established to institutional data. In addition, if you wish to differentiate between institutional user types in your LON-CAPA domain the \&inst\_usertypes() routine in localenroll.pm will need to be customized to correspond with the types used at your institution. These types are then used to populate the \char`\"{}User population\char`\"{} column in each of the \char`\"{}Updateable user information\char`\"{} row(s) in the Auto-update data table in \char`\"{}Domain Configuration\char`\"{}. Warnings will be written to the Auto-update log file found in /home/httpd/perl/logs if a possible username change is detected. Although the username is the unique identifier in LON-CAPA, the student/employee ID operates as an additional, mostly unique identifier. At present LON-CAPA does not support username changes. For users who switch username (assuming institutional authentication will no longer authenticate the user's old username) is to convert the authentication type in LON-CAPA for the user to \char`\"{}internal\char`\"{}, set an initial password, make sure that permanent e-mail is set for the user, then e-mail the user the initial password, and ask them to use the \char`\"{}\underbar{Forgot password?}\char`\"{} link on the log-in page to change the password to something secure.