Annotation of loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domconfig_Contact_Info.tex, revision 1.1
1.1 ! raeburn 1: LON-CAPA will send automatic e-mail to administrators/support staff
! 2: under certain circumstances. The contact information data table can
! 3: be used to provide e-mail addresses for receipt of these e-mails and
! 4: to configure which types of e-mail should be sent to each address.
! 5:
! 6: The types of e-mail are:
! 7:
! 8: \begin{itemize}
! 9: \item Error reports - whenever a server encounters a 500 error (Internal
! 10: Server Error), Apache will handle that event by displaying an error
! 11: report form which the affected user can complete and submit. The submission,
! 12: which contains session information besides any information provided
! 13: by the user, will be sent as an e-mail.
! 14: \item Package update alerts - the CHECKRPMS script run every other day will
! 15: generate e-mail if it detects that package updates are needed.
! 16: \item Helpdesk requests - clicking the Help link displayed at the right
! 17: side of the inline navigation bar at the top of a LON-CAPA page (unless
! 18: the Remote Control is active) will display a Help Menu which includes
! 19: an \char`\"{}Ask helpdesk\char`\"{} link. The \char`\"{}Ask helpdesk\char`\"{}
! 20: link provides access to a web form which a user will complete and
! 21: submit to request LON-CAPA support. The submission, which contains
! 22: information about the user's browser, besides information provided
! 23: by the user, will be sent as an e-mail.
! 24: \end{itemize}
! 25: Definition of the default Admin email address and the default Support
! 26: E-mail address saved from the {}``Contact Information'' screen supercede
! 27: any definitions made when ./UPDATE is run to update to a new version
! 28: of LON-CAPA. Addresses entered the first time ./UPDATE was run on
! 29: the primary library server for the domain (i.e., when LON-CAPA was
! 30: first installed) will continue to apply until the first \char`\"{}Save\char`\"{}
! 31: of the Contact Information settings has occurred in the domain.
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