Annotation of loncom/html/adm/help/tex/scoring_yourexam1.lyx, revision 1.1

1.1     ! webbsuza    1: #LyX 1.4.1 created this file. For more info see
        !             2: \lyxformat 245
        !             3: \begin_document
        !             4: \begin_header
        !             5: \textclass article
        !             6: \language english
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        !            28: 
        !            29: \begin_body
        !            30: 
        !            31: \begin_layout Standard
        !            32: 
        !            33: \series bold
        !            34: Scoring Your Exam
        !            35: \end_layout
        !            36: 
        !            37: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            38: Select [NAV] on the Remote Control or Main Menu.
        !            39:  This will take you to the 
        !            40: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !            41: \end_inset
        !            42: 
        !            43: Navigate Course Contents
        !            44: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !            45: \end_inset
        !            46: 
        !            47:  page.
        !            48: \end_layout
        !            49: 
        !            50: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            51: Select the first problem of your exam set.
        !            52: \end_layout
        !            53: 
        !            54: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            55: Select [PGRD] from the Remote Control or Main Menu.
        !            56:  This will take you to the 
        !            57: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !            58: \end_inset
        !            59: 
        !            60: Manual Grading/View Submission Screen
        !            61: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !            62: \end_inset
        !            63: 
        !            64: .
        !            65: \end_layout
        !            66: 
        !            67: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            68: Click the 
        !            69: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !            70: \end_inset
        !            71: 
        !            72: [Grade] Scantron Forms
        !            73: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !            74: \end_inset
        !            75: 
        !            76:  button.
        !            77:  This will take you to the next 
        !            78: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !            79: \end_inset
        !            80: 
        !            81: Grading
        !            82: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !            83: \end_inset
        !            84: 
        !            85:  screen where you will fill out the top section -- depending on if you use
        !            86:  coded or named exams.
        !            87: \end_layout
        !            88: 
        !            89: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            90: In the 
        !            91: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !            92: \end_inset
        !            93: 
        !            94: Sequence to Grade
        !            95: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !            96: \end_inset
        !            97: 
        !            98:  section, the system will automatically select the sequence you are in.
        !            99:  If you should be in another sequence, you can choose this sequence from
        !           100:  the drop down menu.
        !           101: \end_layout
        !           102: 
        !           103: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           104: In the 
        !           105: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           106: \end_inset
        !           107: 
        !           108: Filename of Scoring Office
        !           109: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           110: \end_inset
        !           111: 
        !           112:  file section, the scoring office generally uploads the filename.
        !           113:  You also have the option to specify a scantron data file to upload by browsing
        !           114:  for the data file and clicking the [Upload Scantron Data] button.
        !           115: \end_layout
        !           116: 
        !           117: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           118: In the 
        !           119: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           120: \end_inset
        !           121: 
        !           122: Format of Data
        !           123: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           124: \end_inset
        !           125: 
        !           126:  file section, use MSU with CODE in separate location for coded exams and
        !           127:  MSU without any CODE for named exams.
        !           128: \end_layout
        !           129: 
        !           130: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           131: In the 
        !           132: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           133: \end_inset
        !           134: 
        !           135: Saved CODES to Validate Against
        !           136: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           137: \end_inset
        !           138: 
        !           139:  section, leave blank unless you saved the CODEs file earlier.
        !           140: \end_layout
        !           141: 
        !           142: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           143: In the 
        !           144: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           145: \end_inset
        !           146: 
        !           147: Each CODE is Only To Be Used Once
        !           148: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           149: \end_inset
        !           150: 
        !           151:  section, choose 
        !           152: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           153: \end_inset
        !           154: 
        !           155: no
        !           156: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           157: \end_inset
        !           158: 
        !           159:  if you don't use separately coded exams for each student.
        !           160:  Example: You use 10 variations for a class of 200.
        !           161:  If you do use separately coded exams, the the default 
        !           162: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           163: \end_inset
        !           164: 
        !           165: Yes.
        !           166: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           167: \end_inset
        !           168: 
        !           169: 
        !           170: \end_layout
        !           171: 
        !           172: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           173: In the 
        !           174: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           175: \end_inset
        !           176: 
        !           177: Options
        !           178: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           179: \end_inset
        !           180: 
        !           181:  section, check the 
        !           182: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           183: \end_inset
        !           184: 
        !           185: Do only previously skipped records
        !           186: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           187: \end_inset
        !           188: 
        !           189:  option -- only if you wish to go through skipped records.
        !           190:  If you select this option, you have to complete all of the skipped records.
        !           191:  The file will erase if you exit without completing.
        !           192: \end_layout
        !           193: 
        !           194: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           195: Cleck the [Validate Scantron Records] button.
        !           196:  This will take you to the next grading page where you need to double-check
        !           197:  your information.
        !           198: \end_layout
        !           199: 
        !           200: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           201: If the information in incorrect, click the [Grading Menu] button.
        !           202:  This will take you back to the 
        !           203: \begin_inset Quotes eld
        !           204: \end_inset
        !           205: 
        !           206: Manual Grading/View Submission
        !           207: \begin_inset Quotes erd
        !           208: \end_inset
        !           209: 
        !           210:  screen.
        !           211: \end_layout
        !           212: 
        !           213: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           214: If the information is correct, click the [Validate Records] button.
        !           215:  
        !           216: \end_layout
        !           217: 
        !           218: \begin_layout Itemize
        !           219: You will then be shown errors that need to be compared to the scantrons.
        !           220: \end_layout
        !           221: 
        !           222: \begin_layout List
        !           223: \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
        !           224: NOTE: The errors are [double bubble], [missing bubble], [incorrect id],
        !           225:  [incorrect name], or [incorrect code].
        !           226:  You will need the scantron bubble sheets for [double bubble] or [missing
        !           227:  bubble] errors.
        !           228: \end_layout
        !           229: 
        !           230: \end_body
        !           231: \end_document

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