The Author Remote Control will automatically load whenever you log in to LON-CAPA as the course instructor. The Author Remote Control is a separate window in your browser, and is automatically sized and placed in the upper left of the screen. The Remote Control is a tool that allows you to switch between functions and roles within LON-CAPA. % \begin{figure} \begin{center}\includegraphics[ height=0.50\paperwidth]{authorRemote}\end{center} \caption{Author Remote Control\label{Author Remote Control Figure}} \end{figure} When you move your mouse over the buttons in the remote, the sixteen gray boxes will show a reminder of what that button does. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{ROLES (CHOOSE ROLE)} allows you to select which user role to assume for this session. \item \textbf{COM (COMMUNICATION)} allows you to access the communication functions in the system. \item \textbf{CUSR (USER ROLES)} brings up a page that allows you to create new users and change user privileges. \item \textbf{CSTR (CONSTRUCT)} displays the construction space for your account. \item \textbf{RES (RESOURCE SPACE)} allows you to browse the LON-CAPA network directory. \item \textbf{SRC (SEARCH LIBRARY)} brings up a screen that lets you search the LON-CAPA resources using multiple criteria. \item \textbf{PREF (PREFERENCES)} brings up a screen that allows you to change some preferences. \item \textbf{EXIT (LOGOUT)} will log you out of the LON-CAPA system. \end{itemize}