File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / html / adm / help / tex / Authoring_Daxe_Menus.tex
Revision 1.2: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Sep 18 04:15:04 2024 UTC (5 months, 1 week ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, version_2_11_6_msu, version_2_11_5_msu, version_2_11_4_msu, HEAD
- Fix typos.


\textbf{Access to LON-CAPA menus}

Standard LON-CAPA menus which appear at the top of the page, above the Daxe User Interface (UI), can be 
collapsed or expanded by clicking an icon at the top left of the page.   
By default, when you push the ``Edit with Daxe'' button to open a document in the editor,  
the LON-CAPA menu block will be expanded. If you prefer Daxe to open with the menus 
collapsed you can hover over your name at top left, select Preferences, and use the 
``Authoring Space Configuration'' to set your own user-specific setting.


With menus expanded, the last row of menu items includes (a) (on the left) the directory 
path and name of the file currently being edited, and (b) (on the right), buttons to:
``Save and Edit'', ``Save and View'', ``Discard and View'', and buttons to switch to 
other LON-CAPA editors available in the domain: ``Edit'' (for the standard
editor), and ``Edit XML'' (for the text editor). The two Save buttons will save the
the file contents in the Daxe Editor before either continuing in Daxe
(with an update of the preview panel on the right side of the Daxe window), or 
showing the standard ``Problem Testing'' view of a problem file, or standard web
view of an HTML file.

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