\label{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Color_Selection} The default colors are a white background (xffffff) with black (x000000) forground, gridlines, and curve. \begin{itemize} \item Background color is an attribute of the gnuplot tag \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Gnuplot}. This controls the color of the plot image. The default is white (xffffff). \item Forground color is an attribute of the gnuplot tag \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Gnuplot}. This controls the color of the border. \item Gridline color is an attribute of the axis tag \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Axes}. \item Curve color is an attribute of the curve tag \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Curve}. This is the color of the curve function or data points. Different curves can be given different colors. \end{itemize}