\label{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Curve_Data} The \textbf{data} tag is used to specify the values plotted in the \textbf{gnuplot} \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Gnuplot} tag. The \textbf{data} tag is only used in the \textbf{Curve} \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Curve} tag. The data must be either a perl array, \texttt{@X}, or a comma seperated list, such as ``0.5,0.9,1.5, 2.4'' (without quotes). 'NaN' is a valid value. The function and number \textbf{data} tags required varies based on the line style \ref{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Linestyle} chosen for the curve. In all cases the first \textbf{data} tag will hold the ``X'' values and the second will hold the ``Y'' values. All of the data sets in the \textbf{data} tag must have the same number of elements.