\label{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Linestyle} Unless otherwise noted the linestyles require only 2 data sets, X and Y. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{lines} Connect adjacent points with straight line segments. \item \textbf{points} Display a small marker at each point. \item \textbf{linespoints} Draw both \textbf{lines} and \textbf{points}. Draws a small symbol at each point and then connects adjacent points with straight line segments. \item \textbf{dots} Place a tiny dots on the given points. \item \textbf{steps} Connect points with horizontal lines. This style connects consecutive points with two line segments: the first from (x1,y1) to (x2,y1) and the second from (x2,y1) to (x2,y2). \item \textbf{fsteps} Connect data with horizontal lines. This style connects consecutive points with two line segments: the first from (x1,y1) to (x1,y2) and the second from (x1,y2) to (x2,y2). \item \textbf{histeps} Plot as histogram. Y-values are assumed to be centered at the x-values; the point at x1 is represented as a horizontal line from ((x0+x1)/2,y1) to ((x1+x2)/2,y1). The lines representing the end points are extended so that the step is centered on at x. Adjacent points are connected by a vertical line at their average x, that is, from ((x1+x2)/2,y1) to ((x1+x2)/2,y2). \item \textbf{errorbars} Same as yerrorbars. \item \textbf{xerrorbars} Draw horizontal error bars around the points. Requires 3 or 4 data sets. Either X, Y, Xdelta or X, Y, Xlower, Xupper. Xdelta is a change relative to the given X value. The Xlower and Xupper values are absolute grid coordinates of the upper and lower values to indicated with error bars. \item \textbf{yerrorbars} Draw vertical error bars around the points. Requires 3 or 4 data sets. Either X, Y, Ydelta or X, Y, Ylower, Yupper. Ydelta is a change relative to the given Y value. The Ylower and Yupper values are the grid coordinates of the upper and lower values to indicate with error bars. \item \textbf{xyerrorbars} Draw both vertical and horizontal error bars around the points. Requires 4 or 6 data sets. Either X, Y, Xdelta, Ydelta or X, Y, Xlower, Xupper, Ylower, Yupper. Xdelta and Ydelta are relative to the given coordinates. Xlower, Xupper, Ylower, and Yupper are the grid coordinates of the upper and lower values to indicate with the error bars. \item \textbf{boxes} Draw a box from the X-axis to the Y-value given. Requires either 2 or 3 data sets. Either X, Y or X, Y, Xwidth. In the first case the boxes will be drawn next to eachother. In the latter case Xwidth indicates the horizontal width of the box for the given coordinate. \item \textbf{vector} Draws a vector field based on the given data. Requires 4 data sets, X, Y, Xdelta, and Ydelta. The `vector` style draws a vector from (X,Y) to (X+Xdelta,Y+Ydelta). It also draws a small arrowhead at the end of the vector. May not be fully supported by gnuplot. \end{itemize}