\label{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Tics} The \textbf{xtics} and \textbf{ytics} tags can be inserted by selecting the \textbf{Plot tics} item from the insert selection list of the \textbf{gnuplot} tag. The \textbf{xtics} and \textbf{ytics} tags have identical structure and the description presented here applies to both. The tics tags allow specification of the following parameters: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{Location of major tic marks} ``Border'' or ``Axis''. Tic marks can be placed on the border or on the axes. The images below illustrate the effects of each of these options. \includegraphics[ width=0.40\paperwidth]{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Axis_Tics_border} \includegraphics[ width=0.40\paperwidth]{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Axis_Tics_x_axis} \item \texttt{Mirror tics on opposite axis?} ``Yes'' or ``No''. If the \textbf{location of tic marks} is set to ``border'' this parameter determines if they are shown on both the top and bottom or right and left sides of the graph. The ``mirror'' tic marks are unlabelled. \includegraphics[ width=0.40\paperwidth]{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Axis_Tics_border} \includegraphics[ width=0.40\paperwidth]{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Axis_Tics_nomirror} \item \texttt{Start major tics at} The point in graph coordinates which to start making major tics. This may be less than or greater than the lower limit for the axis. \item \texttt{Place a major tic every} The span, in graph coordinates, between each major tic mark. \item \texttt{Stop major tics at} This may be less than or greater than the upper limit for the axis. \item \texttt{Number of minor tics between major tic marks} The number of subdivisions to make of the span between major tic marks. Using a value of ``10'' leads to 9 minor tic marks. The example below uses a value of ``5'' to produce 4 tic marks. \includegraphics[ width=0.40\paperwidth]{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Axis_Tics_minor} \end{itemize}