\label{Authoring_ImageResponse} \textbf{imageresponse} implements a image-click answer. \textbf{imageresponse} tags should contain a \textbf{foilgroup} tag, containing \textbf{foil} tags, where each \textbf{foil} tag can contain: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{image}\index{image}: required. The delimited text should correspond to a published image resource. Example: \texttt{/res/adm/includes/templates/man1.jpg}. Should only appear once per foil. \item \textbf{rectangle}\index{rectangle}: required. The delimited text specifies a rectangular area that is correct, specified as \texttt{(x1,y1)-(x2,y2)}, where x1, x2, y1, and y2 are number corresponding to the x and y coordinates of two corners that define a rectangle which specifies where the right answer for this foil is located on the image. For example, \texttt{(0,0)-(100,200)} will specify that a rectangle 100 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall, situated in the upper left of the image, is correct. At least one rectangle is required; multiple rectangles may be specified. \item \textbf{text}\index{text}: required. The delimited text is printed before the image is shown on the screen. This text is typically used to describe to the student what they are expected to click on. \end{itemize}