\label{Authoring_Piecewise_Plot} Suppose you want to plot a piecewise function similar to the following: \begin{verbatim} f(x) = a*x + b if (x < 4.5) f(x) = a*x if (x >=4.5) \end{verbatim} The following is the XML representation of a problem with a dynamic plot based on this. The work is done in a @X @Y \end{verbatim} The above script works, but it produces a plot like this: \includegraphics{dynamic_piecewise} A better solution is to use two seperate statements to plot two separate curves. So on the second piece of the function we use @X2 and @Y2 instead of @X and @Y. Then in the tag we include a second sub-tag. \begin{verbatim} @X @Y @X2 @Y2 \end{verbatim} \includegraphics{dynamic_piecewise2} This is still not a desirable result. Typically one wants an open circle or closed circle defining the domain of each piece. Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this in gnuplot currently. If this effect is desired, perhaps using a static image and a randomlabel problem would be a better approach. A second solution would be to add data which draws a circle to your curves.