\label{Course_Change_Privileges} To modify a user's privileges, do the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Click \textbf{CUSR} on the remote control. \item At the \textbf{Create User, Change User Privileges} screen under the heading \textbf{Set Individual User Roles}, type the username in the textbox. \textbf{Note}: If you don't know the username, click the \textbf{Select User} link and a window will open with a list of all the users in the course. Select a User. \item Click the \textbf{User Role} button. \textbf{Note}: At the \textbf{Change User Privileges} screen the user's existing roles and available roles are listed. \item Click the box next to the roles you wish to revoke or add to the user. If your adding roles input the group/section if applicable and the starting/ending dates for the roll. \item Click \textbf{Modify user}. \end{enumerate}