\label{Course_Create_Class_List} As Course Coordinator in a class you can upload course rosters containg lists of students, or alternatively lists of teaching personnel (excluding additional Course Coordinators). Intended roles (instructor, TA, student etc.) for each user can be either read from the file, or a default can be specified. As an author (role selected), you can use this same mechanism to upload lists of users to whom you wish to grant co-author roles for your authoring space. \begin{enumerate} \item Click "Manage course users" (\includegraphics{cprv} \textbf{CUSR}) on the Main Menu \item Click the \underbar{Upload a File of Course Users} link. \item Type the path to the file that contains the user list, or click the {[}Browse...{]} button to locate the file on your machine. \item Select the appropriate file type from the drop-down menu (usually \textbf{CSV spreadsheet}). \item Click the {[}Upload file of users{]} button. To see how to generate a CSV file, see \ref{Course_Convert_To_CSV}. \item The next screen allows you to associate the uploaded spreadsheet's columns with the necessary student fields, such as: \textbf{Last Name}, \textbf{First Name}, etc. Use the drop-down menus to make an association for each of the spreadsheet's columns. NOTE: If you wish to associate a particular column to more than one field (if, for example, you wish to make the students' initial passwords the same as their student numbers), click the \fbox{Reverse Association} button. Then you can assign columns of the spreadsheet to more than one field. You can also set the login type, the start/end dates for the students from this page. \item Once you have the column assignment and defaults set, click the \fbox{Update Users} button to finish. \item If you had checked the "Full Update" box, after processing of the uploaded file, a list of students who are in the course, but who were not listed in the uploaded file will be displayed, and you will have the opportunity to drop some, or all, of those students. \end{enumerate}