\label{Course_Editing_Custom_Roles} To edit a custom role privileges, do the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Click \textbf{CUSR} on the remote control, or if you are using the text menu, select \textbf{Main Menu}, then \textbf{user roles}. \item At the \textbf{Create Users, Change User Privileges} screen under the heading \textbf{Edit Custom Role Privileges}, select the role you wish to edit from the drop down menu. To create a new role, select \textbf{Generate new role ...} from the drop-down menu, and give the new role a name. \item Click \textbf{Custom Role Editor}. The screen will display the privileges set and available to select for this role. \item Update the privileges you wish this custom role to have. \item Click \textbf{Define Role}. \end{enumerate}