To extend the due date for an individual student, do the following: \begin{itemize} \item Select the problem you want to extend the due date for. \item Click \textbf{PPRM} on the remote control. \item At the \textbf{Set Course Parameters} screen, type the user name of the person you wish to extend the problem due date for. \textbf{Note}: If you don't know the individuals user name, select the \textbf{select user} link. A new window will open with a list of all the students in the class. Select the student. \item Click \textbf{Update Section or Specific User}. \item The table that is displayed will have a heading labeled \textbf{User\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ at domain \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_}, Under that heading will be a column labeled \textbf{For Resource}, scroll down to the due date cell and click on the link \item A new window will open, enter new \textbf{due date}. \item Select \textbf{Store}. \end{itemize}