\label{Course_Face_To_Face_Records} To save records of face-to-face discussions, which will only be visible to course faculty and staff, do the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Select \textbf{Messages} on the Inline Menu or \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{com} \textbf{Send and display messages} on the Main Menu. \item At the \textbf{Communication/Messages} screen, select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{messalog} \textbf{Message Log for Selected Users}. \item On the \textbf{User Notes, Face-to-Face, Critical Messages, Broadcast Messages, Archived Messages} screen type the username in the \textbf{Username} field and choose the domain using the \textbf{Domain} pull down. \textbf{Note}: You can also click the \underbar{Select User} link and a new window will open with a list of all the users in the course. Select the user. This will populate the Username field and close the window. \item Click \fbox{Retrieve discussion and message records}. The screen will show any records previously entered for the user. \item Enter text in the \textbf{New Record} box. \item To save click \fbox{Post this record}. \end{enumerate}