\label{Course_Manually_Grade_Problem} To manually grade a problem, do the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Log in to the course. \item Navigate to the problem you want to grade. \item Click \textbf{PGRD} on the remote control, or select the \textbf{problem grades} option from the textual menu. \item At the grading menu, select the desired section and student status from the drop down menus. \item Select one of the following: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Current Resource: For one or more students}: Grades the current resource for as many students at once as you'd like \item \textbf{Current Resource: For all students in selected section or course}: A shortcut for grading an entire section at a time, or \item \textbf{The complete Set/Page/Sequence: For one student} \end{itemize} \textbf{Note}: If you choose \textbf{Current Resource: For one or more students} you will also need to select if you want to view only students with submission or all students. \item Click \textbf{Next->}. \textbf{For Current Resource: For one or more student Continue here}: \item At the \textbf{View/Grade/Regrade Submission for a Student or a Group of Students} screen, select whether you wish to see the problem text along with the answers. \textbf{no} will show no problem texts, and \textbf{one student} will show only the first student's problem text; this is useful for non-randomized questions. \textbf{all students} will show the problem text for all students. \item Select the level of submission detail you want to view. \item Select the student(s) to View/Grade/Regrade. \item Click \textbf{Next->}. \item At the submission record screen, review the answers and select the points you wish to assign the student(s). You also have the option to excuse the student(s) from the problem by using the problem weight pull down menu. \textbf{Note}: The computer has automatically graded all the Problems with a red check mark. You can of course change the scoring for these problems, but there are few faster ways to alienate your students then marking things as incorrect the computer said were correct. \item After you have finished viewing or manually grading the problem answers, using the pull down menu select the number of new students answers you want to view. \item Click Save \& Next. \textbf{Note}: Clicking Next or Previous will not save any changes you've made, but will display the next or previous students answer. \textbf{For Current Resource: For all Students in selected section or course continue here}. \item At the manual Grading screen, choose to assign a common grade to the class or Assign grade to specific students in the class. \item If your assigning a common grade to the class, select the point value you wish to assign in the box under the Assign Common Grade to Class heading or If assigning to each student input the point value you want to assign to each student. \item Click \textbf{Submit Changes}. The Current Grade Status Screen will display. \textbf{For The Complete Set/Page/Sequence: For one student continue here}. \item At the Manual grading by page or sequence screen, using the pull down menu select the folder with problems you wish to grade. (By default the folder listed is the folder the current problem resides in.) \item Select \textbf{Yes} or \textbf{No} to view problem text. \item Select Submission detail level you wish to view. \item Select the student. \item Click \textbf{Submit}. The screen will display the problems and answers. \item Scroll down and View/grade/regrade the problems. \item Click \textbf{Save}. The screen will display the scores for the problems in the folder. \end{enumerate}