\label{Course_Parameter_Levels} There are three different Parameter levels you can choose from when setting Course Parameters: \textbf{Course level}, \textbf{Map level}, and \textbf{Resource level}. \textbf{Course Level}: If you select Course level from the Parameter pull down menu a table will append to the page showing the set defaults for all resources in the course. The table has three columns: \textbf{Parameter Name}, \textbf{Default Value}, and \textbf{Parameter in Effect}. The \textbf{Parameter Name} column lists all the different parameters that can be set for the resources.\textbf{Default Value} is the parameter setting for the users. \textbf{Parameter in Effect} is the parameter setting for users. \textbf{Map Level}: If you select \textbf{Map level} from the Parameter pull down menu a table or tables will append to the page showing the set defaults for all the resources in a map or folder in the course. The map or folder display in the tables depends on which map or folder you select from the enclosing map or folder pull down menu. The table or tables have three columns: \textbf{Parameter Name}, \textbf{Default Value}, and \textbf{Parameter in Effect}. The \textbf{Parameter Name} column lists all the different parameters that can be set for the resources. \textbf{Default Value} is the parameter setting for the users. \textbf{Parameter in Effect} is the parameter setting for the users. \textbf{Resource Level}: If you selected \textbf{Resource level} from the parameter level pull down menu, a table will append to the page showing all the available parameters for each resource. If you selected a specific map or folder from the enclosing map or folder pull down menu, then only the resources in the selected map or folder will be display in the table. Here is a brief explanation for each column within the table: \textbf{Assessment URL and Title} is the column the resource location and name are listed. The \textbf{Type} column reflects the type of resource. \textbf{Enclosing Map or Folder} column gives the immediately enclosing map the resource is contained in, which can be used for \textbf{Map Level} parameters. The \textbf{Part} column shows what part the parameter is going to be set for. The \textbf{Parameter Name} column lists all the different parameters that can be set for the resources. The \textbf{Any User} column is broken down in to different smaller groups: \textbf{Resource Level}, \textbf{in Course}, and if applicable there is a column for \textbf{in Section/Group}. Each one of these groups is broken down further. The \textbf{Resource Level} is broken down into two columns: \textbf{Default} and \textbf{for enclosing map and folder}. These two columns reflect the parameter setting the author set when they created the resources. The \textbf{in Course} column is broken down into three columns: \textbf{General}, \textbf{Enclosing Map and Folder}, and \textbf{for Resource}. These parameters are the setting you assign for any user in the course. The \textbf{Section/Group} column reflects the parameter settings you assign for a specific section/group of users within the course. If you selected the \textbf{Resource Level} for a selected user, The \textbf{User **** at Domain ****} column will also be included in the table. This is broken down into three columns: \textbf{General}, \textbf{Enclosing Map and Folder}, and \textbf{for Resource}. These reflect the parameters setting you assign for the selected user. The next column is the \textbf{Parameter in Effect}. This column reflects the parameter setting that is in effect. The last column reflects the value for your user name and does incorporate complete cascading within a problem for your user name. The parameters priorities are shown lowest to highest, left to right in the tables.