File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / html / adm / help / tex / Creating_Math_Response_Problems.tex
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Mon Jan 23 20:29:42 2017 UTC (8 years ago) by damieng
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, version_2_11_X, version_2_11_6_msu, version_2_11_6, version_2_11_5_msu, version_2_11_5, version_2_11_4_uiuc, version_2_11_4_msu, version_2_11_4, version_2_11_3_uiuc, version_2_11_3_msu, version_2_11_3, version_2_11_2_uiuc, version_2_11_2_msu, version_2_11_2_educog, version_2_11_2, HEAD
doc improved for editors, responses, index

\label{Creating_Math_Response_Problems}\index{Math Response}

Math response problems use a cas system to evaluate the student response. Which computer algebra system is to 
be used is specified in the cas argument of the mathresponse tag; both Maxima and R are supported. Maxima and R 
are also powerful stand-alone programs that can be installed on most operating systems. If you are interested 
in writing Maxima or R problems, it is a good idea to install a copy on your operating system to access help, 
learn syntax, and test your expected responses outside the LON-CAPA environment. 
See \texttt{} or \texttt{} .

LON-CAPA will accept two pre-named arrays inside the answerblock for the computer algebra system: RESPONSE and LONCAPALIST. RESPONSE contains the student input by comman-separated entities, for example, if ``3,42,17'' is entered by the student, RESPONSE[2] would be 42. LONCAPALIST is built from the arguments passed in an array \texttt{args} which is assigned a array value from the script.

The \texttt{answer} tag contains the Maxima command (and syntax) that are passed to Maxima after the RESPONSE and LONCAPALIST values are substituted. (See example below). The \texttt{answerdisplay} variable contains what is displayed when the problem is in ``Show Answer'' mode. You will want to include this field so that the students can see the correct answer after the ``Show Answer Date'' configured when the problem is assigned in the course space. Also note the description in the \texttt{postanswerdate}\index{postanswerdate} tag that is displayed after the answer date.

The following example illustrates this.
  <script type="loncapa/perl">
$a1 = random(-6,6,4);
$a2 = random(-6,6,4);
$n1 = random(3,11,2);
$n2 = random(2,10,2);
$function = "$a1*cos($n1*x)+$a2*sin($n2*x)";
# reformat next two lines as single line if you copy/paste into a script
$example=&xmlparse('An example would be 
<m eval="on">$(sin($n1\cdot x)+cos($n2\cdot x))/\sqrt{2}$</m>');

<startouttext />
  Give an example of a function
        which is orthogonal to <algebra>$function</algebra> with respect to the
        scalar product
           \[<g \mid h> =
               \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}dx g(x) \cdot h(x)\]
        whose norm is 1.
<endouttext />

<mathresponse answerdisplay="$example" cas="maxima" args="$function">
is(overlap=0 and norm=1);
    <textline readonly="no" size="50" />
    <hintgroup showoncorrect="no">
        <mathhint name="ortho" args="$function" cas="maxima">
overlap: integrate((LONCAPALIST[1])*(RESPONSE[1]),x,-%pi,%pi)/%pi;
is(not overlap = 0);
        <mathhint name="norm" args="$function" cas="maxima">
norm: integrate((RESPONSE[1])*(RESPONSE[1]),x,-%pi,%pi)/%pi;
is(not norm = 1);
        <hintpart on="norm">
           <startouttext />
The function you have provided does not have a norm of one.
           <endouttext />
        <hintpart on="ortho">
            <startouttext />
The function you have provided is not orthogonal.
            <endouttext />

    <startouttext />
Note that with respect to the above norm, <m>$\cos(nx)$</m> is perpendicular
to <m>$\sin(nx)$</m> and perpendicular to <m>$\cos(mx)$</m> for
<m>$n\ne m$</m>.
    <endouttext />

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