\label{Distribute_Messages} You can send individualized messages to your students in one go. To this end create a file with the following format: username1@domain1: text username2@domain2: text username3@domain1: text\\ For example: kjohnson123@msu: You received B- on your midterm gsmith98765@msu: Please stop by during office hours so we can discuss your grade cblack567891@msu: Congratulations, you received an A on your midterm\\ To distribute such messages to your students: \begin{enumerate} \item Select \textbf{Messages} on the Inline Menu or \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{com} \textbf{Send and display messages} on the Main Menu. \item At the \textbf{Communication/Messages} screen, select \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{fromfile} \textbf{New Messages from File}. \item On the \textbf{Broadcast Message} screen provide a subject and a general message text to be sent to all recipients. \item Click on \fbox{Browse ...} and select the file containing individualized messages you have previously created on your computer. \item If this is a "critical message," select "Send as critical message," see \ref{Course_Critical_Message}. \item Click \textbf{Upload and Send}. \end{enumerate}