\label{Docs_Adding_Folders} You can add folders to your \textbf{Course Document} screen to organize your course. Folders can act as sequences, chapters, modules, or homework sets. To add folders to your course, do the following: \begin{itemize} \item Log in to the course you wish to add folders to. \item Click \textbf{DOCS} on the Remote Control. \item At the \textbf{Course Documents} screen, click the \textbf{New Folder} button in the \textbf{Special documents} column. \item At the pop up window, type the name of the new folder and click OK. The folder will appear at the bottom of the course document area you added it to. \item To add resources to the folder, click on the folder you created. \end{itemize} A new course document screen will open, but you should see that under the \textbf{Main Course Documents} label, there is a new label \textbf{Folder:}, followed by the folder name. The folder is currently empty. You can now add resources to the folder, exactly as they are added in the "top-level" Course Documents area (\ref{Docs_Adding_Course_Doc}). Note: Your new folders will be active the next time you log in, or by clicking the \textbf{re-initializing course} button on the course document screen, whichever comes first.