\label{Docs_Course_Roster} A student-viewable course roster can be enabled in two ways: \begin{itemize} \item Including a Course Roster item within the Course Contents using the Course Editor. If you add a student-viewable course roster using the Course Editor you must also use ``Edit'' to set whether students enrolled in your course are listed by default. \item Using the \textbf{Classlists and staff listing} item in Course Settings to set student-viewable classlist options which include a viewable classlist. \end{itemize} For the first method proceed as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Select the \textbf{Course Editor} from the online menu. \item Select the \textbf{Collaboration} tab. \item Select the ``Course Roster'' item. \item Click the `Edit' link, and set `Student-viewable roster settings' One of: `Classlist of all sections' or Classlist of viewer's section needs to be selected for the classlist to be accessible to students. \item Click `Save' \item Click `Exit Editing' \end{enumerate} For the second method proceed as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Select \textbf{Course Settings} from the \textbf{Settings} dropdown in the inline menu. \item Check the checkbox for \textbf{Classlists and staff listing} and click `Display' \item Make appropriate selections in the Student-viewable classlist options area \item Click `Save' \end{enumerate} Note: the information displayed in the student-viewable roster is as follows: \begin{itemize} \item Last Name, First Name (links to user's Personal Information page) \item Username:domain (links to Message creation page to send message to this student) \item Section \item Available Portfolio files (if the link to accessible portfolio files is enabled) \end{itemize} You can choose whether student's individually need to opt-in to be displayed in the student-viewable roster. When display of a student-viewable roster is enabled in a course, a student's inline menu will include a \textbf{People} item. If display is not enabled that item will be absent.