\label{Docs_Editing_Templated_Pages} To edit templated pages, click on the page's link in the Course Documents area, next to the blue arrows, \textbf{Remove} and \textbf{Rename} link. Each template behaves in much the same way: Several labeled fields are provided, with text boxes below them. Fill out the ones that apply to your course. Leave the rest blank, and they will not be displayed to students. When you are done, click one of the \textbf{Store} buttons to save your work. When you click \textbf{Store}, \emph{all} changes made to any textbox on the screen are saved. Thus, you need not click \textbf{Store} for every single textbox; the \textbf{Store} buttons are shown next to each box for your convenience only. To see how the page looks without the text boxes, click the \textbf{Public View} or \textbf{Show Student View} link near the top of the page. This will show you how the page looks to everyone else.