Annotation of loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Domain_Configuration_SSL.tex, revision 1.1

1.1     ! raeburn     1: \label{Domain_Configuration_SSL}
        !             2: There are two different contexts in which a LON-CAPA server may communicate
        !             3: via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):
        !             4: 
        !             5: \begin{itemize}
        !             6: \item Encrypted web pages served by Apache via port 443.
        !             7: In this case, client requests will be for URLs beginning https://.
        !             8: \item Encrypted internal communication between LON-CAPA servers via port 5663.
        !             9: 
        !            10: 
        !            11: \textbf{Apache SSL}
        !            12: 
        !            13: 
        !            14: In the case of Apache, the steps required depend on the Linux distro.
        !            15: \begin{itemize}
        !            16: \item CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux/Fedora:
        !            17: \begin{quote}
        !            18: \emph{yum install mod\_ssl}
        !            19: \end{quote}
        !            20: \item SuSE/SLES:
        !            21: \begin{quote}
        !            22: Check that ssl is included in the list of modules in the \emph{APACHE\_MODULES} string 
        !            23: in \emph{/etc/sysconfig/apache2}.
        !            24: \end{quote}
        !            25: \item Debian/Ubuntu LTS:
        !            26: \begin{quote}
        !            27: \emph{a2enmod ssl}
        !            28: \end{quote}
        !            29: \end{itemize}
        !            30: 
        !            31: 
        !            32: For all distros you will need to install a key, generate a certificate signing
        !            33: request with that key, and have the certificate signed. You will also want to 
        !            34: disable the passphrase prompt on web server restart by removing the password from
        !            35: the copy of the key you use with Apache, e.g., 
        !            36: \begin{quote}
        !            37: \emph{openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.nopass}
        !            38: \end{quote}
        !            39: You will then put the the (nopass) key and certificate files in locations 
        !            40: accessible to Apache, and include information about the locations of those files 
        !            41: in a config file containing the following lines: 
        !            42: \begin{quote}
        !            43:   SSLCertificateFile <path to signed certificate>
        !            44: \end{quote}
        !            45: \begin{quote}
        !            46:   SSLCertificateKeyFile <path to key>
        !            47: \end{quote}
        !            48: replacing <path to ...> with the path to the location of the particular file.
        !            49: 
        !            50: 
        !            51: Which Apache config file contains these entries depends on the distro: 
        !            52: 
        !            53: \begin{itemize}
        !            54: \item CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux/Fedora:
        !            55: \begin{quote}
        !            56: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
        !            57: \end{quote}
        !            58: \item SuSE/SLES
        !            59: \begin{quote}
        !            60: /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.conf 
        !            61: \end{quote}
        !            62: \begin{quote}
        !            63: (copied from vhost-ssl.conf with
        !            64: the entry for DocumentRoot changed to ``/home/httpd/html'').
        !            65: \end{quote}
        !            66: \item Debian/Ubuntu LTS
        !            67: \begin{quote}
        !            68: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default-ssl
        !            69: \end{quote}
        !            70: \end{itemize}
        !            71: 
        !            72: If you want to use rewrite rules to ensure that all external web requests are 
        !            73: served using SSL, you should verify that mod\_rewrite is enabled:
        !            74: 
        !            75: \begin{itemize}
        !            76: \item CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux/Fedora
        !            77: \begin{quote}
        !            78: Verify that the following entry in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf is not commented out:
        !            79: \emph{LoadModule rewrite\_module modules/mod\}
        !            80: \end{quote}
        !            81: \item SuSE/SLES
        !            82: \begin{quote}
        !            83: Check that \emph{rewrite} is included in the list of modules in the 
        !            84: \emph{APACHE\_MODULES} string in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
        !            85: \end{quote}
        !            86: \item Debian/Ubuntu LTS
        !            87: \begin{quote}
        !            88: \emph{a2enmod rewrite}
        !            89: \end{quote}
        !            90: \end{itemize}
        !            91: 
        !            92: You will also need to copy the rewrites/loncapa\_rewrite\_on.conf file to
        !            93: loncapa\_rewrite.conf with the following commands: 
        !            94: \begin{itemize}
        !            95: \item CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux/Fedora
        !            96: \begin{quote}
        !            97: \emph{cp /etc/httpd/conf/rewrites/loncapa\_rewrite.conf /etc/httpd/conf/loncapa\_rewrite.conf}
        !            98: \end{quote}
        !            99: \item SuSE/SLES/Debian/Ubuntu LTS
        !           100: \begin{quote}
        !           101: \emph{cp /etc/apache2/rewrites/loncapa\_rewrite\_on.conf /etc/apache2/loncapa\_rewrite.conf}
        !           102: \end{quote}
        !           103: \end{itemize}
        !           104: 
        !           105: and then reload the web server:
        !           106: \begin{itemize}
        !           107: \item CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux/Fedora
        !           108: \begin{quote}
        !           109: \emph{cp /etc/init.d/httpd reload}
        !           110: \end{quote}
        !           111: \item SuSE/SLES/Debian/Ubuntu LTS
        !           112: \begin{quote}
        !           113: \emph{cp /etc/init.d/apache2 reload}
        !           114: \end{quote}
        !           115: \end{itemize}
        !           116: 
        !           117: If you want to disable rewriting of external web requests to https://, copy 
        !           118: rewrites/loncapa\_rewrite\_off.conf to loncapa\_rewrite.conf and reload the web 
        !           119: server.
        !           120: 
        !           121: You will need to open the server's Firewall to allow inbound traffic on port 443.
        !           122: \begin{itemize}
        !           123: \item CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux
        !           124: \begin{quote}
        !           125: \emph{/usr/bin/system-config-securitylevel-tui}
        !           126: \end{quote}
        !           127: \item Fedora
        !           128: \begin{quote}
        !           129: \emph{/usr/bin/system-config-firewall-tui}
        !           130: \end{quote}
        !           131: \item SuSE/SLES
        !           132: \begin{quote}
        !           133: yast -\> Security and Users -> Firewall 
        !           134: \end{quote}
        !           135: \item Debian 6/Ubuntu LTS
        !           136: \begin{quote}
        !           137: \emph{ufw allow 443/tcp}
        !           138: \end{quote}
        !           139: \end{itemize}
        !           140: 
        !           141: Note: changing firewall settings will cause iptables to reload, which means the
        !           142: rules to allow connections from other LON-CAPA servers via port 5663 will need to
        !           143: be re-established (if the LON-CAPA daemons were already running) by doing: \emph{/etc/init.d/loncontrol restart} as root.
        !           144: 
        !           145: \textbf{Internal LON-CAPA SSL} 
        !           146: 
        !           147: 
        !           148: In the case of encrypted internal communication between LON-CAPA servers, 
        !           149: you will need command line access as either root or www and enter the following
        !           150: commands:
        !           151: 
        !           152: \begin{quote}
        !           153: \emph{cd /home/httpd/lonCerts}
        !           154: \end{quote}
        !           155: \begin{quote}
        !           156: \emph{sh request\_ssl\}
        !           157: \end{quote}
        !           158: 
        !           159: \textbf{Important}: for the Common Name you should enter the lonHostID.
        !           160: This is displayed on the log-in page (Server: ) and is also an entry in the 
        !           161: loncapa.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf (CentOS/RedHat/Scientific Linux/Fedora)
        !           162: or /etc/apache2 (SuSE/SLES/Debian/Ubuntu LTS).  An example would be msul1.
        !           163: 
        !           164: By running \emph{request\_ssl\} you will:
        !           165: \begin{itemize}
        !           166: \item Generate a private/public key pair. 
        !           167: \begin{quote}
        !           168: The private key will be stored in /home/httpd/lonCerts/lonKey.pem
        !           169: It will be set so that only www can read this file. (You will want to
        !           170: make sure this file stays secret).
        !           171: \end{quote}
        !           172: \item Automatically send an e-mail to the LON-CAPA certificate authority. 
        !           173: containing your public key so LON-CAPA can sign it.
        !           174: \end{itemize}
        !           175: 
        !           176: Your certificate will be signed by the certificate authority and an e-mail
        !           177: will be sent to the e-mail address you gave when prompted for one 
        !           178: when you ran request\_ssl\
        !           179: 
        !           180: Save the email you receive to a file, remove the headers from it, 
        !           181: and run it (as the \emph{www} user).
        !           182: 
        !           183: If it successfully completes you will have:
        !           184: 
        !           185: \begin{itemize} 
        !           186: \item /home/httpd/lonCerts/lonhostcert.pem
        !           187: \begin{quote}
        !           188: (your signed public key)
        !           189: \end{quote}
        !           190: \item /home/httpd/lonCerts/loncapaCA.pem  
        !           191: \begin{quote}
        !           192: (the public key of the Lon-CAPA certificate authority)
        !           193: \end{quote}
        !           194: \end{itemize}
        !           195: 
        !           196: Now when you machine connects to another server in the LON-CAPA 
        !           197: network it will try to do so over an SSL connection. 
        !           198: You can verify this by doing:
        !           199: \begin{quote}
        !           200: 
        !           201: \emph{ps auxwww | grep lonc}
        !           202: 
        !           203: \end{quote}
        !           204: 
        !           205: You should see something like:
        !           206: \begin{quote}
        !           207: lonc: msul1 Connection count: 1 Retries remaining: 5 (ssl) 
        !           208: \end{quote}
        !           209: where before you saw something like:
        !           210: \begin{quote}
        !           211: lonc: msul1 Connection count: 1 Retries remaining: 5 (insecure)
        !           212: \end{quote}

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