\label{Grade_All} \begin{enumerate} \item At the top of the \textbf{Grading table} screen, select section, groups and access status of the student you want to grade. Choices for access status are: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{with any status}: any student in the course or selected section \item \textbf{with submissions}: any student who submitted an answer \item \textbf{with ungraded submissions}: any student who submitted an answer or essay to an ungraded, hand-graded problem. \item \textbf{with incorrect submissions}: any student who has made a submission which the computer or instructor has marked incorrect. \end{itemize} \item Click \fbox{Next}. \item On the \textbf{Modify grades} screen, you will see a table of student grade data for your class or selected section. You have two options: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Assign a common grade to tho class or section}: Select the point value you wish to assign in the box under the \textbf{Assign Common Grade to Class} heading. You may also wish to excuse a problem using the \textbf{Grade Status} pulldown menu. Excusing a problem will remove the problem score from the total IF the student has not already received credit on the problem. For example, say your current folder is worth 1 point while the folder is worth 15 points. The students who have credit on the problem will get their total score out of 15 points; however, the students who have not received credit will get their total score out of 14 points. \item \textbf{Assign scores for specific students}: Input the point value you want to assign to each student in the appropriate location. \end{itemize} \item Click \fbox{Save}. The \textbf{Store grades} screen will display. \end{enumerate}