\label{GradingOptions} Click \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{crsconf} \textbf{Modify course configuration} on the Main Menu. On the \textbf{Course Configuration} screen check \textbf{Grading} and hit \fbox{Display} Edit the course parameter variable \textbf{Grading\index{grading options}}. This variable can take three values: \begin{description} \item{\bf\tt standard}: the points for every problem part are partial credit factor times weight \begin{itemize} \item no \underbar{detailed score sheet} link provided to students on the \textbf{Points Display} screen page \item the \textbf{Points Display} screen page uses the word ``points'' \end{itemize} \item{\bf\tt external}: grading information screens are hidden, usually because grades are calculated external to LON-CAPA \begin{itemize} \item no \underbar{detailed score sheet} link is provided to students on the \textbf{Points Display} screen page \item the \textbf{Points Display} screen page does not use the word ``points,'' but rather shows the number of completed parts \end{itemize} \item{\bf\tt spreadsheet}: the full spreadsheet is used for grade calculations \begin{itemize} \item the \underbar{detailed score sheet} link is provided on the \textbf{Points Display} screen page \item the \textbf{Points Display} screen page does not use the word ``points,'' but rather shows the number of completed parts \end{itemize} \end{description}