\label{Navigation_Screen} Select \textbf{Course Contents} on the Inline Menu or \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{nav} \textbf{Table of course contents} from the Main Menu to explore your course. The \textbf{Course Contents} screen is a table of contents for your course that also displays due dates, status (i.e. solved versus unsolved problems), new discussion notification, and new message notification. New discussion posts are indicated by a little speech bubble \includegraphics[width=0.015\paperwidth]{chat} next to the resource name. New messages from individual students are indicated by a little envelope \includegraphics[width=0.015\paperwidth]{newmsg} next to the resource name. Clicking on this icon displays the message. Clicking on any resource jumps you to that resource. Clicking on a folder icon opens up the folder, showing a list of all the resources inside that folder. For Course Coordinators clicking the little wrench \includegraphics[width=0.015\paperwidth]{editmap} to the right of a folder's name will open the Course Editor for that specific folder. Several tools are available to modify the appearance of \textbf{Course Contents}, e.g., by showing the first due problem, showing only uncompleted problems, opening all folders etc. Unless the course is empty, or all content is hidden (except Course Coordinators), a \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{printout} tool will be available to jump to generate PDF printout(s) of resource(s) in the course. Course Coordinators and other course personnel with the right to create PDF printouts for others in a course will be able to jump to generation of PDF printouts for bubblesheet exams for their students. Course Coordinators will also see a \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{docs} tool which jumps to the Course Editor.