LON-CAPA can forward communication received by a LON-CAPA account to another LON-CAPA account, which is useful if you have multiple LON-CAPA accounts and wish to receive all messages in one account. LON-CAPA can also send notification of new messages to conventional Internet mail accounts. LON-CAPA can also forward only critical messages or send critical message notifications to a different email account. To change your message forwarding and notification addresses, do the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Select \textbf{PREF} on the Remote Control or Main Menu. \item At the \textbf{Change Preferences} screen, click the \underbar{Change Message Forwarding and Notification Addresses} link. \item Type your desired forward address or addresses into the text field labeled \textbf{New Forwarding Address(es)}. This should be one or more LON-CAPA addresses, like ``user:domain'', separated by commas. \item Type your desired forward address or addresses into the text field labeled \textbf{New Message Notification Email Address(es)}. This should be one or more Internet email addresses, like ``user@example.com'', separated by commas. \item Type your desired forward address or addresses into the text field labeled \textbf{New Critical Message Notification Email Address(es)}. This should be one or more Internet email addresses, like ``user@example.com'', separated by commas. \item Click the \fbox{Change} button. \end{enumerate}