Annotation of loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Publishing_A_Resource.tex, revision 1.1

1.1     ! bowersj2    1: 
        !             2: 
        !             3: 
        !             4: \index{Resource, Publishing}\index{Publishing Resource}
        !             5: 
        !             6: %
        !             7: \begin{figure}
        !             8: \begin{center}\includegraphics[  width=0.80\paperwidth]{constructionSpaceForPublishing}\end{center}
        !             9: 
        !            10: 
        !            11: \caption{Construction Space for Publishing\label{Construction Space for Publishing Figure}}
        !            12: \end{figure}
        !            13: To publish a resource, log in and choose your role to be an Author. Then
        !            14: click \textbf{CSTR} to go to your construction space. You should see something
        !            15: like the ``Construction Space for Publishing''. Click on the
        !            16: \textbf{Publish} button for the resource you wish to publish.%
        !            17: \begin{figure}
        !            18: \begin{center}\includegraphics[  width=0.80\paperwidth]{publishMetadata}\end{center}
        !            19: 
        !            20: 
        !            21: \caption{Publishing Metadata Screen\label{Publishing Metadata Screen Figure}}
        !            22: \end{figure}
        !            23:  You'll get a metadata screen that should look something like
        !            24: the  ``Publishing Metadata Screen'' figure.
        !            25: Fill out the form. If you are creating resources that may be used in several
        !            26: courses, you should talk with the other authors and establish some sort of
        !            27: standard title and subject scheme in advance. 
        !            28: 
        !            29: The \textbf{Language} is the language the problem is written in. The \textbf{Publisher/Owner}
        !            30: is the LON-CAPA user who owns the problem.
        !            31: 
        !            32: The \textbf{Keywords} and the \textbf{Abstract} are more information about
        !            33: the problem. The \textbf{Keywords} are words that are strongly connected
        !            34: to your problem; for instance a physics problem about a pulley might include
        !            35: {}``pulley'' as a key word. LON-CAPA pulls out words used in the text of
        !            36: the resource for you so you can just click on their check boxes to make them
        !            37: keywords. \textbf{Additional keywords} allows you to add any keyword to your
        !            38: problem that are not actually in the problem. For instance, on that same
        !            39: problem a physicist might add the keyword {}``statics'', even though it
        !            40: doesn't appear in the original problem, because Physics uses that as a classification
        !            41: of problem type. \textbf{Additional Keywords} are also useful when publishing
        !            42: graphics.
        !            43: 
        !            44: Finally, you need to set the copyright and distribution permissions in the
        !            45: \textbf{COPYRIGHT/DISTRIBUTION} drop-down. This setting controls who is allowed
        !            46: to use your resource as follows:
        !            47: 
        !            48: \begin{itemize}
        !            49: \item \textbf{Limited to courses in the domain published} means that only courses
        !            50: running in the same domain as you can use your content. Talk to your LON-CAPA
        !            51: administrator if you want more information about your domain.
        !            52: \item \textbf{Free} means that anyone can find and use the resource.
        !            53: \item \textbf{Private - visible to author only} means that it can't be used for
        !            54: any course.
        !            55: \item \textbf{Public - no authentication required} means anyone can find and use
        !            56: the resource.
        !            57: \end{itemize}
        !            58: Now when you click \textbf{Finalize Publication}, your resource will be published
        !            59: and usable (unless you set the distribution to {}``private'').

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