\label{Script_Functions} This is a list of functions that have been written that are available in the Safe space scripting environment inside a problem: \begin{itemize} \item sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) \item asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), atan2(y,x) \item log(x), log10(x) \item exp(), pow(x,y), sqrt(x) \item abs(x), sgn(x) \item erf(x), erfc(x) \item ceil(x), floor(x) \item min(...), max(...) \item factorial(n) \item N\%M (modulo function) \item sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x) \item asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x) \item roundto(x,n) \item web({}``a'',''b'',''c'') or web(a,b,c) \item html({}``a'') or html(a) \item j0(x), j1(x), jn(n,x), jv(y,x) \item y0(x), y1(x), yn(n,x), yv(y,x) \item random \item choose \item tex({}``a'',''b'') or tex(a,b) \item var\_in\_tex(a) \item to\_string(x), to\_string(x,y) \item class(), section() \item name(), student\_number() \item check\_status(partid) \item open\_date(), due\_date(), answer\_date() \item sub\_string() \item array\_moments(array) \item format(x,y),prettyprint(x,y,target),dollarformat(x,target) \item map(...) \item caparesponse\_check \item caparesponse\_check\_list \end{itemize} We also support these functions from Math::Cephes \begin{verbatim} bdtr: Binomial distribution bdtrc: Complemented binomial distribution bdtri: Inverse binomial distribution btdtr: Beta distribution chdtr: Chi-square distribution chdtrc: Complemented Chi-square distribution chdtri: Inverse of complemented Chi-square distribution fdtr: F distribution fdtrc: Complemented F distribution fdtri: Inverse of complemented F distribution gdtr: Gamma distribution function gdtrc: Complemented gamma distribution function nbdtr: Negative binomial distribution nbdtrc: Complemented negative binomial distribution nbdtri: Functional inverse of negative binomial distribution ndtr: Normal distribution function ndtri: Inverse of Normal distribution function pdtr: Poisson distribution pdtrc: Complemented poisson distribution pdtri: Inverse Poisson distribution stdtr: Student's t distribution stdtri: Functional inverse of Student's t distribution \end{verbatim} Please see Math::Cephes for more information