\label{Tolerance} A \textbf{tolerance\index{tolerance}} parameter determines how closely the system will require the student's answer to be in order to count it correct. For technical reasons, it is almost never a good idea to set this parameter to zero. Computers can only approximate computations involving real numbers. For instance, a computer's {[}decimal{]} answer to the simple problem $\frac{1}{3}$ is {}``0.33333333333333331''. It \emph{should} be an infinite series of 3's, and there certainly shouldn't be a {}``1'' in the answer, but no computer can represent an infinitely long, infinitely detailed real number. Therefore, for any problem where the answer is not a small integer, you \emph{need} to allow a tolerance factor, or the students will find it nearly impossible to exactly match the computers idea of the answer. You may find the default too large for some problems. There are three kinds of tolerance. For some answer $A$ and a tolerance $T$, \begin{enumerate} \item an \textbf{Absolute} tolerance\index{absolute tolerance}\index{tolerance, absolute} will take anything in the range $A\pm T$. So if $A=10$ and $T=2$, then anything between 8 and 12 is acceptable. Any number in the tolerance field \emph{without} a \textbf{\%} symbol is an absolute tolerance. \item a \textbf{Relative} tolerance\index{relative tolerance}\index{tolerance, relative} will take anything in the range $A\pm aT$, where \emph{T} is interpreted as a percentage/100. Any number in the tolerance field \emph{followed by} a \textbf{\%} symbol is a relative tolerance. For example, $a=10$ and $t=10\%$ will accept anything between 9 and 11. \item a tolerance that is a calculated variable (identified by \$ sign as the first character). For example, if an answer is $\$X$,and for a student possible values range from $-\$X1$ to $+\$X1$, you could choose $T = \$tolerance = \$2X1/100;$ acceptable answers would then be from $\$X-\$tolerance$ to $\$X+\$tolerance$. (This is especially useful when answers close to zero are possible for some students) \end{enumerate}