Once you've defined variables in the \textbf{Script}, you can use them in the \textbf{Text Block}. For example, using the previous three-line script we've created so far, you can place the following in the \textbf{Text Block}: \begin{lyxcode} See~the~3:~\$variable See~the~string:~\$stringVar \end{lyxcode} % \begin{figure} \begin{center}\includegraphics{numericalResponseVarInText}\end{center} \caption{Result of Variables in the Text Block\label{Result of Variables in the Text Block Figure}} \end{figure} If you save that and hit \textbf{View}, you should get what you see in figure \ref{Result of Variables in the Text Block Figure}. Note how the {}``\$variable'' was turned into a 3, and the {}``\$stringVar'' was turned into {}``I have a variable with the value 3.''