\label{exam_basics} There are multiple things here that you will need in order to run an exam. \begin{enumerate} \item you will need to be able to get a file from your scanning office that is scan of the bubbled scantron sheets. \item you will need to modify the scantronformat.tab file to properly describe what your data file looks like. \end{enumerate} To see a homework problem set turned into a bubble sheet exam you need to - set the parameter 'problemtype' for the set to 'exam' in PARM. The set of problems now it should automatically convert to a 'bubbled input' display, both online and when printing. You should be able to print out all of the exams now and there will be an individualized exam for each student. When grading the exam you will need to \begin{enumerate} \item goto the set \item click PGRD \item click on 'Grade Scantron Forms' \item you will then need to upload the sacntron data file to the Lon-CAPA server (it is the bottom option on that screen.) \item one it is uploaded go back to the 'Grade Scnatron forms' screen \item fill in the top form, and click 'Validate records' \end{enumerate} From there on out it tries to describe what is going on in detail so reading the screen and answering the questions should be straight forward. We are also supporting annonymous mode of using scantron form exams. Basically some people don't want to take the time to hand out 300 exams to indiviual students (I.e make sure Alice gets Alice's exam and Bob gets Bob's exam.) So we have another mode, where we generate different exam versions all of which have a 6-letter 'CODE' which control the random numbers. The generating and grading of these is a bit more complex. \begin{enumerate} \item got to a resource in a course \item hit PRT \item select 'Problem from for anonymous students' \item click Next -> \item type in the number of exams you want generated \item if you want to save the CODEs for later so the bubbled input can be validated, type in a name to save them under \item click Next-> \item print them out \item fill in some scantron forms \item get them scanned \item upload the scan results \item goto PGRD \item click 'Grade' scantron form \item Select the map, datafile, scantron format that knows where a CODE is on the form, and the name that CODEs where saved under \item click 'Validate Scantron Records' \item follow the on screen prompts. \end{enumerate}