\label{exam_build} Creating a Folder \begin{itemize} \item Select {[}DOCS] from the remote control or Main Menu. This will take you to the Course Documents screen, where you can imort or upload new documents to use in your course. \item Click the {[}New Folder] button and name the folder accordingly. Example: Exam 1 \end{itemize} \begin{description} \item [{NOTE:}] You may wish to hide the folder so that students do not have access. Check the {[}Hidden] option next to your folder on the {[}DOCS] screen. Click the {[}Store Parameters] button to save. \end{description} Choosing Exam Questions \begin{itemize} \item Add questions to your folder with {[}Import], {[}Search], {[}Load Map], or {[}Simple Problem]. At this point, your exam will look like homework. \end{itemize}