Annotation of loncom/html/adm/help/tex/scantron_howquestionsscored.lyx, revision 1.1

1.1     ! webbsuza    1: #LyX 1.4.1 created this file. For more info see
        !             2: \lyxformat 245
        !             3: \begin_document
        !             4: \begin_header
        !             5: \textclass article
        !             6: \language english
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        !            28: 
        !            29: \begin_body
        !            30: 
        !            31: \begin_layout Standard
        !            32: Scantron Exams
        !            33: \end_layout
        !            34: 
        !            35: \begin_layout Standard
        !            36: How Questions Will Be Scored
        !            37: \end_layout
        !            38: 
        !            39: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            40: For each response type (except for option and match response), each part
        !            41:  in a multi-part question is graded as if it were a separate problem.
        !            42:  In other words, a problem with weight of three and two parts will be printed
        !            43:  as two separate problems each with a weight of three.
        !            44:  Multi-response questions require the student to get all numbered responses
        !            45:  correct to get the problem correct.
        !            46:  You can tell the difference between a multi-part and a multi-response question
        !            47:  online.
        !            48:  For multi-part questions, each part will have its own submit answer button.
        !            49: \end_layout
        !            50: 
        !            51: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            52: Option response and match response submissions are scored leniently.
        !            53:  The means if an option response question gives four foil statements to
        !            54:  the student and is worth a weight of 4, each foil will be scored for one
        !            55:  point.
        !            56:  If there are mutliple option or match resonses in one part, then the entire
        !            57:  problem is scored leniently regardless if each response is in its own part.This
        !            58:  is different behavior from all other response types.
        !            59: \end_layout
        !            60: 
        !            61: \begin_layout Itemize
        !            62: Essay, formula and string response questions must be hand-graded.
        !            63:  The instructor can hand-grade online, or indicate the grade on the scantron
        !            64:  sheet.
        !            65:  If the hand-graded question should receive 5 points, then the letter E
        !            66:  is bubbled in.
        !            67:  If the hand-graded question should receive 15 points, then J is bubbled
        !            68:  in on the fisrt line (10 points) and E is bubbled in on the second line
        !            69:  (5 points) for a total of 15 points.
        !            70:  If the question should receive no credit, then nothing is bubbled in.
        !            71: \end_layout
        !            72: 
        !            73: \end_body
        !            74: \end_document

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