Annotation of loncom/html/adm/jmol/Jmol.js, revision 1.1

1.1     ! albertel    1: /* $RCSfile: Jmol.js,v $
        !             2:  * $Author: migueljmol $
        !             3:  * $Date: 2004/12/11 22:22:10 $
        !             4:  * $Revision: 1.28 $
        !             5:  *
        !             6:  * Copyright (C) 2004  The Jmol Development Team
        !             7:  *
        !             8:  * Contact:
        !             9:  *
        !            10:  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
        !            11:  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
        !            12:  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
        !            13:  *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
        !            14:  *
        !            15:  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        !            16:  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        !            17:  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU
        !            18:  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
        !            19:  *
        !            20:  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
        !            21:  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
        !            22:  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
        !            23:  *  02111-1307  USA.
        !            24:  */
        !            25: 
        !            26: // for documentation see
        !            27: 
        !            28: var undefined; // for IE 5 ... wherein undefined is undefined
        !            29: 
        !            30: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !            31: // Basic Scripting infrastruture
        !            32: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !            33: 
        !            34: function jmolInitialize(codebaseDirectory) {
        !            35:   if (_jmol.initialized) {
        !            36:     alert("jmolInitialize() should only be called *ONCE* within a page");
        !            37:     return;
        !            38:   }
        !            39:   if (! codebaseDirectory) {
        !            40:     alert("codebaseDirectory is a required parameter to jmolInitialize");
        !            41:     codebaseDirectory = ".";
        !            42:   }
        !            43:   if (codebaseDirectory.indexOf("http://") == 0 ||
        !            44:       codebaseDirectory.indexOf("https://") == 0)
        !            45:     alert("codebaseDirectory should be directory relative,\n" +
        !            46: 	  "not be an absolute URL : " + codebaseDirectory);
        !            47:   else if (codebaseDirectory.charAt(0) == '/')
        !            48:     alert("codebaseDirectory should be directory relative,\n" +
        !            49: 	  "not relative to the root of the web server : " + codebaseDirectory);
        !            50:   _jmolSetCodebase(codebaseDirectory);
        !            51:   _jmolOnloadResetForms();
        !            52:   _jmol.initialized = true;
        !            53: }
        !            54: 
        !            55: function jmolSetAppletColor(boxbgcolor, boxfgcolor, progresscolor) {
        !            56:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !            57:   _jmol.boxbgcolor = boxbgcolor;
        !            58:   if (boxfgcolor)
        !            59:     _jmol.boxfgcolor = boxfgcolor
        !            60:   else if (boxbgcolor == "white" || boxbgcolor == "#FFFFFF")
        !            61:     _jmol.boxfgcolor = "black";
        !            62:   else
        !            63:     _jmol.boxfgcolor = "white";
        !            64:   if (progresscolor)
        !            65:     _jmol.progresscolor = progresscolor;
        !            66:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !            67:     alert(" boxbgcolor=" + _jmol.boxbgcolor +
        !            68:           " boxfgcolor=" + _jmol.boxfgcolor +
        !            69:           " progresscolor=" + _jmol.progresscolor);
        !            70: }
        !            71: 
        !            72: function jmolApplet(size, script, nameSuffix) {
        !            73:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !            74:   _jmolApplet(size, null, script, nameSuffix);
        !            75: }
        !            76: 
        !            77: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !            78: // Basic controls
        !            79: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !            80: 
        !            81: function jmolButton(script, label, id) {
        !            82:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !            83:   var scriptIndex = _jmolAddScript(script);
        !            84:   if (label == undefined || label == null)
        !            85:     label = script.substring(0, 32);
        !            86:   if (id == undefined || id == null)
        !            87:     id = "jmolButton" + _jmol.buttonCount;
        !            88:   ++_jmol.buttonCount;
        !            89:   var t = "<input type='button' name='" + id + "' id='" + id +
        !            90:           "' value='" + label +
        !            91:           "' onClick='_jmolClick(" + scriptIndex + _jmol.targetText +
        !            92:           ")' onMouseover='_jmolMouseOver(" + scriptIndex +
        !            93:           ");return true' onMouseout='_jmolMouseOut()' " +
        !            94:           _jmol.buttonCssText + "/>";
        !            95:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !            96:     alert(t);
        !            97:   document.write(t);
        !            98: }
        !            99: 
        !           100: function jmolCheckbox(scriptWhenChecked, scriptWhenUnchecked,
        !           101:                       labelHtml, isChecked, id) {
        !           102:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !           103:   if (id == undefined || id == null)
        !           104:     id = "jmolCheckbox" + _jmol.checkboxCount;
        !           105:   ++_jmol.checkboxCount;
        !           106:   if (scriptWhenChecked == undefined || scriptWhenChecked == null ||
        !           107:       scriptWhenUnchecked == undefined || scriptWhenUnchecked == null) {
        !           108:     alert("jmolCheckbox requires two scripts");
        !           109:     return;
        !           110:   }
        !           111:   if (labelHtml == undefined || labelHtml == null) {
        !           112:     alert("jmolCheckbox requires a label");
        !           113:     return;
        !           114:   }
        !           115:   var indexChecked = _jmolAddScript(scriptWhenChecked);
        !           116:   var indexUnchecked = _jmolAddScript(scriptWhenUnchecked);
        !           117:   var t = "<input type='checkbox' name='" + id + "' id='" + id +
        !           118:           "' onClick='_jmolCbClick(this," +
        !           119:           indexChecked + "," + indexUnchecked + _jmol.targetText +
        !           120:           ")' onMouseover='_jmolCbOver(this," + indexChecked + "," +
        !           121:           indexUnchecked +
        !           122:           ");return true' onMouseout='_jmolMouseOut()' " +
        !           123: 	  (isChecked ? "checked " : "") + _jmol.checkboxCssText + "/>" +
        !           124:           labelHtml;
        !           125:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           126:     alert(t);
        !           127:   document.write(t);
        !           128: }
        !           129: 
        !           130: function jmolRadioGroup(arrayOfRadioButtons, separatorHtml, groupName) {
        !           131:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !           132:   var type = typeof arrayOfRadioButtons;
        !           133:   if (type != "object" || type == null || ! arrayOfRadioButtons.length) {
        !           134:     alert("invalid arrayOfRadioButtons");
        !           135:     return;
        !           136:   }
        !           137:   if (separatorHtml == undefined || separatorHtml == null)
        !           138:     separatorHtml = "&nbsp; ";
        !           139:   var length = arrayOfRadioButtons.length;
        !           140:   var t = "";
        !           141:   jmolStartNewRadioGroup();
        !           142:   for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        !           143:     var radio = arrayOfRadioButtons[i];
        !           144:     type = typeof radio;
        !           145:     if (type == "object") {
        !           146:       t += _jmolRadio(radio[0], radio[1], radio[2], separatorHtml, groupName);
        !           147:     } else {
        !           148:       t += _jmolRadio(radio, null, null, separatorHtml, groupName);
        !           149:     }
        !           150:   }
        !           151:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           152:     alert(t);
        !           153:   document.write(t);
        !           154: }
        !           155: 
        !           156: function jmolLink(script, text, id) {
        !           157:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !           158:   if (id == undefined || id == null)
        !           159:     id = "jmolLink" + _jmol.linkCount;
        !           160:   ++_jmol.linkCount;
        !           161:   var scriptIndex = _jmolAddScript(script);
        !           162:   var t = "<a name='" + id + "' id='" + id + 
        !           163:           "' href='javascript:_jmolClick(" + scriptIndex +
        !           164:           _jmol.targetText +
        !           165:           ");' onMouseover='_jmolMouseOver(" + scriptIndex +
        !           166:           ");return true;' onMouseout='_jmolMouseOut()' " +
        !           167:           _jmol.linkCssText + ">" + text + "</a>";
        !           168:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           169:     alert(t);
        !           170:   document.write(t);
        !           171: }
        !           172: 
        !           173: function jmolMenu(arrayOfMenuItems, size, id) {
        !           174:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !           175:   if (id == undefined || id == null)
        !           176:     id = "jmolMenu" + _jmol.menuCount;
        !           177:   ++_jmol.menuCount;
        !           178:   var type = typeof arrayOfMenuItems;
        !           179:   if (type != null && type == "object" && arrayOfMenuItems.length) {
        !           180:     var length = arrayOfMenuItems.length;
        !           181:     if (typeof size != "number" || size == 1)
        !           182:       size = null;
        !           183:     else if (size < 0)
        !           184:       size = length;
        !           185:     var sizeText = size ? " size='" + size + "' " : "";
        !           186:     var t = "<select name='" + id + "' id='" + id +
        !           187:             "' onChange='_jmolMenuSelected(this" +
        !           188:             _jmol.targetText + ")'" +
        !           189:             sizeText + _jmol.menuCssText + ">";
        !           190:     for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        !           191:       var menuItem = arrayOfMenuItems[i];
        !           192:       type = typeof menuItem;
        !           193:       var script, text;
        !           194:       var isSelected = undefined;
        !           195:       if (type == "object" && menuItem != null) {
        !           196:         script = menuItem[0];
        !           197:         text = menuItem[1];
        !           198:         isSelected = menuItem[2];
        !           199:       } else {
        !           200:         script = text = menuItem;
        !           201:       }
        !           202:       if (text == undefined || text == null)
        !           203:         text = script;
        !           204:       var scriptIndex = _jmolAddScript(script);
        !           205:       var selectedText = isSelected ? "' selected>" : "'>";
        !           206:       t += "<option value='" + scriptIndex + selectedText + text + "</option>";
        !           207:     }
        !           208:     t += "</select>";
        !           209:     if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           210:       alert(t);
        !           211:     document.write(t);
        !           212:   }
        !           213: }
        !           214: 
        !           215: function jmolHtml(html) {
        !           216:   document.write(html);
        !           217: }
        !           218: 
        !           219: function jmolBr() {
        !           220:   document.write("<br />");
        !           221: }
        !           222: 
        !           223: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !           224: // advanced scripting functions
        !           225: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !           226: 
        !           227: function jmolDebugAlert(enableAlerts) {
        !           228:   _jmol.debugAlert = (enableAlerts == undefined || enableAlerts)
        !           229: }
        !           230: 
        !           231: function jmolAppletInline(size, inlineModel, script, nameSuffix) {
        !           232:   _jmolApplet(size, _jmolConvertInline(inlineModel), script, nameSuffix);
        !           233: }
        !           234: 
        !           235: function jmolSetTarget(targetSuffix) {
        !           236:   _jmol.targetSuffix = targetSuffix;
        !           237:   _jmol.targetText = targetSuffix ? ",\"" + targetSuffix + "\"" : "";
        !           238: }
        !           239: 
        !           240: function jmolScript(script, targetSuffix) {
        !           241:   if (script) {
        !           242:     _jmolCheckBrowser();
        !           243:     var target = "jmolApplet" + (targetSuffix ? targetSuffix : "0");
        !           244:     var applet = _jmolFindApplet(target);
        !           245:     if (applet)
        !           246:       return applet.script(script);
        !           247:     else
        !           248:       alert("could not find applet " + target);
        !           249:   }
        !           250: }
        !           251: 
        !           252: function jmolLoadInline(model, targetSuffix) {
        !           253:   if (model) {
        !           254:     var target = "jmolApplet" + (targetSuffix ? targetSuffix : "0");
        !           255: //    while (! _jmol.ready[target])
        !           256: //      alert("The Jmol applet " + target + " is not loaded yet");
        !           257: //    if (! _jmol.ready[target])
        !           258: //      alert("The Jmol applet " + target + " is not loaded yet");
        !           259: //    if (document.applets[target] && ! document.applets[target].isActive())
        !           260: //       alert("The Jmol applet " + target + " is not yet active");
        !           261: //    else {
        !           262:       var applet = _jmolFindApplet(target);
        !           263:       if (applet)
        !           264:         return applet.loadInline(model);
        !           265:       else
        !           266:         alert("could not find applet " + target);
        !           267: //    }
        !           268:   }
        !           269: }
        !           270: 
        !           271: function jmolStartNewRadioGroup() {
        !           272:   ++_jmol.radioGroupCount;
        !           273: }
        !           274: 
        !           275: function jmolRadio(script, labelHtml, isChecked, separatorHtml, groupName) {
        !           276:   _jmolInitCheck();
        !           277:   if (_jmol.radioGroupCount == 0)
        !           278:     ++_jmol.radioGroupCount;
        !           279:   var t = _jmolRadio(script, labelHtml, isChecked, separatorHtml, groupName);
        !           280:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           281:     alert(t);
        !           282:   document.write(t);
        !           283: }
        !           284: 
        !           285: function jmolCheckBrowser(action, urlOrMessage, nowOrLater) {
        !           286:   if (typeof action == "string") {
        !           287:     action = action.toLowerCase();
        !           288:     if (action != "alert" && action != "redirect" && action != "popup")
        !           289:       action = null;
        !           290:   }
        !           291:   if (typeof action != "string")
        !           292:     alert("jmolCheckBrowser(action, urlOrMessage, nowOrLater)\n\n" +
        !           293:           "action must be 'alert', 'redirect', or 'popup'");
        !           294:   else {
        !           295:     if (typeof urlOrMessage != "string")
        !           296:       alert("jmolCheckBrowser(action, urlOrMessage, nowOrLater)\n\n" +
        !           297:             "urlOrMessage must be a string");
        !           298:     else {
        !           299:       _jmol.checkBrowserAction = action;
        !           300:       _jmol.checkBrowserUrlOrMessage = urlOrMessage;
        !           301:     }
        !           302:   }
        !           303:   if (typeof nowOrLater == "string" && nowOrLater.toLowerCase() == "now")
        !           304:     _jmolCheckBrowser();
        !           305: }
        !           306: 
        !           307: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !           308: // Cascading Style Sheet Class support
        !           309: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !           310: 
        !           311: function jmolSetAppletCssClass(appletCssClass) {
        !           312:   if (_jmol.hasGetElementById) {
        !           313:     _jmol.appletCssClass = appletCssClass;
        !           314:     _jmol.appletCssText = appletCssClass ? "class='" + appletCssClass + "' " : "";
        !           315:   }
        !           316: }
        !           317: 
        !           318: function jmolSetButtonCssClass(buttonCssClass) {
        !           319:   if (_jmol.hasGetElementById) {
        !           320:     _jmol.buttonCssClass = buttonCssClass;
        !           321:     _jmol.buttonCssText = buttonCssClass ? "class='" + buttonCssClass + "' " : "";
        !           322:   }
        !           323: }
        !           324: 
        !           325: function jmolSetCheckboxCssClass(checkboxCssClass) {
        !           326:   if (_jmol.hasGetElementById) {
        !           327:     _jmol.checkboxCssClass = checkboxCssClass;
        !           328:     _jmol.checkboxCssText = checkboxCssClass ? "class='" + checkboxCssClass + "' " : "";
        !           329:   }
        !           330: }
        !           331: 
        !           332: function jmolSetRadioCssClass(radioCssClass) {
        !           333:   if (_jmol.hasGetElementById) {
        !           334:     _jmol.radioCssClass = radioCssClass;
        !           335:     _jmol.radioCssText = radioCssClass ? "class='" + radioCssClass + "' " : "";
        !           336:   }
        !           337: }
        !           338: 
        !           339: function jmolSetLinkCssClass(linkCssClass) {
        !           340:   if (_jmol.hasGetElementById) {
        !           341:     _jmol.linkCssClass = linkCssClass;
        !           342:     _jmol.linkCssText = linkCssClass ? "class='" + linkCssClass + "' " : "";
        !           343:   }
        !           344: }
        !           345: 
        !           346: function jmolSetMenuCssClass(menuCssClass) {
        !           347:   if (_jmol.hasGetElementById) {
        !           348:     _jmol.menuCssClass = menuCssClass;
        !           349:     _jmol.menuCssText = menuCssClass ? "class='" + menuCssClass + "' " : "";
        !           350:   }
        !           351: }
        !           352: 
        !           353: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !           354: // functions for INTERNAL USE ONLY which are subject to change
        !           355: // use at your own risk ... you have been WARNED!
        !           356: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        !           357: 
        !           358: var _jmol = {
        !           359: 
        !           360: debugAlert: false,
        !           361: bgcolor: "black",
        !           362: progresscolor: "blue",
        !           363: boxbgcolor: "black",
        !           364: boxfgcolor: "white",
        !           365: boxmessage: "Downloading JmolApplet ...",
        !           366: 
        !           367: codebase: ".",
        !           368: modelbase: ".",
        !           369: 
        !           370: appletCount: 0,
        !           371: 
        !           372: buttonCount: 0,
        !           373: checkboxCount: 0,
        !           374: linkCount: 0,
        !           375: menuCount: 0,
        !           376: radioCount: 0,
        !           377: radioGroupCount: 0,
        !           378: 
        !           379: appletCssClass: null,
        !           380: appletCssText: "",
        !           381: buttonCssClass: null,
        !           382: buttonCssText: "",
        !           383: checkboxCssClass: null,
        !           384: checkboxCssText: "",
        !           385: radioCssClass: null,
        !           386: radioCssText: "",
        !           387: linkCssClass: null,
        !           388: linkCssText: "",
        !           389: menuCssClass: null,
        !           390: menuCssText: "",
        !           391: 
        !           392: targetSuffix: 0,
        !           393: targetText: "",
        !           394: scripts: [""],
        !           395: 
        !           396: ua: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
        !           397: uaVersion: parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),
        !           398: 
        !           399: os: "unknown",
        !           400: browser: "unknown",
        !           401: browserVersion: 0,
        !           402: hasGetElementById: !!document.getElementById,
        !           403: isJavaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled(),
        !           404: isNetscape47Win: false,
        !           405: 
        !           406: isBrowserCompliant: false,
        !           407: isJavaCompliant: false,
        !           408: isFullyCompliant: false,
        !           409: 
        !           410: initialized: false,
        !           411: initChecked: false,
        !           412: 
        !           413: browserChecked: false,
        !           414: checkBrowserAction: "alert",
        !           415: checkBrowserUrlOrMessage: null,
        !           416: 
        !           417: previousOnloadHandler: null,
        !           418: ready: {}
        !           419: }
        !           420: 
        !           421: with (_jmol) {
        !           422:   function _jmolTestUA(candidate) {
        !           423:     var ua =;
        !           424:     var index = ua.indexOf(candidate);
        !           425:     if (index < 0)
        !           426:       return false;
        !           427:     _jmol.browser = candidate;
        !           428:     _jmol.browserVersion = parseFloat(ua.substring(index + candidate.length+1));
        !           429:     return true;
        !           430:   }
        !           431:   
        !           432:   function _jmolTestOS(candidate) {
        !           433:     if ( < 0)
        !           434:       return false;
        !           435:     _jmol.os = candidate;
        !           436:     return true;
        !           437:   }
        !           438:   
        !           439:   _jmolTestUA("konqueror") ||
        !           440:   _jmolTestUA("safari") ||
        !           441:   _jmolTestUA("omniweb") ||
        !           442:   _jmolTestUA("opera") ||
        !           443:   _jmolTestUA("webtv") ||
        !           444:   _jmolTestUA("icab") ||
        !           445:   _jmolTestUA("msie") ||
        !           446:   ("compatible") < 0 && _jmolTestUA("mozilla"));
        !           447:   
        !           448:   _jmolTestOS("linux") ||
        !           449:   _jmolTestOS("unix") ||
        !           450:   _jmolTestOS("mac") ||
        !           451:   _jmolTestOS("win");
        !           452: 
        !           453:   isNetscape47Win = (os == "win" && browser == "mozilla" &&
        !           454:                      browserVersion >= 4.78 && browserVersion <= 4.8);
        !           455: 
        !           456:   if (os == "win") {
        !           457:     isBrowserCompliant = hasGetElementById || isNetscape47Win;
        !           458:   } else if (os == "mac") { // mac is the problem child :-(
        !           459:     if (browser == "mozilla" && browserVersion >= 5) {
        !           460:       // miguel 2004 11 17
        !           461:       // checking the plugins array does not work because
        !           462:       // Netscape 7.2 OS X still has Java 1.3.1 listed even though
        !           463:       // is installed to upgrade to 1.4.2
        !           464:       eval("try {var v = java.lang.System.getProperty('java.version');" +
        !           465:            " _jmol.isBrowserCompliant = v >= '1.4.2';" +
        !           466:            " } catch (e) { }");
        !           467:     } else if (browser == "opera" && browserVersion <= 7.54) {
        !           468:       isBrowserCompliant = false;
        !           469:     } else {
        !           470:       isBrowserCompliant = hasGetElementById &&
        !           471:         !((browser == "msie") ||
        !           472:           (browser == "safari" && browserVersion < 125.1));
        !           473:     }
        !           474:   } else if (os == "linux" || os == "unix") {
        !           475:     if (browser == "konqueror" && browserVersion <= 3.3)
        !           476:       isBrowserCompliant = false;
        !           477:     else
        !           478:       isBrowserCompliant = hasGetElementById;
        !           479:   } else { // other OS
        !           480:     isBrowserCompliant = hasGetElementById;
        !           481:   }
        !           482: 
        !           483:   // possibly more checks in the future for this
        !           484:   isJavaCompliant = isJavaEnabled;
        !           485: 
        !           486:   isFullyCompliant = isBrowserCompliant && isJavaCompliant;
        !           487: }
        !           488: 
        !           489: function _jmolApplet(size, inlineModel, script, nameSuffix) {
        !           490:   with (_jmol) {
        !           491:     if (! nameSuffix)
        !           492:       nameSuffix = appletCount;
        !           493:     ++appletCount;
        !           494:     if (! script)
        !           495:       script = "select *";
        !           496:     var sz = _jmolGetAppletSize(size);
        !           497:     var t;
        !           498:     t = "<applet name='jmolApplet" + nameSuffix + "' id='jmolApplet" + nameSuffix +
        !           499:         "' " + appletCssText +
        !           500:         " code='JmolApplet' archive='JmolApplet.jar'\n" +
        !           501:         " codebase='" + codebase + "'\n" +
        !           502:         " width='" + sz[0] + "' height='" + sz[1] +
        !           503:         "' mayscript='true'>\n" +
        !           504:         "  <param name='progressbar' value='true' />\n" +
        !           505:         "  <param name='progresscolor' value='" +
        !           506:         progresscolor + "' />\n" +
        !           507:         "  <param name='boxmessage' value='" +
        !           508:         boxmessage + "' />\n" +
        !           509:         "  <param name='boxbgcolor' value='" +
        !           510:         boxbgcolor + "' />\n" +
        !           511:         "  <param name='boxfgcolor' value='" +
        !           512:         boxfgcolor + "' />\n" +
        !           513:         "  <param name='ReadyCallback' value='_jmolReadyCallback' />\n";
        !           514: 
        !           515:     if (inlineModel)
        !           516:       t += "  <param name='loadInline' value='" + inlineModel + "' />\n";
        !           517:     if (script)
        !           518:       t += "  <param name='script' value='" + script + "' />\n";
        !           519:     t += "</applet>";
        !           520:     jmolSetTarget(nameSuffix);
        !           521:     ready["jmolApplet" + nameSuffix] = false;
        !           522:     if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           523:       alert(t);
        !           524:     document.write(t);
        !           525:   }
        !           526: }
        !           527: 
        !           528: function _jmolInitCheck() {
        !           529:   if (_jmol.initChecked)
        !           530:     return;
        !           531:   _jmol.initChecked = true;
        !           532:   if (_jmol.initialized)
        !           533:     return;
        !           534:   alert("jmolInitialize({codebase}, {badBrowseURL}, {badJavaURL})\n" +
        !           535:         "  must be called before any other Jmol.js functions");
        !           536: }
        !           537: 
        !           538: function _jmolCheckBrowser() {
        !           539:   with (_jmol) {
        !           540:     if (browserChecked)
        !           541:       return;
        !           542:     browserChecked = true;
        !           543:   
        !           544:     if (isFullyCompliant)
        !           545:       return true;
        !           546: 
        !           547:     if (checkBrowserAction == "redirect")
        !           548:       location.href = checkBrowserUrlOrMessage;
        !           549:     else if (checkBrowserAction == "popup")
        !           550:       _jmolPopup(checkBrowserUrlOrMessage);
        !           551:     else {
        !           552:       var msg = checkBrowserUrlOrMessage;
        !           553:       if (msg == null)
        !           554:         msg = "Your web browser is not fully compatible with Jmol\n\n" +
        !           555:               "brower: " + browser +
        !           556:               "   version: " + browserVersion +
        !           557:               "   os: " + os +
        !           558:               "\n\n" + ua;
        !           559:       alert(msg);
        !           560:     }
        !           561:   }
        !           562:   return false;
        !           563: }
        !           564: 
        !           565: function _jmolPopup(url) {
        !           566:   var popup =, "JmolPopup",
        !           567:                           "left=150,top=150,height=400,width=600," +
        !           568:                           "directories=yes,location=yes,menubar=yes," +
        !           569:                           "toolbar=yes," +
        !           570:                           "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
        !           571:   if (popup.focus)
        !           572:     poup.focus();
        !           573: }
        !           574: 
        !           575: function _jmolReadyCallback(name) {
        !           576:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           577:     alert(name + " is ready");
        !           578:   _jmol.ready["" + name] = true;
        !           579: }
        !           580: 
        !           581: function _jmolConvertInline(model) {
        !           582:   var inlineModel = model.replace(/\r|\n|\r\n/g, "|");
        !           583:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           584:     alert("inline model:\n" + inlineModel);
        !           585:   return inlineModel;
        !           586: }
        !           587: 
        !           588: function _jmolGetAppletSize(size) {
        !           589:   var width, height;
        !           590:   var type = typeof size;
        !           591:   if (type == "number")
        !           592:     width = height = size;
        !           593:   else if (type == "object" && size != null) {
        !           594:     width = size[0]; height = size[1];
        !           595:   }
        !           596:   if (! (width >= 25 && width <= 2000))
        !           597:     width = 300;
        !           598:   if (! (height >= 25 && height <= 2000))
        !           599:     height = 300;
        !           600:   return [width, height];
        !           601: }
        !           602: 
        !           603: function _jmolRadio(script, labelHtml, isChecked, separatorHtml, groupName) {
        !           604:   ++_jmol.radioCount;
        !           605:   if (groupName == undefined || groupName == null)
        !           606:     groupName = "jmolRadioGroup" + (_jmol.radioGroupCount - 1);
        !           607:   if (!script)
        !           608:     return "";
        !           609:   if (labelHtml == undefined || labelHtml == null)
        !           610:     labelHtml = script.substring(0, 32);
        !           611:   if (! separatorHtml)
        !           612:     separatorHtml = "";
        !           613:   var scriptIndex = _jmolAddScript(script);
        !           614:   return "<input name='" + groupName +
        !           615:          "' type='radio' onClick='_jmolClick(" +
        !           616:          scriptIndex + _jmol.targetText +
        !           617:          ");return true;' onMouseover='_jmolMouseOver(" +
        !           618:          scriptIndex +
        !           619:          ");return true;' onMouseout='_jmolMouseOut()' " +
        !           620: 	 (isChecked ? "checked " : "") + _jmol.radioCssText + "/>" +
        !           621:          labelHtml + separatorHtml;
        !           622: }
        !           623: 
        !           624: function _jmolFindApplet(target) {
        !           625:   // first look for the target in the current window
        !           626:   var applet = _jmolSearchFrames(window, target);
        !           627:   if (applet == undefined)
        !           628:     applet = _jmolSearchFrames(top, target); // look starting in top frame
        !           629:   return applet;
        !           630: }
        !           631: 
        !           632: function _jmolSearchFrames(win, target) {
        !           633:   var applet;
        !           634:   var frames = win.frames;
        !           635:   if (frames && frames.length) { // look in all the frames below this window
        !           636:     for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) {
        !           637:       applet = _jmolSearchFrames(frames[i++], target);
        !           638:       if (applet)
        !           639:         break;
        !           640:     }
        !           641:   } else { // look for the applet in this window
        !           642:     var doc = win.document;
        !           643: // getElementById fails on MacOSX Safari & Mozilla	
        !           644:     if (doc.applets)
        !           645:       applet = doc.applets[target];
        !           646:     else
        !           647:       applet = doc[target];
        !           648:   }
        !           649:   return applet;
        !           650: }
        !           651: 
        !           652: function _jmolAddScript(script) {
        !           653:   if (! script)
        !           654:     return 0;
        !           655:   var index = _jmol.scripts.length;
        !           656:   _jmol.scripts[index] = script;
        !           657:   return index;
        !           658: }
        !           659: 
        !           660: function _jmolClick(scriptIndex, targetSuffix) {
        !           661:   jmolScript(_jmol.scripts[scriptIndex], targetSuffix);
        !           662: }
        !           663: 
        !           664: function _jmolMenuSelected(menuObject, targetSuffix) {
        !           665:   var scriptIndex = menuObject.value;
        !           666:   if (scriptIndex != undefined) {
        !           667:     jmolScript(_jmol.scripts[scriptIndex], targetSuffix);
        !           668:     return;
        !           669:   }
        !           670:   var length = menuObject.length;
        !           671:   if (typeof length == "number") {
        !           672:     for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        !           673:       if (menuObject[i].selected) {
        !           674:         _jmolClick(menuObject[i].value, targetSuffix);
        !           675: 	return;
        !           676:       }
        !           677:     }
        !           678:   }
        !           679:   alert("?Que? menu selected bug #8734");
        !           680: }
        !           681: 
        !           682: function _jmolCbClick(ckbox, whenChecked, whenUnchecked, targetSuffix) {
        !           683:   _jmolClick(ckbox.checked ? whenChecked : whenUnchecked, targetSuffix);
        !           684: }
        !           685: 
        !           686: function _jmolCbOver(ckbox, whenChecked, whenUnchecked) {
        !           687:   window.status = _jmol.scripts[ckbox.checked ? whenUnchecked : whenChecked];
        !           688: }
        !           689: 
        !           690: function _jmolMouseOver(scriptIndex) {
        !           691:   window.status = _jmol.scripts[scriptIndex];
        !           692: }
        !           693: 
        !           694: function _jmolMouseOut() {
        !           695:   window.status = " ";
        !           696:   return true;
        !           697: }
        !           698: 
        !           699: function _jmolSetCodebase(codebase) {
        !           700:   _jmol.codebase = codebase ? codebase : ".";
        !           701:   if (_jmol.debugAlert)
        !           702:     alert("jmolCodebase=" + _jmol.codebase);
        !           703: }
        !           704: 
        !           705: function _jmolOnloadResetForms() {
        !           706:   _jmol.previousOnloadHandler = window.onload;
        !           707:   window.onload =
        !           708:   function() {
        !           709: //    alert("onloadResetForms");
        !           710:     with (_jmol) {
        !           711:       if (buttonCount+checkboxCount+menuCount+radioCount+radioGroupCount > 0) {
        !           712:         var forms = document.forms;
        !           713:         if (!forms || forms.length == 0) {
        !           714:           alert("<form> tags seem to be missing\n" +
        !           715:                 "Jmol/HTML input controls must be contained " +
        !           716:                 "within form tags"
        !           717: //                + "\n\n" + forms + " forms.length=" + forms.length +
        !           718: //                " typeof=" + (typeof forms)
        !           719:                 );
        !           720:         } else {
        !           721:           for (var i = forms.length; --i >= 0; )
        !           722:             forms[i].reset();
        !           723:         }
        !           724:       }
        !           725:       if (previousOnloadHandler)
        !           726:         previousOnloadHandler();
        !           727:     }
        !           728:   }
        !           729: }
        !           730: 

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