Annotation of loncom/html/adm/jsMath/extensions/AMSmath.js, revision 1.1

1.1     ! albertel    1: /*
        !             2:  *  extensions/AMSmath.js
        !             3:  *  
        !             4:  *  Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web.
        !             5:  *
        !             6:  *  This file defines most of the macros and environments from
        !             7:  *  the amsmath LaTeX package.  You can activate it by calling
        !             8:  *  
        !             9:  *    jsMath.Extension.Require('AMSmath');
        !            10:  *  
        !            11:  *  once jsMath.js has been loaded, or by adding "extensions/AMSmath.js"
        !            12:  *  to the loadFiles array in jsMath/easy/load.js.
        !            13:  *  
        !            14:  *  You may wish to load AMSsymbols.js as well, but note that it
        !            15:  *  requires the extra msam10 and msb10 fonts that you will have 
        !            16:  *  to install on your server first.
        !            17:  *  
        !            18:  *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        !            19:  *
        !            20:  *  Copyright 2007 by Davide P. Cervone
        !            21:  * 
        !            22:  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        !            23:  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        !            24:  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
        !            25:  * 
        !            26:  *
        !            27:  * 
        !            28:  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        !            29:  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        !            30:  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        !            31:  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        !            32:  *  limitations under the License.
        !            33:  */
        !            34: 
        !            35: /********************************************************************/
        !            36: 
        !            37: jsMath.Extension.Require("moreArrows");
        !            38: 
        !            39: jsMath.Package(jsMath.Parser,{
        !            40:   macros: {
        !            41:     intI:       ['Macro','\\mathchoice{\\!}{}{}{}\\!\\!\\int'],
        !            42:     iint:       ['Macro','\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,\\int\\intI}'],
        !            43:     iiint:      ['Macro','\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,\\int\\intI\\intI}'],
        !            44:     iiiint:     ['Macro','\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,\\int\\intI\\intI\\intI}'],
        !            45:     idotsint:   ['Macro','\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\int\\cdots\\int}'],
        !            46:     
        !            47:     dddot:      ['Macro','\\mathop{#1}\\limits^{\\textstyle ...}',1],
        !            48:     ddddot:     ['Macro','\\mathop{#1}\\limits^{\\textstyle ....}',1],
        !            49:     
        !            50:     sideset:    ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rlap{\\phantom{#3}}}#1\\!{#3}#2',3],
        !            51:     stackrel:   ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\mathop{#2}\\limits^{#1}}',2],
        !            52:     
        !            53:     boxed:      ['Macro','\\fbox{$\\displaystyle{#1}$}',1],
        !            54:     
        !            55:     tag:        'HandleTag',
        !            56:     notag:      ['Macro',''],
        !            57:     
        !            58:     substack:   ['Macro','\\begin{subarray}{c}#1\\end{subarray}',1],
        !            59:     
        !            60:     varliminf:  ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underline{\\raise1.5pt{\\rule{0pt}{.6em}{0pt}\\smash{\\lower1.5pt{\\rm lim}}}}}'],
        !            61:     varlimsup:  ['Macro','\\mathop{\\overline{\\rule{0pt}{.6em}{0pt}\\smash{\\rm lim}}}'],
        !            62:     varinjlim:  ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underrightarrow{\\rm lim}}'],
        !            63:     varprojlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underleftarrow{\\rm lim}}'],
        !            64:     
        !            65:     DeclareMathOperator: 'HandleDeclareOp',
        !            66:     operatorname: 'HandleOperatorName',
        !            67: 
        !            68:     genfrac:    'Genfrac',
        !            69:     frac:       ['Genfrac',"","","",""],
        !            70:     tfrac:      ['Genfrac',"","","","1"],
        !            71:     dfrac:      ['Genfrac',"","","","0"],
        !            72:     binom:      ['Genfrac',"(",")","0pt",""],
        !            73:     tbinom:     ['Genfrac',"(",")","0pt","1"],
        !            74:     dbinom:     ['Genfrac',"(",")","0pt","0"],
        !            75:     
        !            76:     cfrac:      'CFrac',
        !            77:     
        !            78:     shoveleft:  ['HandleShove','left'],
        !            79:     shoveright: ['HandleShove','right']
        !            80:   },
        !            81:   
        !            82:   environments: {
        !            83:     align:         ['Array',null,null,'rlrlrlrlrlrl',[5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18],1,'D'],
        !            84:     'align*':      ['Array',null,null,'rlrlrlrlrlrl',[5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18],1,'D'],
        !            85:     multline:     'Multline',
        !            86:     'multline*':  'Multline',
        !            87:     split:         ['Array',null,null,'rl',[5/18],1,'D'],
        !            88:     gather:        ['Array',null,null,'c',null,1,'D'],
        !            89:     'gather*':     ['Array',null,null,'c',null,1,'D'],
        !            90:     subarray:      ['Array',null,null,null,[0,0,0,0],1,'S',0,.25],
        !            91:     smallmatrix:   ['Array',null,null,'cccccccccc',[1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3],1,'S',0]
        !            92:   },
        !            93:   
        !            94:   delimiter: {
        !            95:     '\\lvert':     [4,2,0x6A,3,0x0C],
        !            96:     '\\rvert':     [5,2,0x6A,3,0x0C],
        !            97:     '\\lVert':     [4,2,0x6B,3,0x0D],
        !            98:     '\\rVert':     [5,2,0x6B,3,0x0D]
        !            99:   },
        !           100: 
        !           101:   /*
        !           102:    *  Ignore the tag for now
        !           103:    */
        !           104:   HandleTag: function (name) {
        !           105:     var arg = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return;
        !           106:     if (arg == "*") this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name);
        !           107:   },
        !           108:   
        !           109:   /*
        !           110:    *  Handle \DeclareMathOperator
        !           111:    */
        !           112:   HandleDeclareOp: function (name) {
        !           113:     var limits = "";
        !           114:     var cs = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return;
        !           115:     if (cs == "*") {
        !           116:       limits = "\\limits";
        !           117:       cs = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return;
        !           118:     }
        !           119:     if (cs.charAt(0) == "\\") {cs = cs.substr(1)}
        !           120:     var op = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
        !           121:     op = op.replace(/\*/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2A}').replace(/-/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2D}');
        !           122:     jsMath.Parser.prototype.macros[cs] = ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rm '+op+'}'+limits];
        !           123:   },
        !           124:   
        !           125:   HandleOperatorName: function (name) {
        !           126:     var limits = "";
        !           127:     var op = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return;
        !           128:     if (op == "*") {
        !           129:       limits = "\\limits";
        !           130:       op = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return;
        !           131:     }
        !           132:     op = op.replace(/\*/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2A}').replace(/-/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2D}');
        !           133:     this.string = '\\mathop{\\rm '+op+'}'+limits+this.string.slice(this.i);
        !           134:     this.i = 0;
        !           135:   },
        !           136:   
        !           137:   /*
        !           138:    *  Record presence of \shoveleft and \shoveright
        !           139:    */
        !           140:   HandleShove: function (name,data) {
        !           141:     if ( == null) { = {}}
        !           142: = data[0];
        !           143:   },
        !           144:   
        !           145:   /*
        !           146:    *  Handle \cfrac
        !           147:    */
        !           148:   CFrac: function (name) {
        !           149:     var lr = this.GetBrackets(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
        !           150:     var num = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
        !           151:     var den = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
        !           152:     
        !           153:     num = this.Process('\\strut\\textstyle{'+num+'}'); if (this.error) return;
        !           154:     den = this.Process('\\strut\\textstyle{'+den+'}'); if (this.error) return;
        !           155:     var data =;
        !           156:     var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(,data.size);
        !           157:     
        !           158:     if (lr != "") {
        !           159:       if (lr != 'l' && lr != 'r') {this.Error("Illegal alignment specified in "+this.cmd+name); return}
        !           160:       num = jsMath.Box.Set(num,,data.size);
        !           161:       den = jsMath.Box.Set(den,,data.size);
        !           162:       if (num.w > den.w) {
        !           163:         if (lr == 'l') {den.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(num.w-den.w)}
        !           164:                   else {den.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(num.w-den.w) + den.html}
        !           165:         den.w = num.w;
        !           166:       } else if (num.w < den.w) {
        !           167:         if (lr == 'l') {num.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(den.w-num.w)}
        !           168:                   else {num.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(den.w-num.w) + num.html}
        !           169:         num.w = den.w;
        !           170:       }
        !           171:     }
        !           172:     
        !           173:     this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Fraction(name,num,den,TeX.default_rule_thickness));
        !           174:   },
        !           175:   
        !           176:   /*
        !           177:    *  Implement AMS generalizes fraction
        !           178:    */
        !           179:   Genfrac: function (name,data) {
        !           180:     var left = data[0]; var right = data[1];
        !           181:     var thickness = data[2]; var style = data[3];
        !           182:     
        !           183:     if (left != null) {left = this.delimiter[left]} else
        !           184:       {left = this.GetDelimiterArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return}
        !           185:     if (right != null) {right = this.delimiter[right]} else 
        !           186:       {right = this.GetDelimiterArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return}
        !           187:     if (thickness == null) {thickness = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return}
        !           188:     if (style == null) {style = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return}
        !           189: 
        !           190:     var num = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
        !           191:     var den = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return;
        !           192:     
        !           193:     if (left == "") {left = null}; if (right == "") {right = null}
        !           194:     if (thickness == "") {
        !           195:       var TeX =jsMath.Typeset.TeX(,;
        !           196:       thickness = TeX.default_rule_thickness;
        !           197:     } else {
        !           198:       thickness = this.ParseDimen(thickness,this.cmd+name,0,0);
        !           199:     }
        !           200:     
        !           201:     var frac = jsMath.mItem.Fraction(name,num,den,thickness,left,right);
        !           202: 
        !           203:     if (style != "") {
        !           204:       style = (["D","T","S","SS"])[style];
        !           205:       if (style == null) {this.Error("Bad math style for "+this.cmd+name); return}
        !           206:       var mlist = new jsMath.mList([new jsMath.mItem('style',{style:style}),frac]);
        !           207:       this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('inner',{type:'mlist',mlist: mlist}));
        !           208:     } else {
        !           209:       this.mlist.Add(frac);
        !           210:     }
        !           211:   },
        !           212:   
        !           213:   /*
        !           214:    *  Implements the multline environment
        !           215:    */
        !           216:   Multline: function (name,delim) {
        !           217:     var data =;
        !           218:     var width = this.GetBrackets(this.cmd+'begin{'+name+'}'); if (this.error) return;
        !           219:     var arg = this.GetEnd(name); if (this.error) return;
        !           220: 
        !           221:     var parse = new jsMath.Parser(arg+this.cmd+'\\',null,data.size,'D');
        !           222:     parse.matrix = name; parse.row = []; parse.table = []; parse.rspacing = [];
        !           223:     parse.Parse(); if (parse.error) {this.Error(parse); return}
        !           224:     parse.HandleRow(name,1);  // be sure the last row is recorded
        !           225:     
        !           226:     //
        !           227:     // check rows for extra columns and maximum width
        !           228:     // 
        !           229:     var i; var row; var W = 0;
        !           230:     for (i = 0; i < parse.table.length; i++) {
        !           231:       row = parse.table[i];
        !           232:       if (row.length > 1) {
        !           233:         this.Error("Rows can contain only one equation in '"+name+"' environment");
        !           234:         return;
        !           235:       }
        !           236:       if (row[0].w > W) {W = row[0].w}
        !           237:     }
        !           238: 
        !           239:     //
        !           240:     //  Determine width of display
        !           241:     //
        !           242:     if (width == "") {width = W+2} else {
        !           243:       width = this.ParseDimen(width,name,0,0);
        !           244:       if (width < W) {width = W}
        !           245:     }
        !           246:     
        !           247:     //
        !           248:     //  Shove the top and bottom lines
        !           249:     //
        !           250:     if (parse.table.length > 1) {
        !           251:       parse.table[0][0].entry.shove = 'left';
        !           252:       row = parse.table[parse.table.length-1];
        !           253:       if (!row[0].entry.shove) {row[0].entry.shove = 'right'}
        !           254:     }
        !           255:     //
        !           256:     //  Adjust widths of shoved lines
        !           257:     //
        !           258:     for (i = 0; i < parse.table.length; i++) {
        !           259:       row = parse.table[i][0];
        !           260:       if (row.entry.shove && row.w < width) {
        !           261:         switch (row.entry.shove) {
        !           262:           case 'left':
        !           263:             row.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(width-row.w);
        !           264:             break;
        !           265:             
        !           266:           case 'right':
        !           267:             row.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(width-row.w)+row.html;
        !           268:             break;
        !           269:         }
        !           270:         row.w = width;
        !           271:       }
        !           272:     }
        !           273:     
        !           274:     //
        !           275:     //  Do the layout
        !           276:     //
        !           277:     var box = jsMath.Box.Layout(data.size,parse.table);
        !           278:     this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',box));
        !           279:   },
        !           280: 
        !           281:   /*
        !           282:    *  Get a delimiter or empty argument
        !           283:    */
        !           284:   GetDelimiterArg: function (name) {
        !           285:     var c = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name)); if (this.error) return null;
        !           286:     if (c == "") return null;
        !           287:     if (this.delimiter[c]) return this.delimiter[c];
        !           288:     this.Error("Missing or unrecognized delimiter for "+name);
        !           289:     return null;
        !           290:   }
        !           291: });

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