/* * extensions/AMSmath.js * * Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web. * * This file defines most of the macros and environments from * the amsmath LaTeX package. You can activate it by calling * * jsMath.Extension.Require('AMSmath'); * * once jsMath.js has been loaded, or by adding "extensions/AMSmath.js" * to the loadFiles array in jsMath/easy/load.js. * * You may wish to load AMSsymbols.js as well, but note that it * requires the extra msam10 and msb10 fonts that you will have * to install on your server first. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2007 by Davide P. Cervone * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /********************************************************************/ jsMath.Extension.Require("moreArrows"); jsMath.Package(jsMath.Parser,{ macros: { intI: ['Macro','\\mathchoice{\\!}{}{}{}\\!\\!\\int'], iint: ['Macro','\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,\\int\\intI}'], iiint: ['Macro','\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,\\int\\intI\\intI}'], iiiint: ['Macro','\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,\\int\\intI\\intI\\intI}'], idotsint: ['Macro','\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\int\\cdots\\int}'], dddot: ['Macro','\\mathop{#1}\\limits^{\\textstyle ...}',1], ddddot: ['Macro','\\mathop{#1}\\limits^{\\textstyle ....}',1], sideset: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rlap{\\phantom{#3}}}#1\\!{#3}#2',3], stackrel: ['Macro','\\mathrel{\\mathop{#2}\\limits^{#1}}',2], boxed: ['Macro','\\fbox{$\\displaystyle{#1}$}',1], tag: 'HandleTag', notag: ['Macro',''], substack: ['Macro','\\begin{subarray}{c}#1\\end{subarray}',1], varliminf: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underline{\\raise1.5pt{\\rule{0pt}{.6em}{0pt}\\smash{\\lower1.5pt{\\rm lim}}}}}'], varlimsup: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\overline{\\rule{0pt}{.6em}{0pt}\\smash{\\rm lim}}}'], varinjlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underrightarrow{\\rm lim}}'], varprojlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underleftarrow{\\rm lim}}'], DeclareMathOperator: 'HandleDeclareOp', operatorname: 'HandleOperatorName', genfrac: 'Genfrac', frac: ['Genfrac',"","","",""], tfrac: ['Genfrac',"","","","1"], dfrac: ['Genfrac',"","","","0"], binom: ['Genfrac',"(",")","0pt",""], tbinom: ['Genfrac',"(",")","0pt","1"], dbinom: ['Genfrac',"(",")","0pt","0"], cfrac: 'CFrac', shoveleft: ['HandleShove','left'], shoveright: ['HandleShove','right'] }, environments: { align: ['Array',null,null,'rlrlrlrlrlrl',[5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18],1,'D'], 'align*': ['Array',null,null,'rlrlrlrlrlrl',[5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18],1,'D'], multline: 'Multline', 'multline*': 'Multline', split: ['Array',null,null,'rl',[5/18],1,'D'], gather: ['Array',null,null,'c',null,1,'D'], 'gather*': ['Array',null,null,'c',null,1,'D'], subarray: ['Array',null,null,null,[0,0,0,0],1,'S',0,.25], smallmatrix: ['Array',null,null,'cccccccccc',[1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3],1,'S',0] }, delimiter: { '\\lvert': [4,2,0x6A,3,0x0C], '\\rvert': [5,2,0x6A,3,0x0C], '\\lVert': [4,2,0x6B,3,0x0D], '\\rVert': [5,2,0x6B,3,0x0D] }, /* * Ignore the tag for now */ HandleTag: function (name) { var arg = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return; if (arg == "*") this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); }, /* * Handle \DeclareMathOperator */ HandleDeclareOp: function (name) { var limits = ""; var cs = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return; if (cs == "*") { limits = "\\limits"; cs = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return; } if (cs.charAt(0) == "\\") {cs = cs.substr(1)} var op = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; op = op.replace(/\*/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2A}').replace(/-/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2D}'); jsMath.Parser.prototype.macros[cs] = ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rm '+op+'}'+limits]; }, HandleOperatorName: function (name) { var limits = ""; var op = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return; if (op == "*") { limits = "\\limits"; op = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name)); if (this.error) return; } op = op.replace(/\*/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2A}').replace(/-/g,'\\char{cmr10}{0x2D}'); this.string = '\\mathop{\\rm '+op+'}'+limits+this.string.slice(this.i); this.i = 0; }, /* * Record presence of \shoveleft and \shoveright */ HandleShove: function (name,data) { if (this.mlist.data.entry == null) {this.mlist.data.entry = {}} this.mlist.data.entry.shove = data[0]; }, /* * Handle \cfrac */ CFrac: function (name) { var lr = this.GetBrackets(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; var num = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; var den = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; num = this.Process('\\strut\\textstyle{'+num+'}'); if (this.error) return; den = this.Process('\\strut\\textstyle{'+den+'}'); if (this.error) return; var data = this.mlist.data; var TeX = jsMath.Typeset.TeX(data.style,data.size); if (lr != "") { if (lr != 'l' && lr != 'r') {this.Error("Illegal alignment specified in "+this.cmd+name); return} num = jsMath.Box.Set(num,data.style,data.size); den = jsMath.Box.Set(den,data.style,data.size); if (num.w > den.w) { if (lr == 'l') {den.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(num.w-den.w)} else {den.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(num.w-den.w) + den.html} den.w = num.w; } else if (num.w < den.w) { if (lr == 'l') {num.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(den.w-num.w)} else {num.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(den.w-num.w) + num.html} num.w = den.w; } } this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Fraction(name,num,den,TeX.default_rule_thickness)); }, /* * Implement AMS generalizes fraction */ Genfrac: function (name,data) { var left = data[0]; var right = data[1]; var thickness = data[2]; var style = data[3]; if (left != null) {left = this.delimiter[left]} else {left = this.GetDelimiterArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return} if (right != null) {right = this.delimiter[right]} else {right = this.GetDelimiterArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return} if (thickness == null) {thickness = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return} if (style == null) {style = this.GetArgument(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return} var num = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; var den = this.ProcessArg(this.cmd+name); if (this.error) return; if (left == "") {left = null}; if (right == "") {right = null} if (thickness == "") { var TeX =jsMath.Typeset.TeX(this.mlist.data.style,this.mlist.data.size); thickness = TeX.default_rule_thickness; } else { thickness = this.ParseDimen(thickness,this.cmd+name,0,0); } var frac = jsMath.mItem.Fraction(name,num,den,thickness,left,right); if (style != "") { style = (["D","T","S","SS"])[style]; if (style == null) {this.Error("Bad math style for "+this.cmd+name); return} var mlist = new jsMath.mList([new jsMath.mItem('style',{style:style}),frac]); this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('inner',{type:'mlist',mlist: mlist})); } else { this.mlist.Add(frac); } }, /* * Implements the multline environment */ Multline: function (name,delim) { var data = this.mlist.data; var width = this.GetBrackets(this.cmd+'begin{'+name+'}'); if (this.error) return; var arg = this.GetEnd(name); if (this.error) return; var parse = new jsMath.Parser(arg+this.cmd+'\\',null,data.size,'D'); parse.matrix = name; parse.row = []; parse.table = []; parse.rspacing = []; parse.Parse(); if (parse.error) {this.Error(parse); return} parse.HandleRow(name,1); // be sure the last row is recorded // // check rows for extra columns and maximum width // var i; var row; var W = 0; for (i = 0; i < parse.table.length; i++) { row = parse.table[i]; if (row.length > 1) { this.Error("Rows can contain only one equation in '"+name+"' environment"); return; } if (row[0].w > W) {W = row[0].w} } // // Determine width of display // if (width == "") {width = W+2} else { width = this.ParseDimen(width,name,0,0); if (width < W) {width = W} } // // Shove the top and bottom lines // if (parse.table.length > 1) { parse.table[0][0].entry.shove = 'left'; row = parse.table[parse.table.length-1]; if (!row[0].entry.shove) {row[0].entry.shove = 'right'} } // // Adjust widths of shoved lines // for (i = 0; i < parse.table.length; i++) { row = parse.table[i][0]; if (row.entry.shove && row.w < width) { switch (row.entry.shove) { case 'left': row.html += jsMath.HTML.Spacer(width-row.w); break; case 'right': row.html = jsMath.HTML.Spacer(width-row.w)+row.html; break; } row.w = width; } } // // Do the layout // var box = jsMath.Box.Layout(data.size,parse.table); this.mlist.Add(jsMath.mItem.Atom('ord',box)); }, /* * Get a delimiter or empty argument */ GetDelimiterArg: function (name) { var c = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name)); if (this.error) return null; if (c == "") return null; if (this.delimiter[c]) return this.delimiter[c]; this.Error("Missing or unrecognized delimiter for "+name); return null; } });