/* * extensions/double-click.js * * Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web. * * This file allows users to double click on typeset mathematics * to view the TeX source for the given expression. It will be loaded * automatically when needed, or can be loaded by * * jsMath.Extension.Require('double-click'); * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2005-2006 by Davide P. Cervone * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /********************************************************************/ jsMath.Add(jsMath.Click,{ dragging: 0, /* * Create the hidden DIV used for the tex source window */ Init: function () { this.source = jsMath.Setup.DIV("float",{display:'none'}); this.source.innerHTML = '
' + '
'; this.drag = this.source.firstChild; this.tex = this.drag.nextSibling.firstChild; this.drag.firstChild.onclick = jsMath.Click.CloseSource; this.drag.onmousedown = jsMath.Click.StartDragging; this.drag.ondragstart = jsMath.Click.False; this.drag.onselectstart = jsMath.Click.False; this.source.onclick = jsMath.Click.CheckClose; }, False: function () {return false}, /* * Handle a double-click on an equation */ DblClick: function (data) { var event = data[0]; var TeX = data[1]; var event = jsMath.Click.Event(event); var source = jsMath.Click.source var tex = jsMath.Click.tex; source.style.visibility = 'hidden'; source.style.display = ''; source.style.width = ''; source.style.left = ''; source.style.top = ''; tex.innerHTML = ''; TeX = TeX.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); TeX = TeX.replace(/&/g,'&'); TeX = TeX.replace(//g,'>'); TeX = TeX.replace(/\n/g,'
'); tex.innerHTML = TeX; var h = source.offsetHeight; var w; if (jsMath.Browser.msieDivWidthBug) { tex.className = 'source'; // Work around MSIE bug where w = tex.offsetWidth + 5; // DIV's don't collapse to tex.className = ''; // their natural widths } else { w = source.offsetWidth; } w = Math.max(50,Math.min(w,.8*event.W,event.W-40)); var x = Math.floor(event.x-w/2); var y = Math.floor(event.y-h/2); x = event.X + Math.max(Math.min(x,event.W-w-20),20); y = event.Y + Math.max(Math.min(y,event.H-h-5),5); source.style.left = x+'px'; source.style.top = y+'px'; source.style.width = w+'px'; source.style.visibility = ''; jsMath.Click.left = x + event.X; jsMath.Click.top = y + event.Y; jsMath.Click.w = w; jsMath.Click.h = source.offsetHeight; jsMath.Click.DeselectText(x,y); return false; }, /* * Get window width, height, and offsets plus * position of pointer relative to the window */ Event: function (event) { var W = jsMath.window.innerWidth || jsMath.document.body.clientWidth; var H = jsMath.window.innerHeight || jsMath.document.body.clientHeight; var X = jsMath.window.pageXOffset; var Y = jsMath.window.pageYOffset; if (X == null) { X = jsMath.document.body.clientLeft; Y = jsMath.document.body.clientTop; } var x = event.pageX; var y = event.pageY; if (x == null) { x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; if (jsMath.browser == 'MSIE' && jsMath.document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') { X = jsMath.document.documentElement.scrollLeft; Y = jsMath.document.documentElement.scrollTop; W = jsMath.document.documentElement.clientWidth; H = jsMath.document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { X = jsMath.document.body.scrollLeft; Y = jsMath.document.body.scrollTop; } } else {x -= X; y -= Y} return {x: x, y: y, W: W, H: H, X: X, Y: Y}; }, /* * Unselect whatever text is selected (since double-clicking * usually selects something) */ DeselectText: function (x,y) { if (jsMath.window.getSelection && jsMath.window.getSelection().removeAllRanges) {jsMath.window.getSelection().removeAllRanges()} else if (jsMath.document.getSelection && jsMath.document.getSelection().removeAllRanges) {jsMath.document.getSelection().removeAllRanges()} else if (jsMath.document.selection && jsMath.document.selection.empty) {jsMath.document.selection.empty()} else { /* Hack to deselect the text in Opera and Safari */ if (jsMath.browser == 'MSIE') return; // don't try it if MISE on Mac jsMath.hiddenTop.innerHTML = ''; jsMath.hiddenTop.firstChild.style.position = 'absolute'; jsMath.hiddenTop.firstChild.style.left = x+'px'; jsMath.hiddenTop.firstChild.style.top = y+'px'; setTimeout(jsMath.Click.SelectHidden,1); } }, SelectHidden: function () { jsMath.hiddenTop.firstChild.focus(); jsMath.hiddenTop.firstChild.select(); jsMath.hiddenTop.innerHTML = ''; }, /* * Close the TeX source window */ CloseSource: function () { jsMath.Click.tex.innerHTML = ''; jsMath.Click.source.style.display = 'none'; jsMath.Click.source.style.visibility = 'hidden'; jsMath.Click.StopDragging(); return false; }, CheckClose: function (event) { if (!event) {event = jsMath.window.event} if (event.altKey) {jsMath.Click.CloseSource(); return false} }, /* * Set up for dragging the source panel */ StartDragging: function (event) { if (!event) {event = jsMath.window.event} if (jsMath.Click.dragging) {jsMath.Click.StopDragging(event)} var event = jsMath.Click.Event(event); jsMath.Click.dragging = 1; jsMath.Click.x = event.x + 2*event.X - jsMath.Click.left; jsMath.Click.y = event.y + 2*event.Y - jsMath.Click.top; jsMath.Click.oldonmousemove = jsMath.document.body.onmousemove; jsMath.Click.oldonmouseup = jsMath.document.body.onmouseup; jsMath.document.body.onmousemove = jsMath.Click.DragSource; jsMath.document.body.onmouseup = jsMath.Click.StopDragging; return false; }, /* * Stop dragging the source window */ StopDragging: function (event) { if (jsMath.Click.dragging) { jsMath.document.body.onmousemove = jsMath.Click.oldonmousemove; jsMath.document.body.onmouseup = jsMath.Click.oldonmouseup; jsMath.Click.oldonmousemove = null; jsMath.Click.oldonmouseup = null; jsMath.Click.dragging = 0; } return false; }, /* * Move the source window (but stay within the browser window) */ DragSource: function (event) { if (!event) {event = jsMath.window.event} if (jsMath.Browser.buttonCheck && !event.button) {return jsMath.Click.StopDragging(event)} event = jsMath.Click.Event(event); var x = event.x + event.X - jsMath.Click.x; var y = event.y + event.Y - jsMath.Click.y; x = Math.max(event.X,Math.min(event.W+event.X-jsMath.Click.w,x)); y = Math.max(event.Y,Math.min(event.H+event.Y-jsMath.Click.h,y)); jsMath.Click.source.style.left = x + 'px'; jsMath.Click.source.style.top = y + 'px'; jsMath.Click.left = x + event.X; jsMath.Click.top = y + event.Y; return false; } }); jsMath.Click.Init();