Annotation of loncom/html/adm/jsMath/plugins/autoload.js, revision 1.1

1.1     ! albertel    1: /*
        !             2:  *  autoload.js
        !             3:  *  
        !             4:  *  Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web.
        !             5:  *
        !             6:  *  This file is a plugin that checks if a page contains any math
        !             7:  *  that must be processed by jsMath, and only loads jsMath.js
        !             8:  *  when there is.
        !             9:  *  
        !            10:  *  You can control the items to look for via the variables
        !            11:  *  
        !            12:  *      jsMath.Autoload.findMathElements
        !            13:  *      jsMath.Autoload.findTeXstrings
        !            14:  *      jsMath.Autoload.findLaTeXstrings
        !            15:  *  
        !            16:  *  which control whether to look for SPAN and DIV elements of class
        !            17:  *  "math", TeX strings that will be converted by jsMath.ConvertTeX(), or
        !            18:  *  LaTeX strings that will be converted by jsMath.ConvertLaTeX().  By
        !            19:  *  default, the first is true and the last two are false.
        !            20:  *  
        !            21:  *  If any math strings are found, jsMath.js will be loaded automatically, 
        !            22:  *  but not loaded otherwise.  If any of the last two are true and TeX math
        !            23:  *  strings are found, then plugins/tex2ath.js will be loaded
        !            24:  *  automatically.  jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath will be set to true or
        !            25:  *  false depending on whether jsMath needs to be loaded.
        !            26:  *  
        !            27:  *  The value of jsMath.Autoload.element controls the element to be
        !            28:  *  searched by the autoload plug-in.  If unset, the complete document will
        !            29:  *  be searched.  If set to a string, the element with that name will be
        !            30:  *  searched.  If set to a DOM object, that object and its children will
        !            31:  *  be searched.
        !            32:  *  
        !            33:  *  Finally, there are two additional parameters that control files to
        !            34:  *  be loaded after jsMath.js, should it be needed.  These are
        !            35:  *  
        !            36:  *      jsMath.Autoload.loadFonts
        !            37:  *      jsMath.Autoload.loadFiles
        !            38:  *  
        !            39:  *  If jsMath.js is loaded, the fonts contained in the loadFonts array
        !            40:  *  will be loaded, and the JavaScript files listed in the loadFiles array
        !            41:  *  will be run.  Relative URL's are loaded based from the URL containing
        !            42:  *  jsMath.js.
        !            43:  *  
        !            44:  *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        !            45:  *
        !            46:  *  jsMath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        !            47:  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        !            48:  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
        !            49:  *  (at your option) any later version.
        !            50:  *
        !            51:  *  jsMath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        !            52:  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        !            53:  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
        !            54:  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
        !            55:  *
        !            56:  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        !            57:  *  along with jsMath; if not, write to the Free Software
        !            58:  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
        !            59:  */
        !            60: 
        !            61: /*************************************************************************/
        !            62: 
        !            63: /*
        !            64:  *  Make sure jsMath.Autoload is available
        !            65:  */
        !            66: if (jsMath == null) {var jsMath = {}}
        !            67: if (jsMath.Autoload == null) {jsMath.Autoload = {}}
        !            68: 
        !            69: /*
        !            70:  *  Look to see if there are SPAN or DIV elements of class "math".
        !            71:  */
        !            72: jsMath.Autoload.areMathElements = function (obj) {
        !            73:   if (!obj) {obj = document}
        !            74:   if (typeof(obj) == 'string') {obj = document.getElementById(obj)}
        !            75:   if (!obj.getElementsByTagName) {return false}
        !            76:   var math = obj.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
        !            77:   for (var k = 0; k < math.length; k++) 
        !            78:     {if (math[k].className == 'math') {return true}}
        !            79:   math = obj.getElementsByTagName('SPAN');
        !            80:   for (var k = 0; k < math.length; k++) 
        !            81:     {if (math[k].className == 'math') {return true}}
        !            82:   return false;
        !            83: };
        !            84: 
        !            85: /*
        !            86:  *  The patterns used for searching for TeX and LaTeX math strings
        !            87:  *  (taken from plugins/tex2math.js).
        !            88:  */
        !            89: jsMath.Autoload.pattern = {
        !            90:   tex:   /((^|[^\\])(\\[^\[\(])*)(\\\((([^\\]|\\[^\)])*)\\\)|\\\[(([^\\]|\\[^\]])*)\\\]|(\$\$?)(([^$\\]|\\.)*)\9)/,
        !            91:   latex: /((^|[^\\])(\\[^\[\(])*)(\\\((([^\\]|\\[^\)])*)\\\)|\\\[(([^\\]|\\[^\]])*)\\\])/
        !            92: };
        !            93: 
        !            94: /*
        !            95:  *  Recursively search for text elements, and check them for
        !            96:  *  TeX or LaTeX strings that would be recognized by tex2math.
        !            97:  */
        !            98: jsMath.Autoload.FindPattern = function (method,element,recurse) {
        !            99:   if (!element) {
        !           100:     if (recurse) {return false};
        !           101:     element = document.body;
        !           102:   }
        !           103:   if (typeof(element) == 'string') {element = document.getElementById(element)}
        !           104:       
        !           105:   var pattern = jsMath.Autoload.pattern[method];
        !           106:   while (element) {
        !           107:     if (element.nodeName == '#text') {
        !           108:       if (pattern.exec(element.nodeValue.replace(/\n/g,' '))) {return true}
        !           109:     } else if (!element.tagName ||
        !           110:                !element.tagName.match(/^(SCRIPT|NOSCRIPT|STYLE|TEXTAREA|PRE)$/i)) {
        !           111:       if (this.FindPattern(method,element.firstChild,1)) {return true};
        !           112:     }
        !           113:     element = element.nextSibling;
        !           114:   }
        !           115:   return false;
        !           116: };
        !           117: 
        !           118: jsMath.Autoload.areTeXstrings = function (obj) {return this.FindPattern('tex',obj,0)}
        !           119: jsMath.Autoload.areLaTeXstrings = function (obj) {return this.FindPattern('latex',obj,0)}
        !           120: 
        !           121: /*
        !           122:  *  When math tags are found, load the jsMath.js file.  If we looked
        !           123:  *  for TeX and LaTeX strings, load the tex2math as well.
        !           124:  */
        !           125: jsMath.Autoload.LoadJsMath = function () {
        !           126:   if (!jsMath.Autoload.root) {
        !           127:     var script = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT');
        !           128:     if (script) {
        !           129:       for (var i = 0; i < script.length; i++) {
        !           130:         var src = script[i].src;
        !           131:         if (src && src.match('(^|/)plugins/autoload.js$')) {
        !           132:           jsMath.Autoload.root = src.replace(/plugins\/autoload.js$/,'');
        !           133:           break;
        !           134:         }
        !           135:       }
        !           136:     }
        !           137:   }
        !           138:   if (jsMath.Autoload.root) {
        !           139:     document.write('<SCRIPT SRC="'+jsMath.Autoload.root+'jsMath.js"></'+'SCRIPT>');
        !           140:     if (jsMath.Autoload.findTeXstrings || jsMath.Autoload.findLaTeXstrings)
        !           141:       {document.write('<SCRIPT SRC="'+jsMath.Autoload.root+'plugins/tex2math.js"></'+'SCRIPT>')}
        !           142:   } else {
        !           143:     alert("Can't determine URL for jsMath.js");
        !           144:   }
        !           145: }
        !           146: 
        !           147: /*
        !           148:  *  Load any specified fonts
        !           149:  */
        !           150: jsMath.Autoload.LoadExtraFonts = function () {
        !           151:   var fonts = jsMath.Autoload.loadFonts;
        !           152:   if (typeof(fonts) != 'object') {fonts = [fonts]}
        !           153:   for (var i in fonts) {
        !           154:     document.writeln('<SCRIPT>jsMath.Font.Load("'+fonts[i]+'")</'+'SCRIPT>');
        !           155:   }
        !           156: }
        !           157: 
        !           158: /*
        !           159:  *  Load any specified files
        !           160:  */
        !           161: jsMath.Autoload.LoadExtraFiles = function () {
        !           162:   var files = jsMath.Autoload.loadFiles;
        !           163:   if (typeof(files) != 'object') {files = [files]}
        !           164:   for (var i in files) {
        !           165:     document.writeln('<SCRIPT>jsMath.Setup.Script("'+files[i]+'")<'+'/SCRIPT>');
        !           166:   }
        !           167: }
        !           168: 
        !           169: /*
        !           170:  *  The default settings
        !           171:  */
        !           172: if (jsMath.Autoload.findMathElements == null) {jsMath.Autoload.findMathElements = 1}
        !           173: if (jsMath.Autoload.findTeXstrings == null)   {jsMath.Autoload.findTeXstrings = 0}
        !           174: if (jsMath.Autoload.findLaTeXstrings == null) {jsMath.Autoload.findLaTeXstrings = 0}
        !           175: 
        !           176: /*
        !           177:  *  Look for the requested math strings (stop after the first is found)
        !           178:  */
        !           179: jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath = 0;
        !           180: if (jsMath.Autoload.findMathElements) {
        !           181:   jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath = 
        !           182:     jsMath.Autoload.areMathElements(jsMath.Autoload.checkElement);
        !           183: }
        !           184: if (jsMath.Autoload.findTeXstrings && !jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath) {
        !           185:   jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath =
        !           186:     jsMath.Autoload.areTeXstrings(jsMath.Autoload.checkElement);
        !           187: }
        !           188: if (jsMath.Autoload.findLaTeXstrings && !jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath) {
        !           189:   jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath =
        !           190:     jsMath.Autoload.areLaTeXstrings(jsMath.Autoload.checkElement);
        !           191: }
        !           192: 
        !           193: /*
        !           194:  *  If math was found, load jsMath.js and tex2math.js (if needed).
        !           195:  *  Otherwise, define the routines that are normally called
        !           196:  *  to process the page, so the author doesn't have to do a
        !           197:  *  check before calling these.
        !           198:  */
        !           199: if (jsMath.Autoload.needsJsMath) {
        !           200:   jsMath.Autoload.LoadJsMath();
        !           201:   jsMath.Autoload.LoadExtraFonts();
        !           202:   jsMath.Autoload.LoadExtraFiles();
        !           203: } else {
        !           204:   jsMath.Process = function () {};
        !           205:   jsMath.ProcessBeforeShowing = function () {};
        !           206:   jsMath.ConvertTeX = function () {};
        !           207:   jsMath.ConvertLaTeX = function () {};
        !           208: }

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