/* * plugins/spriteImageFonts.js * * Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web. * * This file makes jsMath use single files for the image fonts * rather than individual images for each character. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2006 by Davide P. Cervone * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ if (!window.jsMath) {window.jsMath = {}} if (!jsMath.styles) {jsMath.styles = []} jsMath.styles['.typeset .img'] = 'position:relative; display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat'; jsMath.styles['.typeset .img .xy'] = 'position:relative; left:0px; top:0px'; // for Mozilla jsMath.styles['.typeset .mimg'] = 'position:relative'; jsMath.styles['.typeset .mimg .size'] = 'display:-moz-inline-box'; jsMath.styles['.typeset .mimg .wh'] = 'position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; overflow:hidden'; jsMath.styles['.typeset .mimg .xy'] = 'position:relative; left:0px; top:0px'; // for MSIE jsMath.styles['.typeset .mimg .h'] = 'position:relative; display:inline-block; width:0px'; /* * Replace the TeXIMG function with one that uses the sprite fonts */ if (!jsMath.Box) {jsMath.Box = {}} jsMath.Box.TeXIMG = function (font,C,size) { var c = jsMath.TeX[font][C]; if (c.img.reload && jsMath.Img[c.img.reload][font].loaded == 1) {delete c.img.reload; c.img.size = null} if (c.img.size != null && c.img.size == size && c.img.best != null && c.img.best == jsMath.Img.best) return; var mustScale = (jsMath.Img.scale != 1); var id = jsMath.Img.best + size - 4; if (id < 0) {id = 0; mustScale = 1} else if (id >= jsMath.Img.fonts.length) {id = jsMath.Img.fonts.length-1; mustScale = 1} var imgFont = jsMath.Img[jsMath.Img.fonts[id]][font]; if (!imgFont.loaded && jsMath.Browser.waitForImages) { // store information so several fonts can be loaded at once jsMath.Img.mustLoad[jsMath.Img.mustLoad.length] = [font,jsMath.Img.fonts[id]]; imgFont.loaded = -1; } var img = imgFont[C]; var scale = 1/jsMath.Img.w[jsMath.Img.fonts[id]]; if (id != jsMath.Img.best + size - 4) { if (c.w != null) {scale = c.w/img[0]} else { scale *= jsMath.Img.fonts[size]/jsMath.Img.fonts[4] * jsMath.Img.fonts[jsMath.Img.best]/jsMath.Img.fonts[id]; } } // get the metrics for the character glyph var bScale = jsMath.Browser.imgScale; if (img[3] == null) {img[3] = 0} var w = (img[0]-img[3])*scale; var h = img[1]*scale; var d = -img[2]*scale; var x = img[3]-imgFont.x[C%16]; var y = img[1]-img[2]-imgFont.y[Math.floor(C/16)]; var wh; var xy; var v; var ladjust = ""; var resize = ""; var vadjust; var wadjust; if ((mustScale || jsMath.Controls.cookie.scaleImg) && !jsMath.Browser.operaImageFonts) { w += 2/jsMath.em; h += 2/jsMath.em; d -= 1/jsMath.em; y += 1; x += 1; // try to adjust for rounding errors resize = "width:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(imgFont.wh[0]*scale*bScale)+";"; wh = "width:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(w*bScale)+";height:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(h*bScale)+";"; xy = "left:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(x*scale*bScale)+";top:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(y*scale*bScale)+";"; vadjust = "vertical-align:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(d*bScale)+";"; v = jsMath.HTML.Em(h+d); if (img[3]) {ladjust = "margin-left:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(-img[3]*scale*bScale)+";"} } else { if (jsMath.Browser.msieAlphaBug && jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha) { resize = "height:"+(imgFont.wh[1]*jsMath.Browser.imgScale)+"px;" + "width:"+(imgFont.wh[0]*jsMath.Browser.imgScale)+"px;"; } wh = "width:"+img[0]+"px; height:"+img[1]+"px;"; xy = "left:"+x+"px; top:"+y+"px;"; vadjust = "vertical-align:"+(-img[2])+"px;"; v = (img[1]-img[2])+"px"; if (img[3]) {ladjust = "margin-left:"+(-img[3])+"px;"} } wadjust = (c.w == null || Math.abs(c.w-w) < .01)? "" : " margin-right:"+jsMath.HTML.Em(c.w-w)+';'; if (img[2] == 0 || jsMath.Browser.valignBug) {vadjust = ""} // get the image var URL = jsMath.Img.URL(font,jsMath.Img.fonts[id],C); var IMG; if (jsMath.Browser.msieAlphaBug && jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha) { IMG = '' + '' + ''; } else { IMG = ''; } if (imgFont.loaded == -1) {IMG = ""; c.img.reload = jsMath.Img.fonts[id]} // get the HTML for cropping the image c.c = this.IMG(IMG,wh,vadjust,wadjust,ladjust,v,x,y,URL); c.tclass = "normal"; c.img.bh = h+d; c.img.bd = -d; c.img.size = size; c.img.best = jsMath.Img.best; }; /* * Default uses inline-box containing an image */ jsMath.Box.IMG = function (IMG,wh,vadjust,wadjust,ladjust,v,x,y,URL) { return '' + IMG + '' + jsMath.Browser.msieImgFontBBoxFix; }; /* * Opera bug in inline-block alignment forces use of background image */ jsMath.Box.IMG_opera = function (IMG,wh,vadjust,wadjust,ladjust,v,x,y,URL) { var html = ''; if (wadjust || ladjust) {html = '' + html + ''} return html; }; /* * Mozilla's -moz-inline-box has top aligned with baseline, so adjust */ jsMath.Box.IMG_mozilla = function (IMG,wh,vadjust,wadjust,ladjust,v,x,y,URL) { vadjust = "vertical-align:"+v+";"; var html = '' + '' + '' + IMG + '' + ''; if (wadjust || ladjust) {html = '' + html + ''} return html; }; /* * MSIE screws up vadjust on inline-box elements, so use absolute * positioning and an extra span to set the width and height */ jsMath.Box.IMG_msie = function (IMG,wh,vadjust,wadjust,ladjust,v,x,y,URL) { var html = '' + '' + '' + IMG + '' + '' + '' + ''; if (wadjust || ladjust) { html = jsMath.Browser.msieSpaceFix + '' + html + ''; } return html; }; if (!jsMath.Img) {jsMath.Img = {}} /* * Called by the exta-font definition files to add an image font * into the mix (save offset data and image size) */ jsMath.Img.AddFont = function (size,def) { if (!jsMath.Img[size]) {jsMath.Img[size] = {}}; for (var font in def) { def[font].x = def[font][128]; def[font].y = def[font][129]; def[font].wh = def[font][130]; delete def[font][128]; delete def[font][129]; delete def[font][130]; } jsMath.Add(jsMath.Img[size],def); }; /* * Get URL to directory for given font and size, based on the * user's alpha/plain setting */ jsMath.Img.URL = function (name,size) { if (size == null) {return this.root+name+'/font.js'} var type = (jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha) ? '/alpha/': '/plain/'; return this.root+name+type+size+'.png'; }; /* * Laod the data for an image font */ jsMath.Img.LoadFont = function (name) { if (jsMath.browser == 'OmniWeb' && !jsMath.Browser.hasInlineBlock) { jsMath.noImgFonts = 1; jsMath.Font.Check(); return; } if (!this.loaded) this.Init(); jsMath.Setup.Script(this.URL(name)); }; /* * Setup for print mode */ jsMath.Img.Init = function () { if ((jsMath.Controls.cookie.print || jsMath.Controls.cookie.stayhires) && !jsMath.Browser.operaImgFonts) { jsMath.Controls.cookie.print = jsMath.Controls.cookie.stayhires; this.factor *= 3; if (!jsMath.Controls.isLocalCookie || !jsMath.Global.isLocal) {jsMath.Controls.SetCookie(0)} if (jsMath.Browser.alphaPrintBug) {jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha = 0} } this.loaded = 1; jsMath.Browser.ImgFontInit(); jsMath.Img.root = jsMath.root + "fonts-sprite/"; }; if (!jsMath.Browser) {jsMath.Browser = {}} /* * These should be part of the regular browser * test functions */ jsMath.Browser.ImgFontInit = function () { this.msieImgFontBBoxFix = ''; if (jsMath.browser == 'Mozilla') { jsMath.Box.IMG = jsMath.Box.IMG_mozilla; } else if (jsMath.browser == 'Opera') { this.operaImageFonts = 1; jsMath.Box.IMG = jsMath.Box.IMG_opera; } else if (jsMath.browser == 'MSIE') { if (navigator.platform == 'MacPPC') { this.msieImgFontBBoxFix = 'x' } else { jsMath.Parser.prototype.oldTypeset = jsMath.Parser.prototype.Typeset; jsMath.Parser.prototype.Typeset = jsMath.Parser.prototype.msieTypeset; jsMath.Img.mustLoad = []; this.msieImageFonts = 1; jsMath.Controls.defaults.alpha = 0; if (!jsMath.Controls.userSet.alpha) {jsMath.Controls.cookie.alpha = 0} jsMath.Box.IMG = jsMath.Box.IMG_msie; } } jsMath.version += "-sp1.0"; }; if (!jsMath.Parser) {jsMath.Parser = {}} if (!jsMath.Parser.prototype) {jsMath.Parser.prototype = {}} /* * Handle loading of image files needed for this equation * (avoids MSIE bug where it will request the image more * than once if it is used more than once before it is * loaded.) */ jsMath.Parser.prototype.msieTypeset = function () { var HTML = this.oldTypeset(); if (jsMath.Img.mustLoad.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < jsMath.Img.mustLoad.length; i++) { var IMG = jsMath.Img.URL(jsMath.Img.mustLoad[i][0],jsMath.Img.mustLoad[i][1]); jsMath.Script.WaitForImage(IMG); jsMath.Img[jsMath.Img.mustLoad[i][1]][jsMath.Img.mustLoad[i][0]].loaded = 1; } jsMath.Img.mustLoad = []; jsMath.Translate.restart = 1; throw "restart"; } return HTML; }; /* * Override the control panel calls in order to * disable scaling in Opera. */ if (!jsMath.Controls) {jsMath.Controls = {}} /* * Add Opera calls to loading of control panel */ jsMath.Controls.Panel = function () { jsMath.Translate.Cancel(); if (this.loaded) { this.Main(); } else { jsMath.Script.delayedLoad(jsMath.root+"jsMath-controls.html"); jsMath.Script.Push(this,"OperaInit"); } }; /* * Disable hi-res fonts and image scaling in Opera */ jsMath.Controls.OperaMain = function (init) { if (!init) {this.OldMain()} jsMath.Element("_resolution").disabled = true; }; jsMath.Controls.OperaOptions = function () { this.OldOptions(); jsMath.Element("_scaleImg").disabled = true; jsMath.Element("_scaleImgText").className = "disabled"; }; jsMath.Controls.OperaInit = function () { if (!jsMath.Browser.operaImageFonts) return; this.OldMain = this.Main; this.Main = this.OperaMain; this.OldOptions = this.Options; this.Options = this.OperaOptions; this.OperaMain(1); };