/* * tex2math.js * * Part of the jsMath package for mathematics on the web. * * This file is a plugin that searches text wthin a web page * for \(...\), \[...\], $...$ and $$...$$ and converts them to * the appropriate ... or *
tags. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Davide P. Cervone * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ if (!jsMath.tex2math) {jsMath.tex2math = {}} // make sure jsMath.tex2math is defined if (!jsMath.tex2math.loaded) { // only load it once if (!jsMath.Controls) {jsMath.Controls = {}} if (!jsMath.Controls.cookie) {jsMath.Controls.cookie = {}} jsMath.Add(jsMath.tex2math,{ loaded: 1, window: window, /* * Call the main conversion routine with appropriate flags */ ConvertTeX: function (element) { this.Convert(element,{ processSingleDollars: 1, processDoubleDollars: 1, processSlashParens: 1, processSlashBrackets: 1, custom: 0, fixEscapedDollars: 1 }); }, ConvertTeX2: function (element) { this.Convert(element,{ processSingleDollars: 0, processDoubleDollars: 1, processSlashParens: 1, processSlashBrackets: 1, custom: 0, fixEscapedDollars: 0 }); }, ConvertLaTeX: function (element) { this.Convert(element,{ processSingleDollars: 0, processDoubleDollars: 0, processSlashParens: 1, processSlashBrackets: 1, custom: 0, fixEscapedDollars: 0 }); }, ConvertCustom: function (element) { this.Convert(element,{custom: 1, fixEscapedDollars: 0}); }, /*******************************************************************/ /* * Define a custom search by indicating the * strings to use for starting and ending * in-line and display mathematics */ CustomSearch: function (iOpen,iClose,dOpen,dClose) { this.inLineOpen = iOpen; this.inLineClose = iClose; this.displayOpen = dOpen; this.displayClose = dClose; this.createPattern('customPattern',new RegExp( '('+this.patternQuote(dOpen)+'|' +this.patternQuote(iOpen)+'|' +this.patternQuote(dClose)+'|' +this.patternQuote(iClose)+'|\\\\.)','g' )); }, patternQuote: function (s) { s = s.replace(/([\^(){}+*?\-|\[\]\:\\])/g,'\\$1'); return s; }, /* * MSIE on the Mac doesn't handle lastIndex correctly, so * override it and implement it correctly. */ createPattern: function (name,pattern) { jsMath.tex2math[name] = pattern; if (this.fixPatterns) { pattern.oldExec = pattern.exec; pattern.exec = this.msiePatternExec; } }, msiePatternExec: function (string) { if (this.lastIndex == null) (this.lastIndex = 0); var match = this.oldExec(string.substr(this.lastIndex)); if (match) {this.lastIndex += match.lastIndex} else {this.lastIndex = null} return match; }, /*******************************************************************/ /* * Set up for the correct type of search, and recursively * convert the mathematics. Disable tex2math if the cookie * isn't set, or of there is an element with ID of 'tex2math_off'. */ Convert: function (element,flags) { this.Init(); if (!element) {element = jsMath.document.body} if (typeof(element) == 'string') {element = jsMath.document.getElementById(element)} if (jsMath.Controls.cookie.tex2math && (!jsMath.tex2math.allowDisableTag || !jsMath.document.getElementById('tex2math_off'))) { this.custom = 0; for (var i in flags) {this[i] = flags[i]} if (this.custom) { this.pattern = this.customPattern; this.ProcessMatch = this.customProcessMatch; } else { this.pattern = this.stdPattern; this.ProcessMatch = this.stdProcessMatch; } if (this.processDoubleDollars || this.processSingleDollars || this.processSlashParens || this.processSlashBrackets || this.custom) this.ScanElement(element); } }, /* * Recursively look through a document for text nodes that could * contain mathematics. */ ScanElement: function (element,ignore) { if (!element) {element = jsMath.document.body} if (typeof(element) == 'string') {element = jsMath.document.getElementById(element)} while (element) { if (element.className == null) {element.className = ''} if (element.nodeName == '#text') { if (!ignore) {element = this.ScanText(element)} } else if (element.firstChild && element.className != 'math') { var off = ignore || element.className == 'tex2math_ignore' || (element.tagName && element.tagName.match(/^(script|noscript|style|textarea|pre)$/i)); off = off && element.className != 'tex2math_process'; this.ScanElement(element.firstChild,off); } if (element) {element = element.nextSibling} } }, /* * Looks through a text element for math delimiters and * process them. If
tags are found in the middle, they * are ignored (this is for BBS systems that have editors * that insert these automatically). */ ScanText: function (element) { if (element.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/,'') == '') {return element} var match; var prev; this.search = {}; while (element) { this.pattern.lastIndex = 0; while (element && element.nodeName == '#text' && (match = this.pattern.exec(element.nodeValue))) { this.pattern.match = match; element = this.ProcessMatch(match[0],match.index,element); } if (this.search.matched) {element = this.EncloseMath(element)} if (!element) {return null} prev = element; element = element.nextSibling; while (element && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br') {prev = element; element = element.nextSibling} if (!element || element.nodeName != '#text') {return prev} } return element; }, /* * If a matching end tag has been found, process the mathematics. * Otherwise, update the search data for the given delimiter, * or ignore it, as the item dictates. */ stdProcessMatch: function (match,index,element) { if (match == this.search.end) { this.search.close = element; this.search.clength = match.length; this.search.cpos = this.pattern.lastIndex; element = this.EncloseMath(element); } else { switch (match) { case '\\(': if (this.search.end == null || (this.search.end != '$' && this.search.end != '$$') && this.processSlashParens) { this.ScanMark('span',element,'\\)'); } break; case '\\[': if (this.search.end == null || (this.search.end != '$' && this.search.end != '$$') && this.processSlashBrackets) { this.ScanMark('div',element,'\\]'); } break; case '$$': if (this.processDoubleDollars) { var type = (this.doubleDollarsAreInLine? 'span': 'div'); this.ScanMark(type,element,'$$'); } break; case '$': if (this.search.end == null && this.processSingleDollars) { this.ScanMark('span',element,'$'); } break; case '\\$': if (this.search.end == null && this.fixEscapedDollars) { element.nodeValue = element.nodeValue.substr(0,index) + element.nodeValue.substr(index+1); } break; } } return element; }, /* * If a matching end tag has been found, process the mathematics. * Otherwise, update the search data for the given delimiter, * or ignore it, as the item dictates. */ customProcessMatch: function (match,index,element) { if (match == this.search.end) { this.search.close = element; this.search.clength = match.length; this.search.cpos = this.pattern.lastIndex; this.search.matched = 1; } else if (match == this.inLineOpen) { if (this.search.matched) {element = this.EncloseMath(element)} this.ScanMark('span',element,this.inLineClose); } else if (match == this.displayOpen) { if (this.search.matched) {element = this.EncloseMath(element)} this.ScanMark('div',element,this.displayClose); } return element; }, /* * Return a structure that records the starting location * for the math element, and the end delimiter we want to find. */ ScanMark: function (type,element,end) { var len = this.pattern.match[1].length; this.search = { type: type, end: end, open: element, olength: len, pos: this.pattern.lastIndex - len }; }, /*******************************************************************/ /* * Surround the mathematics by an appropriate * SPAN or DIV element marked as CLASS="math". */ EncloseMath: function (element) { if (this.callback) {if (!this.callback()) {return null}} var search = this.search; var close = search.close; if (search.cpos == close.length) {close = close.nextSibling} else {close = close.splitText(search.cpos)} if (!close) {close = jsMath.document.createTextNode("")} if (element == search.close) {element = close} var math = search.open.splitText(search.pos); while (math.nextSibling && math.nextSibling != close) { if (math.nextSibling.nodeValue) {math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue} else {math.nodeValue += ' '} math.parentNode.removeChild(math.nextSibling); } var TeX = math.nodeValue.substr(search.olength, math.nodeValue.length-search.olength-search.clength); math.parentNode.removeChild(math); math = this.createMathTag(search.type,TeX); // // This is where older, buggy browsers can fail under unpredicatble // circumstances, so we trap errors and at least get to continue // with the rest of the math. (## should add error message ##) // try { if (close && close.parentNode) { close.parentNode.insertBefore(math,close); } else if (search.open.nextSibling) { search.open.parentNode.insertBefore(math,search.open.nextSibling); } else { search.open.parentNode.appendChild(math); } } catch (err) {} this.search = {}; this.pattern.lastIndex = 0; return math; }, /* * Create an element for the mathematics */ createMathTag: function (type,text) { var tag = jsMath.document.createElement(type); tag.className = "math"; var math = jsMath.document.createTextNode(text); tag.appendChild(math); return tag; }, // // MSIE won't let you insert a DIV within tags that are supposed to // contain in-line data (like

or ), so we have to fake it // using SPAN tags that force the formatting to work like DIV. We // use a separate SPAN that is the full width of the containing // item, and that has the margins and centering from the div.typeset // style. // MSIEcreateMathTag: function (type,text) { var tag = jsMath.document.createElement("span"); tag.className = "math"; text = text.replace(//g,'>'); if (type == 'div') { tag.className = ""; tag.style.width = "100%"; tag.style.margin = jsMath.tex2math.margin; tag.style.display = "inline-block"; text = '\\displaystyle{'+text+'}'; if (jsMath.tex2math.center) { tag.style.textAlign = "center"; text = ''+text+'' } } tag.innerHTML = text; return tag; }, /*******************************************************************/ Init: function () { if (this.inited || !jsMath.browser) return /* * MSIE can't handle the DIV's properly, so we need to do it by * hand. Look up the style for typeset math to see if the user * has changed it, and get whether it is centered or indented * so we can mirror that using a SPAN */ if (jsMath.browser == 'MSIE' && navigator.platform == 'Win32') { this.createMathTag = this.MSIEcreateMathTag; this.margin = ""; this.center = 0; for (var i = 0; i < jsMath.document.styleSheets.length; i++) { var rules = jsMath.document.styleSheets[i].cssRules; if (!rules) {rules = jsMath.document.styleSheets[i].rules} for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { if (rules[j].selectorText.toLowerCase() == 'div.typeset') { if (rules[j].style.margin != "") {this.margin = rules[j].style.margin} this.center = (rules[j].style.textAlign == 'center'); } } } } this.inited = 1; }, /* * Test to see if we need to override the pattern exec() call * (for MSIE on the Mac). */ TestPatterns: function () { var pattern = /a/g; var match = pattern.exec("xax"); this.fixPatterns = (pattern.lastIndex != 2 && match.lastIndex == 2); } }); /* * Initialize */ if (jsMath.Controls.cookie.tex2math == null) {jsMath.Controls.cookie.tex2math = 1} if (jsMath.tex2math.allowDisableTag == null) {jsMath.tex2math.allowDisableTag = 1} jsMath.tex2math.TestPatterns(); jsMath.tex2math.createPattern('stdPattern',/(\\[\(\)\[\]$]|\$\$|\$)/g); }